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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Option 3 was the best, closely followed by 4. In fact, option 4 is a lot like the main theme of PS...
  2. Just one more thing: I tended to keep a Wingbolt around for the times I had to fight other Wingbolts since they'll take next to no damage. A Drayk, on the other hand, can be squished in one or two Wingbolt attacks.
  3. Kel, while we're here, the link for AGB on your site is dead - in fact, it hasn't worked for a while now.
  4. You mean the stick figures I slaved over, and posted above? Yes. They are an integral part of the scenario.
  5. Those are some crazy colours!! But thanks... you've been included.
  6. ...or an ability where, if you have enough Pole Weapons skill, and a polearm equipped, you could keep enemies one or two squares away. I like the idea of that, especially for spell-casters. Anyway, this all sounds wonderful Jeff, and as usual, I can't wait to see what you manage to come up with. One note of speculation though: Starting position being opposite would indicate experienced rather than inexperienced, or Empire rather than Avernite... at least to me. And secret doors!! Yay!!
  7. relocate_character and march_party need a block_entry(1) call to make sure that the party doesn't get sent back to wherever they started from. Setting the view to the right place helps too... As for the coding, I can't see any issues... Umm...
  8. The muffin is in. If only so that you promise to make more graphics for me later. :-p I'll hopefully have proper screenshots soon - so no more members with numbers in the 5 billions asking for a part, please. And Lenar - you just fail to realise the majesty that is Archmage Alex. Philistine.
  9. You happen to sound as if you like Radiohead. You will be included. Nioca: No. No sword. Why dya want one ANYWAY?! Gah. It's not as if you get to fight or owt. And, to show I am working on this: YAY!! Who said I was a talentless hack?! Pretty, pretty.
  10. New Question: If scripts are editable, can somebody please make up a suitable use for the puzzle box? Your reward will be exclusion from my list.
  11. ADos, when I next get round to BoA again, the nose will be included. Also, noobs and newbs alike will not be given armies/cool swords/good dialogue. So there.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Tyranicus: Someday X will perfect his anvil spell, and he will rule the worl! It's ALEADY perfected. Sheesh. It just needs lots of set_terrain() calls.
  13. If you wanted to be doubly sure that they couldn't resurrect the dead PC, just remove all balms of life from them. And to stop them from making more, you could just remove that recipe for the duration of the scenario.
  14. You can make one easily by just copying the death pose a few times and pasting it into the spaces BoA expects them to be. You can check this by opening up any BoA graphic. If you're having problems after trying this, I can make one for you.
  15. My fyora has always been called Toby, and I keep him around for the entire game. Otherwise, I just choose random names like "Dwight" or "Reginald". It helps if the names are also alliterative.
  16. ADoS, only an idiot wouldn't know who you are. I'm tempted to just edit the nose into a graphic...
  17. Which part of it are you having trouble with? Also, go to Kelandon's website, it's linked pretty much all over this forum becasue it's so darn useful. There are scripting cookbooks and all sorts. Also, don't be afraid to open up the scenario's that come with BoA to see how to do things. Looking at others work is a great way to learn.
  18. "BoX" is a blanket term for both Blades of Avernum and Exile. And which bit are you having trouble with, specifically. Have you tried reading the first chapter of The BoA Docs? It has a handy tutorial.
  19. Aran, there are WAY too many Matrix-things as it is. And that'd mean making Tully the bad guy! And I will put who I want into this thing. As it is, I'm having difficulty placing people, so you'll make your case for inclusion a whole lot easier by doing my job for me. By which I mean telling me favourite games, etc.
  20. Lazarus - you, my good man, are a genius. And, of course, Iffy, I half want you to go out, and make a scenario about muffins now, just to prove me wrong.
  21. Quote: That's just flatly untrue. Joke scenarios have been well-received before. The difference is, Rats Aplenty was funny. Muffin Demons aren't. Quote: Your idea sounds horribly boring and totally without redeeming value. If there's one thing that Avernum players don't need, it's another pointless scenario about killing bandits. I agree. Totally. If the scenario is pointless and is about nothing but going to kill a bandit, and doing it, and then leaving. Something like a bandit problem is a decent framwork to build off though. There are all kinds of twists you could pull off with that. Quote: By all means, make a scenario that's bizarre and different. If it comes out bad, well, it's no worse than making a totally bland, normal first scenario, and at least it's different.[/QB] It is worse! If you make something terrible, nobody will play it! If you make something bland, theres a chance it can be spiced up when you get feedback in the beta period. EDIT: And Nioca just proves my point. His scenario seems a bit dull when you read the intro text - it's "another bandit yarn". When you play the thing, though, you realise it's much more than that. It's using a tried-and-tested plot, doing something new with it, and whats more, enabling a new designer to learn the trade. EDIT 2: And, for the record, I'm in no mood to start an argument. I just think Iffy's focus should be directed somewhere more "worthwhile".
  22. Iffy, I'm going to be honest now. And it may sound harsh, but it has to be said, I think. Nobody would play this scenario, as it is. Not even for novelty value. Despite only having a few details, I can see nothing here worth saving. I'm sorry. Maybe if you think of another idea, and implement that first? Do a simple scenario - maybe one where you have to kill a bandit leader or something? That won't need complex scripts, and is probably going to appeal to more people than one about a Muffin Lord Demon. Jeff Vogel said it best when he said "Your first impulses will probably lead you astray". And I'd like to point out I'm not saying give up scenario designing. Just, you know, think about making something that others would want to play.
  23. I'll make sure it works, don't worry. Although I am gutted about recieving a graphic from you. *scrolls to top of the page* Ah, I said "80% chance of graphics being used". I think that covers me.
  24. I did something like this in TV, which just erased the night creature and replaced it with the day one. To clean it up slightly, I added an if call to see if it was day, and then flashed up a message_dialog to explain that the people were waking up, going outside etc. That way, people didn't just appear in front of the party. Your way is better, for sure, but I thought I'd add another way to do this.
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