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Everything posted by Acky

  1. You probably want some more Intelligence so you can make some more creations. But you seem to be doing fine. Edit: Darn it, beaten by Randomizer The Great Archon
  2. I remember getting surronded by Chitarches while just exiting Formello to the south. They killed my party very quickly. btw, you don't have to lol at everything The Great Archon
  3. Depends. Sometimes around 500 or so, put it isn't that consistant. The Great Archon
  4. If a thread gets to long, then the UBB (the software of the forum) deletes it to save room. Ergo, it eats it. The Great Archon
  5. Spliting them into books is probably for the best. We don't want the thread to get to long and have the UBB start eating it. Great Story. I hope to see it for many more chapters. The Great Archon
  6. (clears throat) After furious discussion, we decided that we are going to help Learned Dominic with her two problems to maximize exp and rewards. We hope that Alwan will understand. (as you can see, I'm not playing a pure Loyalist) We slipped back into the northeastern swamp and nicked ourselves a Tinkers Bauble. The Rotghroth almost got us, but Sarah quickly entered Combat mode so it went on by. We've put killing it and the Artilas on our list of things to do when we're level 30ish. We went into the woods south of Penta and started to clear out the Roamer packs with their Vlish maintenance. We dazed them, and then concentrated our creations towards the Vlish. Afterwards, the Roamers were barely a threat to our pretty selves. Several times, we didn't daze and still could breeze through the packs. A Vlish nailed a good shot on Sarah with its Poison bolt one time, but Philip pinned it to some trees and tore it up. Me and Sarah stumbled upon some rogue serviles in the northwest corner of the woods. We didn't even need to talk to them; we quickly saw they were rogues and destroyed them. Being Serviles, their quite fragile. Two or three bolts from Methane could take them out. The Batons were quite nasty as far as damage, however. The leader got tangled by Philip while the rest of the group went around and took care of the servile refugee's. The leader dies last, and drops a pretty Thahd tunic. The strength won't do much, buts its better then the Spiderskin Robe we were wearing. We leveled up for clearing out all the rogues. We increased Intelligence again, allowing us to get enough essence for our new Vlish, Apple. He was given two points of Dexterity from birth, but in retrospect, that was probably a waste. Ah well. Dikiyoba: No, I don't. I'm sure I can find one though. The Great Archon
  7. As long as Rentar is still dead, I'll be safisfied. The Great Archon
  8. Click to reveal.. Yep. Thats exactly right. I think its 10 Leadership SD: I just checked and you are indeed the victor in this battle of info. The Great Archon
  9. Interesting discovery: Melanchion was used in G2 for a Gazer that wants you to kill Syros. The Great Archon
  10. Randomizer: Did Jeff start the Mac Beta already, or are you just told ahead of time because you're that awesome? The Great Archon
  11. I'd be a little surprised if the Dragons don't play a part in all this. So many two-leggers running around, disrespecting them.... The Great Archon
  12. Actually, even if you don't take canisters, you still get angry at Makar. You get the exact same dialouge either with canisters or without them. So that one fight is the only time canisters actually matter. The Great Archon
  13. Good lord, those graphics are sweet. I'm very glad that Jeff made the in-game menu/party selecter the same as G5. This game will kick ass. The Blight? Awesome name. The Slith Horde? I'm getting that stomach-quenching feelings. The Great Archon
  14. You really need to expand your view on mainstream games. There are a LOT more main stream games that are not 1st person shooters then there are first person shooters. And theres a lot of innovation. On the flip side, I see little innovation on the hands of small-scale games. Jeff makes excellent single-player RPG's, no doubt about it, but there never ground breaking. Even Geneforge is pretty much a regular fantasy RPG with a Science Fiction twist. PS: Fallout 3 was never meant to go with the early games. It was meant as a stand-alone product, which is why its so different from the earlier Fallouts. They named it 3 because it is the third in the series, not because its the third Fallout game. Also, Fallout can be played in a 3rd person perspective. The Great Archon
  15. I'm going on a stretch here, but if Jeff first wrote in the begining text that she is from the Shaper Council, not part of it, then its a mistake on Jeffs part. Therefore, she is just an Agent from the Council sent from Alwan. The Great Archon
  16. South of Penta, a servile town in northwest part of the Mera-Tev. When you get to Below Nodye Pass area, go west. The Great Archon
  17. You don't even have to kill the Shapers. They're neutral every time unless the guards have seen you and reported you.
  18. Dahak made a list of endings here: http://geneforge5.webs.com/ending.htm Just so you know, they're not organized, so you'll likely ruin the rest of the endings for you. The Great Archon
  19. Not really. A N.Y. state citizen wouldn't say "There are two of us in the Senate."
  20. I can confirm on what Barzhal has said. The Great Archon
  21. Geneforge 2 is nostalgic. Geneforge 4 has a beautiful, novel plot. Geneforge 1 has got the most freedom and rollick. Geneforge 3 brought about many great engine changes. Geneforge 5 has the most epic feel to it. Hard to say. I love them all, but its really a tie between Geneforge 5 and 4. How I love being a Lifecrafter. The Great Archon
  22. It's his game. He bought it. Who cares how he wants to enjoy it? The Great Archon
  23. There's at least one mage that casts it in the Eastern Citadel Ward area when your attacking it as a rebel. She switches between that and Puriying Rain.
  24. I tried out G2 on a demo site called wild games. I enjoyed it, and got the rest of the games after. The Great Archon
  25. One thing you should keep in mind is usage of AoE (Area of Effect) spells (shocking rain, purifying rain, and acid shower). Use them sparingly; they'll get a whole swarm after you, plus they'll dedaze enemies. After running two-and-two-third Agents, I think I've managed to find a tatic that will can work around this. Once you get the Dominate spell from Stormhold (AoE spells will become accessible at this time as well), try this. When engaging a swarm, first daze the group to ensure your saftey. Charm the enemies closest to you. After that, cast and AoE. The enemies that are not under your control should go after the enemies closest to them, meaning their charmed friends. You can usually get away with casting an AoE spell about three times before they focus on you, or when the charm runs out. The Great Archon
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