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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Stealth is sort of an invisible general skill. It lowers the detection radius of enemies and mines. The Great Archon
  2. DW: Best avatar in a long time. The Great Archon
  3. Caps doesn't work for any Spiderweb game, Thuryl. You've always had to use shift.
  4. I guess if you really want to stress it, however, Saraph could get a little training in Basic weapon handling. Every Shaper at the start of the games have at least two points in Missile Weapons, after all.
  5. Guardians would be off in Forts and whatnot. Agents would be on the far corners of the world. Shapers have cannonicly remained on the home front before the war.
  6. Fair enough. I apoligize. Nikki, can you remove the review? I no longer wish to associate myself with that place.
  7. I was refering to my ban on SV, and my posts there, actually.
  8. Hey, if you need a spellchecking site, Sssharxx, go here: http://orangoo.com/spell/ I don't believe there is any limit on how much text you can put in at once. Other then that, great chapter. Canisters could make this even more interesting. The Great Archon
  9. I was civil. I wanted to at least be acquaintances. Now that is no longer the case. I repeat: Get it off your pathetic CSR.
  10. Originally Posted By: aapo Blazing Gauntlets and Firesteel Gauntlets are mutually exclusive. Both require Smoking Gauntlets to produce. Firesteel Gauntlets have +3% armor, +2 to all magic skills over Blazing Gauntlets and require Essence-Infused Iron instead of Pure Quicksilver to produce. Also Charred Skin Greaves can't be made from Sunfire Greaves, not that you'd have three Solidified Flames to begin with. jslgaladriel's walkthrough lists three different chances to get Golden Crystals and those are faction-specific quests. Your claim that it's possible to get Golden Crystals for all craftable armor pieces (7) is thus false. Please do your research ¬_¬ Ooops. My mistake. I'll edit the first post. But I am correct about the GOlden Crystals. I had enough to almost completely cover my armor in them, and I never made any. The number is based off of memory, true, but there are more then 3. At least 5 or 6. jslgaladriel is mistaken. The Great Archon The Great Archon
  11. I'm not going to finish my scenario. I'm probably not going to participate in the BoA community at all. Consider me chased out.
  12. Kinda. Most things are hardcoded, and is impossible to understand unless you're Jeff. Some things are scripted, like Dialog, and can be read through the files. The Great Archon
  13. Well, seeing as how Shadow Vale is a horrible place, I guess I should give you some non-elitist feed back Your scenario was pretty silly. Silly plot, silly setting, silly silly sill. I hope you know it is. Because its setting, plot, and ending is silly. I hope you didn't try to make is serious. The brief combat was well balenced and competently made. The large outdoors where a little bland and pointless. They were however, pretty. A few hills and some rivers would have made it seem more realistic. It's never explained why I'm really there, or how the enemies are, well, bad guys. But this scenario is silly, and it knows its silly. I didn't care too much about that. The scripting wasn't astonding, but of course this is your first scenario, so again, I'm not rating it for that. The push-puzzle thing was innovative. The ending was a little anti-climactic. Nothing interesting. But it works, and it's mildly entertaining. I'd give this scenario a solid 7.0 on the CSR if I wasn't banned from SV. The Great Archon
  14. No problem. Heh. That might be an interesting challenge. Playing the game on Casual with just one point in eact stat at the start, and not adding anything with skill points. The Great Archon
  15. Tried it out. Worked like a charm. Nice job, Ganduv. The Great Archon
  16. I believe it is in Rahuls bedroom. You could skim the walkthrough for it. http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/928999/37624
  17. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=175556Post175556 The Blandly Titled Agent/Infiltrator Guide Yay! All the classes have their own guides now! The Great Archon
