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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Ignore the Servant Mind. Focus entirely on the summons, which would be the worms. Kill those bugger waves twice, and then attack the servant mind when it starts to attack you. Warning though, melee fighters will be hurt when attacking it. I found Cryora's or even the Artila to be most helpful in this. The Last Archon
  2. Edit: I started writing this just before The Great Plague got into this argument ....Not true. Just play all the games and find out for yourself. Dating all the way back the Geneforge 2, the Shapers were neglecting the Humans under there care quite considerably. If they where treating there subjects well, why did any Humans rebel? Originally Posted By: Lankan The Shapers failed us. We were supposed to obey and follow them no matter what, to wait on them hand and foot. And in return they were supposed to protect us from exactly the monsters and killers they are hiding from. No, young Shaper, you have failed us One of my favorite quotes of all Geneforge. I admit though, I certinly don't have it word for word. ANd thats just the begining. The Shapers look down on everybody. There is a Crystal worker in G2 that sided with the Takers, and helped them construct magical weapons. She was human, but the Shapers treated her like dirt despite this. The Shapers have had this comming for a long time. Every Empire does. And they shall fail. The Last Archon
  3. Yes. You're forgeting that the Drakons are just arrogant as the Shapers, and that will be there downfall. However, I'm arguing Drakon vs Shaper not Drakon vs Human/Servile. If I had to chose between the Drakons and the Shapers, I'd go with the Drakons. Edit; Master1:*sigh* You just ruined the game for me, man. I didn't know that. Wrap that in a spoiler tag PLEASE The Last Archon
  4. Originally Posted By: Nenayar One crack in your opinion: humans are not created with a force of willpower and some organics. Every HUMAN being, not depending on race and nationality, belongs to a HUMAN race. And creations are artificial lifes. As I've told earlier: main reason for debates is a view of ALL creations (including serviles, drayks. drakons an other intelligent beings) as independend life OR organic tools with malfuctioning program. All this reminds me of a christian legend about Eden. While Adam and Eva were mindless decorative creatures, everything was good. Then they got intelligence and free will and were banished from Eden. Why? Because they became dangerous for current government, they got the potential to start rebellion in future and of course were punished to ensure the safety of god. From god's point of view they became dangerously malfuctioning toys. Such is a rebel creations: if they are left to exist, sometimes they will destroy human race, not only Shapers, so they simply cannot be allowed to live and enjoy freedom (it is not a GOOD solution, but a rational one, and rational desicions are often horrible, such as that). If your Dog started talking to you as if he was a human, and be able to respond like an intelligent sentient being, do you still treat him as an unintelligent animal, or an intelligent being. Honestly, the Serviles have more than shown that they are quite able to equal humans in intelligence, so this no longer classifies them as animals; but beings. They can hurt, they can love. They can regret. Why should they still be treated as animals, nothing more than to be munipulated for ones own gains. The Shapers have refused to accept this fact, which got them into this war in the first place. The Last Archon
  5. ....And that wouldn't of happened if the Shapers hadn't of simply abandoned them in the first place. Good point Diki. Shapers want to subdue the rebellion by all means necessary. Taygen is an extremist because he wants to destroy all creations. Not all of the Rebellion are creations and not all Creations are Rebels. The Last Archon
  6. I was up to level 10. Each thahd gave me about 90 EXP, and convinceing the Thahd to attack the other thahd gave me about 50 EXP. Thats a little bit above average The Last Archon
  7. Fairer. But Taygen is a Shaper. The only difference is that he is an extreme Shaper. You might as well be saying that Rawal isn't a Shaper because he's not helping out in the war. The Last Archon
  8. When your in the Testing Area in the foundry, convince the thahd on the right to go attack the thahd on the left, but don't go through the door. Instead, watch them duke it out on each other untill they are both low on health. Then attack them. Keeping them both poisned helps quicken the process(Artila's). If your lucky, you or your creations can kill them each and net both of the EXP, including the one you get for convinceing the thahd to attack his brother. I got about 240 EXP all in all for that. The Last Archon
  9. Originally Posted By: Angelic Doesn't the G5 PC seem to recognize the Geneforge when he sees it? And seems to know how to use it (realizes to go over and touch it)? This means the PC is someone familiar with the G4 era Geneforge - which was the first Geneforge to be operated by touch with a bare hand. The G1 forge needed special gloves, as did the G2 forge that the Drakons made in imitation. The G3 forge required immersion by a Drakon. The G4 forge, for humans and serviles, was the first Geneforge that one used by touching it with a bare hand. This might be reading too much significance into the G5 PC's apparent familiarity with this kind of forge, but it seems to support to me to support the idea that the PC is someone one who had been shaped by the rebel G4 forge, and thus very possibly the G4 PC. It would at least rule out anyone who hadn't ever encountered the fourth-generation Geneforge. Unless I'm missing something really obvious. You might be. The Geneforge is based off the idea of the Canister(or the other way around. Either way, they have very similar componets.) Any PC, or any Shaper, has a compulsion to touch the canisters. If they are made of similar ingrediants, than any person would feel a cumpulstion to touch it. Also, in G1 the player has an extremely strong desire to touch the Geneforge without the gloves. Edit: Taygen wants to exterminate any and all creations, which easily make up the bulk of Terrestia's population. As flawed as the Drakons are, they hate a people(Shapers), not an entire species. The Drakons want to eliminate the Shapers, and then replace them with themselves. Huge difference. The Last Archon
