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Everything posted by Acky

  1. You could play Geneforge 4 and see them yourself. Its a great game! Someone already posted a whole map of Eastern Terrestia. Check the Geneforge 4 Strategy central for a link. Although, there is the perdicament of stealing someone elses work.
  2. This Geneforge is the last Geneforge game. If Spiderweb does intend to make another, it won't be until after A6 and the next game that comes after that. And even before that, Spiderweb intends to remake the Avernum's 1-3 to the new engine. The Last Archon
  3. If you aren't a spell caster, then you'll have to reily on Rotghroths or better yet Rotdihzons. It takes longer, but it can still whittle down the Drakons health, leaving you free to kill the Creator and the Shades at your leasure. The Last Archon
  4. You could try the patch at the of this forum. The Last Archon
  5. The doors east of Ghaldrings chamber, where you meet him. You can't get through unless its the Loyalist factions / tralovite endgame. The Last Archon
  6. The only Drakon canister left is in Inner Gazaki-Uss, which is inaccesable to Rebel players, and only avialable to everyone else during the end game. You'll have to wait til the bitter end to make Ur-Drakons and Eyebeasts. The Last Archon
  7. Hastening the mass murder, eh? The Last Archon
  8. For a warrior, you're gonna want a few creations with you (though its probably a little to late to really change that now) at all times. Wear heavy armor to shake off damage. Make and use artifacts. There are books scattered throughout the game that can tell you what they are and what they do. (Alternativly, you can see the list of artifact ingredient locations on the thread "Strategy Central" at the top of this page.) I personaly work well with the belt that increases my Shaping skill, and the boots that increase my AP limit. If you're working for the rebels, they its perhaps time you consider joining a faction. Astoria gives training for upper-tier creations, and Ghaldrig gives you access to Drakon/Gazar canisters, who are in my opinion, the most powerful creations. From the looks of it, you seem like your still in the Storm Planes/Wasteland area. Consider moving down south to the Dera Reaches, to have a fresh new area to work with. And most importantly, do NOT kill the Unbound just yet. If you want to try to maximise your characters potential level, kill them around level 46-8ish. They still give experience while very few other enemies still do. The Last Archon
  9. (I'm no expert with Singleton characters, so this is a bit beyond me) I want to do a hardcore Trakovite playthrough (on Torment). That is, I would like do the Trakovite questine and not shape any creations. Nothing. I'll post updates as I go. But before I do that, I would like to ask for your advice: Which character would be the best singleton? Magic is still allowed. The Last Archon
  10. Why not? If its the Dorikas ending, then we could see a potential second war with Avernum, which would an interesting setting. Redmark, however, didn't show any great desire to retake Avernum at all. You shouldn't just throw ending away without a legit reason other than, "Its just a way for get people to play the game a second time." The Last Archon
  11. .....What the? Is Thuryl and I jinxed or somthing? The Last Archon
  12. Whats with the crying smiley? The Last Archon
  13. Jeff might want him to live. Remember how Alwan should be dead? The Last Archon
  14. There's a door at the far western part of Gorash-Kel. Try as I might, I can't seem to get it open. Any ideas? The Last Archon
  15. You'll have to keep bashing the the Golems back from the Power Conduit until the power shuts down. So you can't kill the Golems, per say. As for the Wingbolts, use Wingbolts against them. It'll take a few tries, but you can whiddle them down a few each attack if you're patient. The Last Archon
  16. Kinda. You can't beat the Presense if you don't use it, so you can't leave the Whitespires to continue to the rest of the game. Either way, the Geneforge doesn't affect your self-shaping - crazness ratio. The Last Archon
  17. Once you kill one councilor, every Shaper city / faction is hostile against you, so you can only to this for one, save Taygen. The Last Archon
  18. What exactly does that have to do with the game?
  19. w-dueck has agreed to host Danette's Library, my Geneforge Wiki, on his sight. It's new location is here: Danette's Library The Last Archon
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