  18. This guide was made with the Torment player in mind. What sucks on Torment probably won't suck on Normal. The Agent (note that I use this as a generic term. I include Infiltrators) is probably one of the most challenging classes there are, at least on higher difficulties. This game really rewards Shaping types with its plentiful creation levels (and all three balanced Shaping branches), and unlike the Servile, she's not durable enough to withstand much damage before dying. The cheap magic skills wear off kinda quick, and Battle Magic will never really be able to blast her way through hoards like in previous games. Mental Magic will really be all that stands on Torment between victory and bitter death. There are two main variants of the Agent. Battle Magic oriented, and Mental Magic oriented. Both require hefty investment in Mental Magic, but Battle Magic obviously would pump it less then a Mental Magic Agent. The first is a Battle Magic focusing Agent. You'll still need high levels of Mental Magic, but you'll forgo extremely high levels of it for Battle Magic. On torment, you will need to be extremely careful as to which spell you use. Study the different resistances of Enemies in order to maximize damage. All Battle Creations are weak against magic damage for instance. Don't be afraid to reload occasionally to experiment. Learn recipes and then use them. Poison Bile crystals will coat everything with Poison and be extremely helpful for early in the game. Then dazing the group will prevent them from attacking. Later on, Lightning Crystals will come in handy. Slowing Wands and Cursing Wands are all exceedingly useful. Use every weapon you can get to achieve maximum effectiveness on Torment. The spell Ice Spray will save your bacon many times. No enemy in the game resists Cold damage drastically, with the exception of Shades. When in doubt, use Ice Spray. The second is a Mental Magic Agent that dazes and Charms her way through obstacles. This is extremely effective, but you must be careful when doing it. It's always best to daze everything first so they can't attack you. Raiseing High mental magic not only means high chance they'll get dazed, but longer time they'll stay dazed. Then apply Terror to moderate creations, and then Charm the strongest ones; once they are undazed, suddenly a third of them are running away and another third of them are attacking each other. If you play your batons right, you will basically become untouchable. You're going to want to increase strength a fair bit. Being an Agent, you'll be without creations, so you'll need to be able to lower the damage from attacks. 7 is the magic number, which you should get before the Dera Reaches. After that, wear the Talisman of Might you get from the Kayar Spire prison guards, and you won't have to worry about Strength for the rest of the game. You can skip Dexterity; you're not a Missile User. Intelligence should be pushed into the low teens, about 14ish. After that, I got mine to twenty wearing Charms and items. That allowed me to make the occasional creation for back-up and cast any spell I wanted without needing to rest very often. Endurance should also be increased; about 8. You're going to want a few points in your combat skills, Melee and Quick Action (mostly Quick Action so you can move sooner. Plus its cheaper then Dexterity), but don't increase them until after you've trained them (don't train in Missile Weapons though) from Rawal's Guardian. You should wait until after getting him the Canister Tome to buy those skills to save money. Either way 7 or 8 in Melee will be a worthy investment, and about 7-8 for Quick Action will allow you to act sooner then your enemies, including Rotghroths. As for Magic Spells you'll want to go with your respective build mostly, but every Battle Magic agent will want some Mental Magic, and every Mental Magic Agent will want some Battle Magic. Remember to switch between whats cheaper at the time to save on Skill points. For instance, if it costs 6 skill points to increase Mental Magic, and it costs 3 skill points to increase Spellcraft, pump Spellcraft. Either way, Battle Magic should be pushed into the low teens alone, plus the power from Spellcraft, to get excellent damage outputs. Unfortunately, it'll be harder for you to stay on par with enemies on Torment or Tricky. Same thing goes for Mental Magic. Blessing Magic is nice, but its more useful for a Shaping class. You won't need to increase it; just pump it through Quothe after completing the Gorash-Kel quest. After that, there are plenty of items that will increase it for you. You're going to want the occasional creation to aid you. Not as permanent allies, but fire and forget types. Corrupted Thahds are stunningly effective, even at dirt low levels. If you;re going to shape, you're going to want to increase (surprise surprise, I know you've got to be tired of hearing this but) Battle Shaping. Cheap costs won't hurt the essence pool that much, and physical damage is the only thing you can't apply yourself. At first use Corrupted Thahds (assuming you have no problem using canisters) and later use Rotghroths, which are more powerful, but at the point you'll get them, the essence cost won't matter much, especially since they're not permanent allies. Healing Craft should be brought up to five for Regeneration Aura, and then use items to increase it. And, of