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Everything posted by Acky

  1. You could start saying loyalist things and actions. Killing the rebels in the white wastes are a big turner, as long as you don't intend to join Taygen. The other way you can get into Control Core B is by doing the second quest for the Trakovites, but that would obviously take longer. Speak to Shaper Connan in the Lethia Pass to shift your rep towards the Shapers, and speak to Greta in Gazaki-Uss to shift it towards the rebels. It will take some effort, but you can manage your rep if you haven't gone too far into the game. I would recomend saving before you do it just to be sure though. The Great Archon
  2. Ask the forth option to get the quest(something like, "I want to fight for the Shapers). You need a Shaper reputation to get the quest anyway. The Great Archon
  3. I would like to create a centralized source for all articles ever written for BoA (something like the Designer's Forum at the Lycuem, just for BoA. The list of Articles on Spiderweb isn't quite complete. I intend to host it on my site. Here are the Articles that I have 1. It's all about size by Jeff Vogel 2. What about Shareware fees by Jeff Vogel 3. Common Mistakes by Jeff Vogel 4. You shall not pass! by Jeff Vogel 5. Tips for Creating Challenging Monsters by Drakefyre 6. Why? by Drakefyre 7. Player vs. Party by The Creator 8. Choices and Linearity by Drakefyre 9. Creating Compelling Characters by The Creator 10. Basic But Vital Tips by Terror's Martyr 11. Bob By The Creator 12. Building the Basic Quest by Jeff Vogel 13. Useful Dialogue Tips By Isaac 14. The Responsive World By Drakefyre 15. Designing a Quality Town By Drakefyre 16. Good Bad Guys By The Creator 17. Hey! What did you do that for? By The Creator 18. A General Item Overview By Drakefyre 19. Don't Draw Focus! By The Creator 20. Filler By The Creator 21. Follow the Yellow Brick Road By Terror's Martyr 22. High Level Scenarios By Kelandon 23. Cutscenes: A Tutorial by Kelandon 24. Your First Scenario by The Creator 25. Building Blocks for a Scenario by The Creator 26. Ten Dread Diseases of Scenarios by The Creator 27. Playing Scenario's Critically by Terrors Martyr 28. Karma, Dharma and Somesuch By Terror's Martyr 29. Creating An Atmosphere by Vent 30. The Challenge Pits By Stareye (*i) 31. Rollick by Thuryl 32. Dice, Random Numbers, and Statistics for BoA Designers by Stareye (*i) 33. Article: Basic Scripting For Complete Beginners by Kelandon I'm posting this because it is quite possible that I am missing some. So please, if you are aware of any articles that I am missing, please post a link of send it or send me a copy via Email at ackrovan@gmail.com The Great Archon
  4. So, I open up my scenario to work on it again. I save it, than opened another scenario to get a graphic, and than saved the scenario I opened over the scenario I was trying to make. .... So yeah, this ain't over Nikki. If you think I'll give up because of that, you have another thing coming. The Great Archon
  5. Starting back in at 10:34 PM The Great Archon
  6. Clocking out at 8:14 Eastern Standard Time The Great Archon
  7. Clocking In at 4:37 Eastern Standard Time The Great Archon
  8. Lightning Aura isn't actually the one that replaced it. It was Shocking Rain. The Great Archon
  9. The Awakened themselves aren't remembered, but their morals are. Penta is the exact same thing as Vakkiri, just 80 or so years later. It is a little sad to see them gone for so long, but at least the essence of their belief's remain. The Great Archon
  10. I liked Medab the best. Not for any particular reason; just for the fact that it's Nostalgic. The Great Archon
  11. You've already locked yourself out. If those mines go off, either a Battle Beta, an Ur-Glaahk, or a Cryodrayk will come out and say hello. Aside from Exp, you didn't miss anything. The Great Archon
  12. You need two stone tablets, which can be found inside Berneii-Eno. The Great Archon
  13. I would love to see an MMO Geneforge. Showing off my powers to weaklings would have been glorious . But sadly, that shall never happen. Oh well. The Great Archon
  14. Quote: I'm sorry to disappoint you, Ackrovan, but I managed to escape the elaborate trap you set for me. Next time, try picking a ravenous monster I can't kill with both hands tied behind my back. Darn it. That's it; I'm putting a Talking Cave Tree ( ) in my scenario. That's the only way I can recover from this failer. The Great Archon
  15. Quote: Really, Ackrovan singlehandedly wrecked what could have been a decent struggle. I would have lost my muscle, and I'd have been forced to aid the DLs against the Anama. Seriously, Ackrovan. Don't spill out all the info without contacting at least one ally who's in the know. If you had just waited, you wouldn't have gotten all of your allies killed. Yeah. Totally my fault. Sorry about my epic fail. The Last Archon
  16. Lazarus is trying to. Aside from me and Lazarus, I believe that everyone else has surrendered, and allowed themselves to go back to their life. So its probably going to be a small contest. That said, I'll be damned if I'm letting you take the newbie spot The Last Archon
  17. Essence Lances, basically, is a more powerful version of Lightning Aura. You're thinking of the spell Essence Orbs, which was taken out of the this game, and replaced with Shocking Rain. The Last Archon
  18. I believe there are two or three boats you can use specificly for this reason. Go back to the place where you got this boat and see if there is another. As for recovering that boat, pretty much. The Last Archon
  19. What? That made as much sense as this: Hey, you almost have 1500 posts! And it only took you almost 9 years! Good job. The Last Archon
  20. Edit: Nevermind. I got it. Thanks anyway The Last Archon
  21. It's all right if it sucks. We just need something to counter Nikki . The Last Archon
  22. I would have liked have to been able to add certin magical effects to my creations. The twin spirit's, rune's add etc. The Last Archon
  23. I like Geneal Greta the most. She's sincere about supporting the Rebellion, remembers what the rebellion is fightning for, and still has that Agent charm about her. The Last Archon
  24. Not in Geneforge 3-5. You could be trained in Gazars in G2 (and drakons), but no, you have to you canisters to get Gazars. Edit: Sniped by Thuryl The Last Archon
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