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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Two things. Firstly, Aran, why can't I have zero outdoor sections?? Secondly, me and Thralni made EP. If I upload it though, it's just going to credit it to me, right? Is there a way around that? Edit: As an aside, I think it'd be nice if a users submissions could be seen in his/her profile. I mean, suppose I like Frostbite (for some unfathomable reason ), and wanted to play other things by Lazarus. It'd be nice if there was a list of an author's scenarios right there in their profile.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Arancaytar: Scenarios will shortly be unlocked, and the test positions (which haven't been filled completely yet) will be expanded. Yay. Finally.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Way to do it up big. Now if only somebody would port it..... Thirded.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: I've actually been considering trying to port some more Geneforge/A4 graphics to BoA lately, but it depends on my having free time, which I don't. But personally, I wouldn't bother cleaning up the edges... that's a lot of tiles, after all. I have some creature graphics (mainly townspeople) from A4 and GF4, one of which I think is a Slith that Lazarus gave me, and some terrain (the spiral stairs spring to mind). I'll try and get some uploaded while I have some free time. Edit: I may as well put these here... (She appeared in TV.) (This was ported by Lazarus (I think).) (I'm sure these are available elsewhere, but I'm including them anyway.) (Ported by Dikiyoba.) (No caption for this one...) For anybody wanting to port GF/A4 graphics, I think I tend to shrink them by 5-10%, that is, so that the graphic is 85-90% of the original.
  5. The surface floors DO import the cavern floors (floor 0), so if you alter that, then all floors that import that will be changed. Don't forget that your custom data script takes precident over corescendata. So changing the first floor without altering the grass floor will make BoA edit the cave floor, see that you aren't changing the grass floor, and go ahead and import floor 0 - the one you changed. Hope that makes sense. If I were you, I'd reassign the altered floors a different, unused number, leaving the first cave floors well alone. That way is far easier than redefining all of the grass floors again.
  6. I agree - a centralised place for graphics is definitely needed. As it is, there are too many spewed all over the place. I haven't submitted anything to the Louvre, mainly because most of my graphics are just edits, and partly because I thought Brett had stopped accepting contributions (I'm sure I saw a thread somewhere which effectively said as much). Even if it's not the Louvre, there should definitely be a hub, even if it just links out to other sites.
  7. I'm quite fond of GF1, but I'd say GF4 just edges it. Just.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: I think I have a partial list of terrain slots that are broken for te_can_look_at. I don't have time to try to figure the rest out, but I could post what I have if anyone wants me to. Dikiyoba. That'd be froody. I can take some time and fill in any blanks you have too.
  9. Erm, I've altered the default floor graphics by copying-and-pasting code from the corescendata scripts and it all seems to work fine. The dry floor all draws properly and auto-edges too. What I'd suggest doing is copying ALL of the relevant code from the corescendata script and changing the sheet and icon numbers again, since I know for sure it works.
  10. The answer to the above question is yes, if you are Scorpius.
  11. No, I wasn't complainging about the shots - they're fine. And the old Nethergate just has a charm that's hard to describe. It all seems that bit more special, more magical, because it wasn't Avernum or Geneforge. And now it is.
  12. Thanks very much. I didn't need the second one (I've played this game to death so much I can solve them in my sleep. Oh, and ick. I seriously prefer the original game...
  13. Hey, if there's anybody who is near the Aerie, could you please take a screenshot of the boulder puzzles for me? I'd do it, but the only saved games I have are just before the Gate is opened, and I can't leave the Spire. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, isn't there a ring that casts Bolt Of Fire in a BoA scenario?? You obviously can't cast it whilst it's on, but if you unequip it you can.
  15. Erm, a question. Since we already knew that the 3D Editor doesn't like porting, and the normal SpidWeb one does it fine, why not just use the normal one while porting, and then open the .bas file in the 3D Editor??
  16. Quote: Originally written by Rent-an-Ihrno: Phew, I meant no offense. Geez. Is it a crime to enjoy having to figure things out? I'm guessing the answer is yes.
  17. All this reminds me that I have one or two ports sitting on back-up disks somewhere that just need polishing and beta-testing. And, of course, I'll need to get the permission of the authors. But otherwise, I'll get onto finshing them as soon as.
  18. Huh, it'll be done just as soon as you send me the £150 I need to buy the other half of my computer.
  19. Niemand, I'd love to, but it's a one-town scenario with far too many creatureand terrain scripts and no hint of which script is causing the problem.
  20. The annoying thing is, this error is basically the only thing stopping EP from being released as a beta...
  21. I think the answer to the above question is idiocy. And I am exactly the same amount through it that I was last time I gave an update. I don't have BoA until Saturday at the very earliest.
  22. What do I have to do with it? Pencil my name in. I have far too many ideas and half-finished short scenarios to keep me busy for a few months when I get BoA-ing again, but that deadline is just huge, and I have a perfect-sized plot for it.
  23. Erm, if I don't know who you are, the chances of you appearing... Yeah.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Infernal Flamming Muffin: Please give more detail...I can barely understand. At least make it more clear. Then I can help you. Irony, irony, irony...
  25. Erm... Right. I'd been meaning to explain myself for a while, and now seems like a good time. Okay. Everything is finished. On paper. I've been without a computer for a while now, so actually making the thing is the real problem. I mean, I had to give Thralni EP to finish, which is why it's not done yet - it'd have been out for ages otherwise. Back to PS, I have 4 towns done and most of the coding, which is nice. When I get a computer again, I'd expect to finish it fairly quickly. Until then, meh. So, if you want to send me money to buy a new system, please do
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