course, Leaderhip and Mechanics are not to be left out. Bring Mechanics to ten early on is a great investment. Leadership can wait a while, but they should be brought to ten too. After that, don't increase them, instead using items to increase them for you. (Never sell any Infiltrator items, the Tinkers Bauble/Gauntlets, or any charms that increase Lead/Mech. A few points in Luck won't hurt, but don't get focus on it. As for Artifacts: This will come as no surprise, but you will want to get the Smoking Gauntlets, and later the Firesteel Gauntlets for the massive boosts to your Magic Skills. After you can get the ingredients to make the Firesteel ones, you won't really have to pump your magic skills a whole lot after that. Anyone can tell you that the Mercuric Boots and later the Assassins Boots are the way to go. The two points in AP will be the difference between life and death, and can give you a real advantage over the opposition. The points in Melee are nice too. You're going to want the Blackskin Greaves first and later increase them for the Charred Skin Greaves. You might want the two extra points in Spellcraft, but the points in Quick Action will forever solidify you to move first in the Battle Order, which is very important for the Agent. The points in Parry are okay, but nothing to get happy about. Finally, I would recommend you invest in the Lifetender Girdle and later the Lifebringer Girdle. The extra points in your Shaping skills will allow you to make anything you will need, and the big bonus to Healing Craft will let you heal yourself right up from the few attacks that will get through. Remember to make use of items to the best of your items and enchantments to the best of your ability. Slapping all your armor with Golden Crystals, which is possible without making them, will bring up your resistances dramatically. Enemies like Drayks by the endgame will only hit you for maybe 40 with 234 resisted if you play your batons right. And as always, have fun. The Great Archon
  19. Quote: —Alorael, who actually thinks the upgraded creation counting as a tier up isn't a bad approximation. Of course, that's not true at all for the temporary "upgrades" like shock tralls, pyroroamers, and their ilk. Thats a good point. Pyroroamers certainly can't take out a Roamer one-on-one. Shock Tralls certainly can take on War Tralls, however. They could probably take on several and be victorious, ideally. And, of course, what about things like Batons, Servant Minds, Serviles, etc. Podlings are probably best fit with Tier 3 creations, I think. Magic creations certainly. Rotghroths could take them out with little trouble, for example but Battle Alpha's could have trouble. Plus they start appearing when other Tier 3 creations do. Patchworks are a bit more difficult to place, since they don't really come up at all, save the endgames and the Repository/Shadow Road. Still, I think they'd be around tier 4. Once again, based on personal observation, tier 4 creations, one-on-one with a Patchwork, are on about the same footing. Meanwhile, War Tralls and some such chew them up. I guess they would go with Battle Creations, since they have a physical Melee attack, and are basically an overgrown Battle Alpha on four legs. Edit: Namine: The Highest Tier, I would think, is Tier 6, since Ur-Drakons and Eyebeasts are the most powerful creations you can make. The Great Archon
  20. The term Tier in regards to creations is fan-invented and was never used by Jeff. Nevertheless, Fyoras, Thahds, Artilas are Tier 1 creations, Roamers, Clawbugs, and Vlish are Teir 2 creations, Drayk, Battle Alphas, Glaahks are Tier 3 creations etc. It would make sense that an upgraded creation, like the Battle Beta, would also go up one Tier. So while a Battle Alpha might be a Tier 3 creation, a Battle Beta would be a Tier 4 creation. Same idea could be applied to Plated Bugs, Shock Tralls, Eyebeasts, Cryoas, etc. The Great Archon
  21. There is no cap. Parry is kinda broken in G2, so it should be pumped pretty darn high. 15-20 should do it. Be forwarned though. Once you hyperfocus on Parry, be prepared to be relying on it throughout the game. True, you will ripose most melee attacks, but some enemies, like the Eyebeast, will be a true nightmare. The Great Archon
  22. The Guardian-Missile link now links to the Bullseye Shaper thread. Also, the Bullseye Shaper link links to the PPP version of the thread, which isn't needed, since a link to the thread is here: http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=67603#Post67603 The Great Archon
  23. Speaking of Missile Weapons, does Missile and Dexterity still affect Crystals and Wands? It says so in the description of them, but I'm not seeing much of an effect in-game. The Great Archon
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