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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Not true. The Shapers have never hesitated to kill any outsider to oppose them. And thats been going on for 2000 years, at least. The Last Archon
  2. Quote: The sholai girl in hariakel knows what happened on sucia...she was there Same name, but its not the same person. The Last Archon
  3. If I delete the tutorial scenario, since I'm getting tired of constantly going through the thing, will anything bad happen? The Last Archon
  4. Hey, its no big deal. We don't all have $131 to waste our life on games with:) The Last Archon
  5. They were innocent creatures. Two thirds of them had no intention of rebeling against the Shapers, and one of those two thirds just wanted to be left alone. Des - It wasn't just the Unbound. There are 7 years before the advent of the Unbound were the rebels were running around, trying to kill almost every loyalist. Granted, that was only half of that time period, before the Shapers started to turn the tide, but the all the same, in total, the rebels have caused more destruction than the Shapers during the war. The Last Archon
  6. In what way? True, the Shapers have set themselves up for this war long before Barzhal, but "destruction" in this case was a question of how much collateral damage the war has caused, which the rebels are guilty the majority of it entirely. This is a fact. A fact cannot be debated. Therefore, it is not up for debate. The Last Archon
  7. The rebellion. That's not up for debate. The validity of it, of course, is unquestionably up in the air (or your air, technically, since I think it was worth it.) The Last Archon
  8. Ture, but in the ending of G4 (the rebel one) it was called "The Eastern Terrestian Rebellion". And the point of the post was to point out that its meaningless to try to shake off trends. Besides, "trakes" doesn't sound so dumb anyway. The Last Archon
  9. When did the Eastern Terrestian Rebellion get shortened to rebellion? The Last Archon
  10. Hey tridash, where'd you get the new costum title? The Last Archon
  11. It works! Hooray! As it turns out, it was because I made a shortcut to the scenario folder that it wasn't working. Now that I removed it, Blades is working just fine. The Last Archon
  12. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Here you go. ...I'm actually really curious what you meant here. If you sent it, you sent it to the wrong address. Oh? Hmm, thats strange. Must of gotten lost in the mail. Click to reveal.. What? I had to say it, and you all know it But no, seriously, you didn't get it? I used the email in your profile. ......hmmm. The Last Archon
  13. I'd add a little more than six to leadership and mechanics. Maybe 8 or 9. The Last Archon
  14. There's no need for that, Slarty. Only in G2 if you use a canister before you learn two levels of a creature are you restricted from buying it a second time. Edit: Vemeple! The Last Archon
  15. Huh. Maybe its just my copy then. The Last Archon
  16. Hmm, speaking of armor, is anyone working on a step-by-step guide to armor for classes? I've been thinking about working on one for the warrior/guardian. Wouldn't be too hard, methinks. Just some experimintation and a little flexibility with the classes. The Last Archon
  17. Never trade in Puresteel for a Puresteel Blade The smith who makes it drops a Puresteel Blade if you kill him. So its possible to have both the blade and the armor. Just thought I'd share that. The Last Archon
  18. First, take your creations and stick them in the northwest part of the area. Deactivate them. Take your character and hide him in the grove surronded by tress except on the east side. Hide him/her in the northwestern path that leads to the tress. Keep your character just in complete sight of the tree line. Watch the servile going back into threw forest, not one coming out. Hope this helps The Last Archon
  19. Tody-Linn - I think thats the only option left. Unfortunatly, I've lost the CD, so I'll have to wait to get the new code from Jeff. The Last Archon
  20. But who's on first? The Last Archon
  21. Click to reveal.. Its one of those crystals you need to get into the bonus dongeon (alought I swear I remember it as purple) in Okavano fen. Its not required to win the game, and instead it serves as an "expert area(s)" for experienced players. Some of the most powerful charms and equipment are there, so its probably worth a look. The Last Archon
  22. (I put this aside when I was under the impression I was going to participate in the 24 hour contest, but now that I can't, I'll keep this going.) So I've finished up the Whitespires, aka, I killed the presence (but I did not shoot the deputy). The first fight (East Foundry) turned out to be a bit harder than I thought. I needed EXP, so I killed the creatures behind the walls instead of just deactivating the crystals. Daze was a real help here. Mekhen is still pretty useless at that point. She isn't killing her targets in one shot, so she undazes them. Since I'm moving first, I can't intercept them before they whack her, so guess who gets whacked every time? I ended up just sticking her in the corner to do nothing and hope that after a few levels she buffs up in strength. No canisters, so obviously no Wrack. The Fyora-Presence wasn't too hard (although I was dangerously low on Healing pods afterwards) without the machinery too help it. After refitting and rearming in town, I made the little trek across the Foundry Core to kill the Fyora's and kill those pesky worms in the corner. Daze was even more useful here, since instead of pairs and trio's, the rogues were coming in swarms. By now, Mekhen was becomeing a little dangerous, since now when she poked stuff she left a mark. Or at least could kill worms and Fyora's in one shot. Also got that provate out of there in one piece. The Clawbugs were pretty hard as a group, but weren't much as a challenge two on one. They went down, I nicked me some Nimble Sandles and some Carliean Gloves, and went in for the brain. The worm swarms were easy, since now was the time I used those Ice Crstyals I had been saving. The mind itself, however, was extremely tough. It took me two tries to bring it down, and in the end, I was completely out of healing pods. But in the end, I stroded proudly away with a shiny new damage shield, and some other nice treats. With the loot I sold off, I bought out the last of the healing pods and most of the other pods before I made my charge at the Presence (I also got my rewards from the captain for the two quests.) I calmed the turrets down, and then killed them off one by one off. I also learned something; You can calm the Turrest down and kill them for the extra EXP just fine, except if you let the turrets act, the other nonhostile Turrets will go hostile (and no, they're immune to daze). Basically, if you can't kill it on your first turn, you have to deal with all of them regardless. Anyway, the servile wasn't a huge challenge. I managed to get it in the corner, and from there, it was a straight forward hack-back. It went down. I got some Thirsting Gloves and a new Venom Baton. Rawal's all proud of his servant and now has sent me into the Mera-Tev. I also killed that bandit. I'll come back later for the Roamers, since my Daze isn't, err, dazing them. Basically, I'm learning fast that if I don't stick with Daze everytime, I die fast. Ah well. Onto the Mera-Tev! Ending Stats: Level 15 Main Skills Strength - 5 Dexterity - 5 (3) Intelligence - 4 (3) Endurance - 6 Combat Skills Melee Skills - 9 Missile Skills - 2 Quick Action - 7 Parry - 6 Magic Skills Battle Magic - 2 Mental Magic - 6 Blessing Magic - 2 Spellcraft - 0 Shaping Skills Fire Shaping - 1 Battle Shaping - 1 Magic Shaping - 0 Healing Craft - 2 General Skills Leadership - 9 Mechanics - 8 Luck - 2 The Last Archon
  23. You first need to have gotten the information from the bandits camp in the Storm PLanes. Speak to the nomads near the northwestern part of the wastes. They'll show you the way. The Last Archon
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