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Everything posted by Acky

  1. I'm having some trouble. I keep entering the 4 letter code, pressing download file, then get a link back to the same page. I've repeated the process about 4 times not. The Last Archon
  2. Similar to the Nethergate header, when I click the Strategy Central on the header, it takes me the the foum list. The Last Archon
  3. In the construction of the Geneforge Wikipedia, I've been having a bit of a delema. In order to properly tell the Geneforge tale, I would have to depicte the PC and he/she's actions. However, in an attempt to make the pages look more "realistic" I haven't been calling the PC's PC's. I'd like a little more flare. So I have a few ideas on what to call them, and am taking suggestions other than the two I've been thinking of. One idea came from the Genewiki, which was to give each PC a title. For instance, the PC of G4 was called the Double Agent. My other idea is to take the default name of the Class that is described in-game. An example of this would be to call the G1 PC Andras, and the G3 PC Esther, since we see an agent in the cut scenes. I'm leaning on the latter. So which do you think makes more sense? The Last Archon
  4. Acky


    If you think your scenario's so bad, why do you keep it on your sig? The Last Archon
  5. Wow, I'm totally hooked. I'm dien' to get out of the Whitespires and explore the rest of the world. Not even G4's begining levels to this one. The graphics are great too, including the intro music. Money's in the mailbox as we speak. I'd like to point out on thing though. The new text box at the buttom? Sometimes, if a message is to long, the peace/fight mode button overlaps the text. Aside from that, so far this is your best work yet The Last Archon
  6. How could you.........that Fyora is sooooooo cute! It is absoultuly adorable! Do Dikiyora's hold hatred for Fyora's? The Last Archon
  7. Near Rawal's library are two doors. One is his bedroom, with two Wingbolts and another branches off to the west. Does anyone know how to get it open? Thats One The Last Archon
  8. Did you try ther HTTP download at the bottum of the box? The Last Archon
  9. Cry Fyora! And let slip the Roamers of Terrestia! The Last Archon
  10. I thought it was supposed to be out for Windows in March? The Last Archon
  11. Quote: I know nobody's listening I'm listening, I've just got nothing constructive to add, so I didn't post. The Last Archon
  12. What do you mean? Switch their colors and attacks or somthing? The Last Archon
  13. I clicked the link on the Header to Nethergate Strategy Central, but it brought me to the forum list The Last Archon
  14. Were does one go to fill in those two other party slots? The Last Archon
  15. Rebals Reasons for being: I'd rather be forced to live in a free world full of monsters than a safe, enslaved world. This war is the Shapers fault in the first place, because of there greed and ignorance. The trakovites are even worse: they want to refuse advancment in society just because they had a bad run in. The Last Archon
  16. Couldn't you just keep count? The Last Archon
  17. Well, my initial intention was to include it, but my mouse has been going on the fritz so the post was accepted. I saw you posted just them, but didn't bother to read the post. So I added it anyway.
  18. I've got the same situation(23 inches. Woot Woot!) so Jeff probably knows about this. You could still send it of course. The Last Archon
  19. I don't have any numbers for you, but I do know that there is at least one less Servant mind food jars than there are Servant minds. Save and reload to see if you want to use it for that specific one. Most don't do anything that useful, other than provide a little information. Some, though, give you some usefull abilities. Check the walkthrough for other mind food jars. A warning though, it will contain spoilers Edit: Dikiyoba: Archon's come first The Last Archon
  20. Basically, you continuously creep closer to the plant about one AP at a time. It takes effort, and can get aggravating, but if you're willing to work on it, it'll make a lot of fights easier. The Last Archon
  21. Originally Posted By: The Tree guy I think a better question is "If Jeff re-made Blades with the new engine, would anyone design for it?" I certainly wouldn't Ephesos brings up a good point. Remember, Avernum's meaning of existence was that it was meant to be a remake/upgrade of Exile. Avernum is also a more success series than Geneforge, so at the time it would have made more sense to make. The situation has not really change four years later. Avernum's second trilogy isn't all that popular to most followers of Avernum 1-3, and BoA. Now you can argue which of the three is better, but when it comes right down to it, Avernum holds more value money wise as a whole to Spiderweb than Geneforge. So, a BoA 2 doesn't have a shot in hell of succeding. As a matter of fact, it makes much more sense to attempt a BoG instead of a BoA 2. The Last Archon
  22. 'tis a sacrifice you'll have to make for power, young one. The Last Archon
  23. Of course. Its hard to say(since I'm new to exile myself) but I have to say, the adventure club series is becoming a favorite. The Last Archon
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