  10. Really now? The Rebels are monsters, true, but the Shapers are worse. Just look at what Taygen was willing to do to destroy the Rebellion; virtually bringing in Armageddon by destroying all creations, even loyal ones. Quite honestly, the Rebels have good intentions, while the Shapes only care about their power and control over Terrestia. The Last Archon
  11. I believe its intended that Guardians have a high esscence starts. Its so that they aren't as identical as Warriors. Not really, except for a few minor stat adjustments. However, if you play a Servile, you'll get some special dialog choices and people will respond to you differently(If you think Rawal is an ass when your a shaped human, just see how much of an ass he is when you are a shaped creation.) The Last Archon
  12. I don't believe so. So sell them, and get that new shiny sword while your at it. The Last Archon
  13. Shock Trooper: Barely Infiltrator: Lots The Last Archon
  14. Do you have access to any mass madness gems? If so, use those. If you can make a few bulkwark creations to distract the soldiers and let your character focus on Taygen, that would also be a good plan. The Last Archon
  15. G3 PC theory: During G4, we were told that the Human rebels made their last stand in the south at Thornton city. G3 had the Rebel ending, which would mean that the G3 PC ends up becoming a general of the Rebels. Prik at the Illya safehouse said that all the Rebel human leaders with the exceptions of Litalia and Greta were killed there. So them it hit me; is it possible that the G3 PC was killed making her last stand with her army at Thornton? It might explain why Greta is not comfortable talking about it, and Alwan refuses to acknowledge it. Tuldaric Theory: We never got confirmation that Tuldaric was killed in Drypeak valley following the Shaper purge there. Since Monarchs real history is not firmly known, is it possible that Tuldaric was Monarch? He would of been crazy enough to do it, and he was already instable from the canister use in G2. What do you guys think? The Last Theorizing Archon
  16. Sorry, there's no technical or conventnal way to change the font size or the backround color. The Last Archon
  17. I suggest switching over to the Shock Trooper if you intend to have your character. You can get items to boast your magic skills fairly early into the game and training in magic skills from Alwans faction. Edit: But yeah, Master1 is correct. Battle Shaping is awesome. Make that your main weapon, with Fire or Magic creations as supporters The Last Archon
  18. Its male, though its questionable on several levels The Last Archon
  19. Originally Posted By: Spidweb I said that the Shapers owned a second continent? Doh. What game was that in? Someday, when I rewrite all the Geneforge games, this will be changed. I'll have perfect continuity as soon as I have a brain large enough to contain all the minutia of 13 distinct storylines (counting Avernum 6, in development). - Jeff Vogel I would like to just point out that I had no intentional maliciousness in my post. I truly love your games, though I sometimes forget that this is only one person making them, and that everyone has limits, so I apologize if my tone was perceived as rude. Oh, and to be a nerd, you imply that there is another landmass in the beginning of Geneforge 1, as the PC is traveling to aid in the reaserch and settlement of a new frontier. At the end of the game, the player arrives at Dillame, which was the eastern port city on Terrestia, which implies that the "homeland"(even though the Shapers can trace their heritage back to Sucia Island) that lies to the east of Terrestia. Similar to the beginning of G1, Geneforge 3 Lord Raul points out that Terrestia is under attack, and mentions it is the less settled of two Shaper continuants. Want me to do your taxes? The Last Archon
  20. But is at least a single NPC mentioning the "second" Shaper continuant really all that much to ask for? It could of made the world feel bigger, and given it that sort of mysterious feeling we got from Geneforge 1. I mean, at least he could of said a bogus explanation to its/their absence like "They're simply to far away to offer any support". After all, isn't there supposed to be an ocean dividing them. At least then he would have shown he was giving it effort, not just giving up and not mentioning it post G3. Edit: Like you said *i, if it really didn't matter, would a few blocks of text be to much to ask for. The Last Archon
  21. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthr...7877#Post147877 I think this is the topic. The Last Archon
  22. You can find a list of all the creations you can shape here: http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=117810#Post117810 The Last Archon
  23. No, it isn't hostile. But do tell us what happens when you meet it. The Last Archon
  24. Initially, it was a rebellious Gazer that was refusing to follow Drakon orders, and got locked away. I vaugly recall that it could be recruited for the fight with Salassar. This is all vague, though. I don't remember it very clearly, but I'm quite sure that it was a Gazer. The Last Archon
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