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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. nikki.


    Maybe, though, Tyran could add a line of text saying "For Levels x-y", or whatever. This isn't the first time this point has been made.
  2. The doors shouldn't have anything to do with it, since they aren't on the same square as the blocked space...
  3. Oh yeah, and my OS is Windows Vista as of now.
  4. Yes, I know that. It turns out that the .bas was written in capital letters, and apparently BoA didn't like that. So I renamed it "discord.bas" and it worked...
  5. Just the four pre-installed ones. Which show up fine. And, I've tried copying TV to it, and that works fine. It seems it's just this particular scenario...
  6. I just tried to copy my unfinished scenario to the Blades of Avernum Scenarios folder on my hard drive, in order to play through it. Unfortunately, it isn't showing in the list of playable scenarios in the Blades of Avernum program. I'm assuming that I'm not doing anything wrong - all I've done is copy and paste from a CD to the folder, so either BoA or Vista are being funky. Any ideas what's going down?
  7. Sigh. Neither Geneforge or Avernum have anything in common with each other plotwise. The only link is the recycled graphics (and from A4 onwards the recycled engine). On the other hand, it is at least feasible that both Geneforge and Avernum are linked to Nethergate. I mean, when all the critters and faeries pass beyond, they don't all go to the same place...
  8. Okay, so I'm playing N:R properly for the first time, and I've noticed two things. Firstly, if I'm hit for an amount of damage that'll take me to below zero health, I die. I've checked the docs, and it says I should be placed on zero health. This is sorta annoying, since the I can't use the "put-my-biggest-man-in-the-way-of-the-nasty-fomarian" tactic. I'm wasting shed-loads of SP on healing too. Is this a deliberate thing, or is Nethergate broke?? Secondly, and this is just a question - I don't want to know where they are - but the Sylak key's aren't in the same places as the original, right?
  9. nikki.


    Quote: Originally written by Azuma: There's another thing in the back of my mind..erm..any progress with SpidWeb:The Scenario? Yes. I placed a tree in the Avernum 4 town just now. Seriously, it's got three towns completely finished, and I'm about a third of the way through coding a fourth.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Or just specobj with a flag/item/whatever check in the state it calls. That's the way I do it, and it's so damn easy. Place a specobj terrain script on a container, set memory cell 0 to 10 (or whatever), and then add this in the town script: Code: beginstate 10; //or whatever if(get_flag(0,1) == 0) { //if the condition isn't met... block_entry(1); //stop them getting the loot message_dialog("You can't open this chest yet,",""); //and maybe leave them a message }break;
  11. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: I love the Blades Forge idea, for the record, and am going to have lots of problems if it doesn't take off. So you clowns start using it or I'm going to have to start busting skulls. Seconded, but with possibly less bloodshed, and more "unexplained illnesses".
  12. Quote: Originally written by Niemand: I will comment that as a player, I hate use of this tactic to prevent the party from doing things the designer doesn't want; anything else is preferable to me. I'd personally prefer this to be used only as a last resort. As a designer, I find that kill nodes are bad, too. It makes beta-testers cry. Of course, if you try to kill the uber-boss guy, you're not going to get off lightly, but still. I like to put in a warning, and then boot the party out of the scenario, with a end_scenario(2) call - in game, I'd say they were exiled from town or whatever. Much nicer, and the player doesn't have to reload. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus: And you can get by fine without Alint, I never use it (command line is teh suk) and I know TM doesn't either, although he doesn't have that excuse. I've used it once or twice. I think I was getting weird errors in TV, and I couldn't work out why. Turns out setting memory cells above the expected limits is bad.
  13. Now might be the time to start backing it up, at any rate.
  14. Compare: Quote: Originally written by Randomizer on November 3rd: Most of the early enchantment items that you find are better off being sold so you can use the money to buy spells and training. Quote: Originally written by Artila Master on November 21st: Mostly enhancements should be sold for money although you should keep some important ones... Please, if you have nothing new to add, don't post.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Azuma: Rumors, my friend..rumors.. Not rumours. Jeff Vogel himself has said that if it wasn't for the fact that Avernum 4 sold so well, Spiderweb Software may not still be around. I can't find the thread he said it in now, but it was said on these boards. Avernum 4 isn't as good as say, Avernum 2, in my opinion, but it does it's job very well. It was never about the great plot - it was all about kicking off the second trilogy. I don't think Avernum 1 had a great plot either. It was all about setting up the player in a new location, and starting the trilogy off. And, now I feel dirty for writing a post longer than a line.
  16. Quote: Originally written by The Ratt: Maybe... Pink = Nikkiyora or Nicoyora Who have you been talking to?
  17. Quote: Originally written by The Ratt: [QB]...[QB] You missed out the phrase "old boy".
  18. NineInch - check the link in the first and second posts.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Azuma: ...If only Project SpidWeb was continued.. Spiderweb Software: The Scenario is going to be finished. I just have to complete my proper scenario first.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Thoughts in Chaos: Slith spears have the tradition of an entire ****ing race behind them. Makes for much better slow-motion combat scenes. Tsk, tsk. Masked profanity from the original mini-mod? Whatever next?!
  21. El Presidente is now up there, too.
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