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Everything posted by Acky

  1. You're found at the base of the Drypeak Mountains, which is where Geneforge 2 took place, in Drypeak Valley specificly. You were heavily shaped, then shaped again, and then more so. You may have been changed so much that your face and voice changed as well. Eventually, you lost all of your memories. You never find out who you are. So whoever you want your character to supposed to be, its but to you. Edit: It makes you want to know more. The Last Archon
  2. Tried it about a dozen separate times. I restarted my computer, it still didn't work. I turned off my computer, turned it back on, and it still wasn't working properly. Than I waited about two hours before I tried it again, and it continues to be defiant. So this is not a one-time thing. The Last Archon
  3. His? Stareye, I'm very sorry for breaking the rules, but I was beckoned to beat everyone else to it. The Last Archon
  4. I'm not sure what happened. I was loading a new scenario into the Scenario folder, then tried to open Blades of Avernum, next thing I know the screen, when it should be going black, goes ghost white and a little message comes up saying that Data Execution Prevention has closed it. Does anyone know whats going on? The Last Archon
  5. I always had the impression that it was about the size of Austrailia. The Last Archon
  6. Blades of Avernum almost put the company out of buisness, unfortunatly. So I'm sorry, but there will most probably never be a Blades of Geneforge But the good news is that the Blades of Avernum community is alive and well. The Geneforge world can be easily set in the BoA engine, aside from obvious differences, such as not being able to create creations. Someone is already trying to create a Geneforge based scenario, as a matter of fact, (And from the looks at the screenshots, succeeding.) Edit: Sniped by Tarson. The Last Archon
  7. I'm a little confused on something; how does the scenario submission exactly work? We send it to Lazarus, then take it through Beta Testing, then send this final version to Lazarus? Simple as that? The Last Archon
  8. I would like to judge, if needed. Assuming I can judge and participate at the same time. The Last Archon
  9. /submits Master Ackrovan into the contest [insert appropriate trash-talking here.] ...Or some other terrian type I'll be out designing you in On the subject of the Tenth of May, I'm good. TBA could use some inspiration. The Last Archon
  10. Naw. You don't really need A4 to understand what happens in A5. And thats speaking from experience. There is a DL plot in A4, but its a sideshow. The Last Archon
  11. He is. The mayor of New Hartson talks about him a bit. The Last Archon
  12. So A6 is gonna be a spin off? Full House: Vanhatai Version The Last Archon
  13. I'm sorry, but it appears not . I'm out of ideas at least. The Last Archon
  14. Did you report Monarchs death to General Greta? That might have sent her north. In fact, as soon as you enter a Burwood area, both of them leave. The Last Archon
  15. Find out who killed them? The Last Archon
  16. I think Guardian Makar in Kratoa-Kel is the only Shaper that seems to comment that you've been using canisters. You get a message that you are feeling this huge urge to fight the Dera guards at Dera Bridge if you have any creations with you, but this can be avoided if you have enough Leadership. On my Pure Loyalist run I didn't get that message. I'm a little sad that Jeff took out those encounters. It made G4 so profoundly different when it comes to shaping yourself that the other Geneforges did. And I miss squashing all those who challenge my authority and power. The Last Archon
  17. Did Jeff ever release the source code for Exile 1-3, or was that just BoE? The Last Archon
  18. I see those name placement powers are coming along nicely. The Last Archon
  19. Which cloak and which shield? Generally, I find it better to get the Medics Sustainer, the Firesteel Gauntlets, the Assassins Boots, and the Black Iron Greaves for Agent/Infiltraitor runs. The Last Archon
  20. So you admit that you plot against the Archon, and seek to destroy him once and for all? Or just scare his Grandma to death with that vid? The Last Archon
  21. Does your excuse for my mom star in it! The Last Archon
  22. Is the conversation more meaningful? Does it produce something? Or do you just get kicks out of kicking me around . The Last Archon
  23. Meh. I like the solitude of the only one working. It has the advantage of me not having to deal with people, since getting more of the quality information (was that too subtle of an advertisement ?) down is the most important thing. What I really need are some Loyalists. So any Loyalists/Trakovites, feel free to sign up and help out for a tick, and too make sure the information isn't to biased for the rebels. Quote: But then, I'm rather surprised Ackrovan didn't fill you in on this, given how much he's contributed to multiple GF wikis. Oh Slarty, you flatter the Archon The Last Archon
  24. This sounds strange, but this may be something from G2. There were puresteel rings that you could give this guy during the game. Even though Puresteel eventually became a Special Item, perhaps Jeff never took it out of the games, sorta like the "dbugkill" cheat. The Last Archon
  25. Was it in a Ring graphic, or a bar of Iron graphic? The Last Archon
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