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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. The Jhereth Deeps quest was assigned to you by Zhethron, so you clear it by talking to Zhethron. But the Ogre Raiders quest was assigned to you by someone in Avadon. Go back to Avadon and talk to that person and you'll complete the quest. (This sort of thing happens with virtually every plot-central quest. You just haven't noticed it before.)
  2. Well, it's the newest series. It's just not the newest game in the series.
  3. There were Monitor Bases contemporary with the events in Avadon 1, but there was no Monitor Base in Avadon 1.
  4. Right, because it's for Avadon 1, not Avadon 2. There was no Monitor Base in Avadon 1.
  5. Kelandon


    This is precisely what I was trying to figure out how to express when I first saw this thread.
  6. At first I wondered at your choice of forum, but then I realized that whipping Slarty is of fairly general interest to the Spiderweb community.
  7. In BoA, at least, the scripts load as you get to each area, so a town script loads when you enter the town, and comparable things happen with the other scripts (the scenario script is loaded when you enter the scenario). I believe that the script is compiled when it is loaded.
  8. This topic gives you at least the answers to 1 and 2.
  9. In Willow, in the northwest building, on the west side, there's a secret passage. In there, you find Chelsea. EDIT: I'm just looking at the scripts and the towns in the editor. Hopefully I'm not missing something.
  10. Well, like I said, I was expecting Avadon 2's kiss to be a really intense moment in a then-friendly town, but it fell flat. As I've discussed elsewhere, I think the reason for that was that the writing was overly timid. So I think the first thing to make towns memorable is strong writing. Generally I think the idea would be to make towns not just the standing places for Bobs, but places where interesting things actually happen. Less exposition, more action. This could take any of a million forms that don't involve combat: romance, an election (as in the BoE scenario The Election, one of my favorites), a trial, a court intrigue of some sort, etc.
  11. Now that you've said this, it occurs to me that I can't recall a single moment of plot that had the kind of impact that elaborately scripted combat/hostile territory sequences had for me. A6's Solberg sequence. Avadon 1's endgame (in Avadon). A2's Ornotha Ziggurat. Maybe using the Geneforge in GF1. Maybe taking down the three drakons at the end of GF2. Maybe the final battle in GF5. I suppose there's a difference between hostile territory sequences (A2's Dark Waters, GF1's opening) and pure combat sequences (A2's Ornotha Ziggurat), in that the latter are about the coolness of the combat per se, whereas the former are more about the atmosphere, which ultimately is the writing more than anything else. But I can't recall a particular twist, or joke, or snippet of really intense writing — at least outside of combat — that really got me. I was all set for Avadon 2's kiss to be that moment, and it wasn't. I suspect that Avadon 1's Miranda betrayal was supposed to be that moment, too, or A5's Cienna betrayal, but — for some reason — neither was. So none of the most exciting stuff happened in friendly towns. Maybe the most memorable friendly towns were at the end of Dark Waters in A2, in vahnatai lands, because the vahnatai were so cool.
  12. Specifically, this person claims that you can edit the iPad app scripts in virtually the same way as you add/remove save games. Ignore the prior suggestions about how to do it; they're more headaches than they're worth. I haven't tried this, but I think that I remember seeing the scripts when I messed with the saved games, so it sounds plausible.
  13. There's no other chance to fight him. It doesn't really seem like you're supposed to kill him. This was the answer I got when I asked this question. (Note that the discussion goes onto the next page.) Apparently stuns and maybe Yankshot are involved.
  14. Javelins don't do a ton of damage, though. Lately, I've ended up using Jenell as a Dex-based javelin-thrower and summoner, and it's worked okay (better than as a staff-user), but she's definitely not able to do damage like the others.
  15. Oh shut up...* Jerakeen: Definitely had the same reaction. * This is the response in the thread. It seems roughly as reasonable to revive it as it does to revive the sentence in the OP.
  16. The sequence is: On A Ship To Algiers Of Good And Evil Heirs to Theseus The Staff of Kayolith Redemption An Apology Lamentations Falling Stars Signs and Portents Tomorrow
  17. This is a really common suggestion. Vahnatai were called "shapers" long before Geneforge 1 (dating back to Exile 2, if I remember correctly). Rentar-Ihrno's apparent mastery over different monster species only lends to the speculation. And, yes, it is true that the two series share a lot of monsters. But I still think it goes Avadon -> Geneforge -> Avernum. (Er, in all seriousness, it's probably all just coincidence and in-jokes.)
  18. Read the documentation that comes with the editor and keep referring to it as you work. Use one of the 3D editors (linked in the forum header) and read the design articles (also linked in the forum header). And then start trying things and comparing what you're doing to what has been done in scenarios that you're familiar with. And keep checking the docs. It's a little difficult to get going, but once you get it, you get it and can do a lot.
  19. Thanks again for your kind words. This reminds me that I really should finish The Magic, at least.
  20. Be a little more careful about where you take your party, then. It is possible to sneak past the sentinels from virtually anywhere in the area to virtually anywhere in the area, but you have to watch them and time it right. They don't attack you instantly; they have to notice you first, so you can speed out of the vicinity of one if one is approaching you and you'll be fine. It's a little hard to know what you've done and what you haven't based on your description, as Jerakeen points out. There's not a lot of complexity to this quest (touch 3 basins, go to the center), though it is quite hard, so it's probably more useful for us to know exactly what's going wrong than it is for us to provide more detailed guidance (click on a basin and wait for a message; then click on another basin, etc.).
  21. Child Advocacy Clinic and Clinical Seminar (primarily composed of a placement in a public interest law firm) Public Problems: Advice, Strategy and Analysis (seminar) Criminal Investigations / Police Practices: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments (law class) Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers, Federalism, and Fourteenth Amendment (law class) Arts of Communication (half-semester module focused on making speeches) Teaching the second half of a yearlong introductory economics course (macroeconomics this semester). I'm a little anxious, because it's going to be a really, really heavy load, but I've planned it out such that I think I can do it.
  22. In the Blades of Avernum folder, there's a Blades of Avernum Scenarios folder. Put them there.
  23. Kelandon

    Direct Democracy

    That was a concern, but they structured their agreement such that it was less of a problem. Basically, if a Super PAC ran an ad for one side or the other, the promoted side had to donate money to charity instead of buying more ads. So it ended up being counterproductive for a Super PAC to try to advertise for a candidate. The lack of affiliation/coordination doesn't prevent a candidate from publicly announcing stuff about what he/she wants a Super PAC to do (in general terms), and it doesn't prevent the Super PAC from following that. They just can't meet and coordinate directly in private.
  24. Kelandon

    Direct Democracy

    "Conceivably possible in some future eventuality" is not exactly a meaningful contribution to a discussion, though. Too many things are at least remotely possible indefinitely in the future. Quid pro quo corruption is, frankly, not the issue. That's already illegal, and bans on that have been upheld as constitutional. If there are problems there, they are with enforcement. The issue is the structural defects that huge amounts of campaign expenditures create: legislators spending more time fundraising than working on policy, enormous barriers to entry, outsized power of very wealthy special interests to influence via an invisible primary the range of views that voters can choose between, etc.
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