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Everything posted by Acky

  1. No, a mad Lifecrafter called Sammann. He used too many canisters and, well, you can picture the rest of it. The Last Archon
  2. Really? I cleared out the whole place, and the Shaper never did anything about it. He was even willing to talk to me afterwards. The Last Archon
  3. Nope. There a good source of Reaper ammo too. The Last Archon
  4. You need to get the information at the Storm Planes camp. Remember, boxes are your friends. You also need to have done the earlier Bennhold quests. Edit: Thats what I get for going to the bathroom while writing a post The Last Archon
  5. For number two, you can see the value of an item by holding the cursor over it. The Last Archon
  6. If people are not understanding what your saying (not sure how since I can understand what you are saying) than perhaps you should try using Babble Fish . Write your respective language, and then translate it. Hope this helps. The Last Archon
  7. You can kill Plantano and still not get the Rawal ending. The last rewards are pretty sweet. I actually tried something like this in on of my runthroughs. I managed to switch between three factions (Astoria-Ghaldring-Alwan) before I was satisfied. Edit: Snipied by Le Imp! The Last Archon
  8. I'm not sure if the ability to mantic save-and-reload is that bad. If a player wants to, they can never save (in this case until they leave a scenario) and still play the game. What's wrong with giving casual gamers the option to just stroll around? As you're just showing, no one has to use the Quicksave/load if they want to. But anyway, good luck. Let's see how far you get. The Last Archon
  9. Did you forget about the Autosave? Try this cheat: pleaselikeme You'll have to come back to the area for it to work (Check Autosave before this though) The Last Archon
  10. So, what was a more fantastic end battle to the Geneforge series? In your opinion. Both are very well done. But the Rebel end game is too me is much more clamatic. And more difficult. Being able to destroy the Shaper council once and for all was just awesome. It is also the closes Geneforge comes since G1 to a full on, huge battle. The Last Archon
  11. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=166893#Post166893 Still just getting an ugly white screen. I can't figure it out. This has never happened before. Heck, I didn't even know this Data Prevention existed until now. The Last Archon
  12. You tell people how to cheat all the time. In fact, putting it in a spoiler tag probably temps people even more to click it. The Last Archon
  13. *Bump* Well, I'm out for now. Not unless I resolve this issue soon. The Last Archon
  14. I had to (re)download The Tripple Valley, Iffy's second scenario. Thats what I find the strangest. This scenario had already been in my Scenario folder. So how come this particular download didn't work? I got them from the same place (the download link that was posted here). The Last Archon
  15. The moderators won't ban you for disagreeing with them about a game's mechanics. Esspecially these mods. They aren't all that bad. Save the ones who don't post. Its the admins you need to watch out for. They're lose cannons. Esspecially this one. He posts. Regularly The Last Archon
  16. Still nothing. The Last Archon
  17. Just check it. No, its not a quest. Just makes you a good patron. The Last Archon
  18. Isn't Miranda the name of his second daughter? The Last Archon
  19. I must be doing something wrong. I've put Blades of Avernum (and the editor/and without the editor on it) on the list, clicked the second botton on the top, clicked Apply and Okay at the same and separete times. And I am still getting the white screen. I've even restarted my computer several times. *grumble* The Last Grumbling Archon
  20. Can he? Geneforge can be 99 hours, if you count playing multiple playthroughs. Each is about 25 hours for me. The Last Archon
  21. *Checks sticker on the corner of labtop, and thanks the gods that it escaped his sticker purge* Vista. Thanks for the FAQ, though I'm still a bit confused on how to get the damn thing off. The Last Archon
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