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Everything posted by Acky

  1. (Just something I'd like to add) If you are having trouble raising your stats, you may wish to invest in Artifacts. And Artifact is an item which is made from three different items (A purified piece of equipment), two of which are ingredients. You can make these on a Magic Anvil, 4 in total. Most of them will raise your stats a fair deal, and offer other bonus's, like a Vampire Touch, or Action Points. These artifacts can then be upgraded again by increasing its power with another artifact. To see a list of the artifacts and locations of the ingredients, see the Strategy Central topic at the top of the thread list (If you're to lazy to find them ). Thank you, Doom Warrior, for the correction. Yes, its 45. The Last Archon
  2. At this point, there's not much left that can raise your level other than the expert area's or end game. Oh, and the "iamweak" cheat has the cut off level of 42, by the way. The Last Archon
  3. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Ackrovan So I can't call people dirt cheap lying son of a sea horse's than? Why would you even want to? Dikiyoba. Comedic purposes. The Last Archon
  4. So I can't call people dirt cheap lying son of a sea horse's than? The Last Archon
  5. I have a question about speaking to other playersabout the roles; is it completely allowed to lie about your own role? The Last Archon
  6. And a plot strong enough to carry us all the way through. Like Neossokrass said, its a cool thing to think about, but it isn't ideal. Mystic: lordofdc said probably, by the way. Well, prob, but you get the message. The Last Archon
  7. It's pretty early to say which has been the most success financially if we are not excluding G5, but I'd have to say G1 has sold the most. It's been around the longest, and of one was to get interested in the series, most people would by logic start from the beginning. I sort of doubt any of the other 4 will ever really catch up. The Last Archon
  8. Originally Posted By: Feo Takahari Come to think of it, why are we writing wikis for Geneforge anyways? Encyclopedia Ermarian can at least be used to check details for Blades of Avernum, but unless somebody's writing another Geneforge fanfic . . . You're so negative Well, why do you use Wikipedia? Because you want information, when it comes right down to it. Same goes for Geneforge. Maybe someone wants to know where the Drakons came from, but isn't a member of these boards? Well, instead of poping $25 for one of the games, they can go look it up. Of course, there is the problem of them actually knowing about it, but that's a different issue entirly. Of course, that's just why I'm popin' 5 bucks a month on somthing I'll never get rewarded for. I can't speak for the other three wiki teams. The Last Archon
  9. Quote: ...Ackrovan is already contributing to Genewiki as well... I am no longer working on the Genewiki. Edit: 'Cause that just be stupid
  10. Do you see them touch the shaded area? You have to babysit them all the way home, from the big toe, to the pinky toe. Oink Oink. The Last Pig Archon
  11. Puperty. The Last Archon
  12. I believe he was under the idea that because A1-3 has/will take about a year to make, the remade Geneforge series would take about the same amount of time. I don't believe he took into account that A1-3 has a seperate engine (please correct me if I'm wrong) and would therefore take longer. The Last Archon
  13. Someone made a video about Geneforge on youtube The Last Viding Archon
  14. So, I think its been long enough to ask the question. To those who have played them all, which Geneforge game did you like best. The Last Archon
  15. I generally take my first run nice and slow so each Geneforge game took me about 30 hours to complete. Not including the other 20 times I've played through the game.....each. The Last Archon
  16. I'm also making a Geneforge Wiki, as sort of a back up should the Genewiki fail or die out. The Last Archon
  17. Click the plus sign, and you'll be able to create that creation. I'm afraid I can't help you there. I have no idea what that means. The Last Archon
  18. Originally Posted By: Carranzero 100 years have passed.. since food went short, avernum has been sending an increasing-over-time population to the surface, successfully settling the areas surroundin for emergence with large surface-style cities... but they forgot they sent the brilliant mage Correllea, who masterminds the next guerrilla war against the Empire.. 100 years after that, Avernums successfully seized the Valorim continent, and now declares official Invasion War against the Empire (avernum's got a Long memory, after all) and invades all the other continents, being the final boss the Empire itself with 500! yess 500!! Royal Mages and another 500 Royal Guards That might of been possible if there were another 3 Avernum games after the sixth, which will be the last. Craming all that story into a single game and still makeing sense would get messy. The Last Archon
  19. Is this a thread to post ones nostalgic stories about Geneforge? Well, I'll try to save it anyway. My little brother found that Drakon canister in G4 in Gasslin Freehold after about an hour of searching on my part. He found it in maybe five minutes. He was six. The Last Archon
  20. Actually, I believe that the rest of the Loyalists stop just short of the fight, so all you have to fight is the last dude(s) The Last Archon
  21. Keep moving. They'll never end. The Last Archon
  22. If you would like to make that post a bit smaller(and not freeze my screen) may I recomend puting it in a spoiler tag? The Last Archon
  23. Talk to her again, and you should be able to recrute her. The Last Archon
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