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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. nikki.


    Quote: Originally written by Micro Phage: I feel for ya Caroline... I don't use ME. I have a computer with it installed on. There is a difference. I used to use Win98, then XP, and now I'm using Vista, and rather enjoying it. Oh, and I'm a boy. A real boy.
  2. How do you know the dialogue conversation is wrong?? I'll look at the barricade and the repeating text though. And, as for the men in coats, I'll just tell them I only played it once, and expected it to stay the same as when I coded it. EDIT: In other news, Salmon is the only person to get a different scenario to the rest of you, proving the experiment was not a waste of time.
  3. P.S. It\'s at the Blades Forge . FOR MACINTOSH And it is on my website now: Nikki\'s Nook
  4. Okay, I'll bite. It'll take 10 minutes, tops. It's confused both beta-testers. It has pixies. And it's pretty:
  5. A new scenario, not quite made in 24 hours, from me. Download the PC version from here, or suck: CLICK!
  6. My opinion, "terrestia.ermarian.net" sounds good.
  7. Oh, go on then. I've played all of the 4 games, and am familiar with them.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: I sent it to TM, and he gave me enough stuff to do to keep me busy for the last week (Well the start of class can claim responsibility too.) I'll have it ready to the rest of you soon. Thanks for bearing with me. I didn't know I was bearing anything.
  9. nikki.


    No it will not. I am (un)lucky enough to have a machine running Windows ME still, and I just tried it. It doesn't work.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: And the real news here: Quote: (11:47:15 AM) Lazarus: Is that dog smoking a cigar? (11:47:39 AM) TGM: yes. The rumors are true. I saw the dog in question, and giggled uncontrollably. Somebody must have slipped something into that tea...
  11. The Crones? I think you mean the Crones. Bless them.
  12. GF1, but only barely. I think GF4 has a better atmosphere, but it's too linear, and you only really get to make one choice (betray the rebels or not)...
  13. The Romans can 4 Craft circle points from Hagfen, by either getting the Fomorian Skull, or the Selkie Pelts. You can also pick up a character in Vanarium who starts with 4 points. You can't train in the skill, however. As for the Spirit Circle, the Roman's can never get any points in this.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Starman1985: I meant something else in my post and don't feel like fixing it. That is quite possibly the most stupid post I've read in a long time... I find myself replaying Avernum 3 more than the others (not played A5 yet), but Avernum 2 was my favourite.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Code: beginstate START_STATE;if(get_crime_level(1) > 0) { message_dialog("Your message",""); //HERE i = 0; while(i < 4) { kill_char(i,3,0); i = i + 1; }} FYT. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The stupid thing is, I was writing out instant death nodes for my own scenario when I wrote that, and, looking at my scripts, I did it wrong there too...
  16. Code: beginstate START_STATE; if(get_crime_level(1) > 0) { i = 0; while(i < 4) { kill_char(i,3,0); message_dialog("Your message",""); //HERE i = i + 1; } }
  17. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Edit2: Huh, so get_crime_level() doesn't take a town number as an arguement-- makes it awkward to pull an Anama kind of deal and make a whole province pissed off. A SDF is probably how Jeff did it in A3, I'm guessing; although including an option to take town numbers would be nice, it's not much more work to do it the long way.
  18. Code: begintownscript; variables; int i; short //YOU DON'T NEED THIS BIT. body; beginstate INIT_STATE; // Setting crime low because Iffy is easily annoyed. set_crime_tolerance(1); break; beginstate START_STATE; if(get_crime_level() > 0) { //YOU DON'T NEED A ONE IN THE BRACKETS i = 0; while(i < 4) { kill_char(i,3,0); i = i + 1; } } //YOU DON'T NEED A SEMI-COLON HERE break; Remove my comments, and it should work.
  19. A bad expression is a mathematical formula that BoA doesn't like. Usually 'cus you've done something wrong... It's this line: Code: if(get_crime_level(1)>0){i=0 while(i<4{ kill_char(i,3,0); i = i + 1 } }; It should be: Code: if(get_crime_level(1) > 0) { i = 0; while(i < 4) { kill_char(i,3,0); i = i + 1; }} It's not necessary to write code out like that, but it helps when starting out because you can see which if calls do what.
  20. I see a few errors. 1)The variable needs defining before the "body" bit of the script. It's annoying at first, but you'll get the hang of it. The order is: Code: begintownscript;variables;int i; //THIS IS WHERE IT HAS TO GO!!body; 2)Both the INIT_STATE and START_STATE need a "break;" command at the end. This is the "state not ended" thing. A "break" call tells BoA you've finished that bit of code. Look: Code: beginstate INIT_STATE;// Setting crime low because Iffy is easily annoyed.set_crime_tolerance(1); break; //YOU'RE MISSING THISbeginstate START_STATE;if(get_crime_level(1)>0){i=0 while(i<4{ kill_char(i,3,0); i = i + 1 } }; break; //AND THIS - IT TELLS BOA WE'RE DONE.
  21. "Defining i" can be said much more clearly by saying "tell BoA that you are going to use a variable called 'i'". So, firstly, I'm assuming you know what a variable is. It's a number (usually) that either changes in value, or that you don't know the value of. Think alegbra in the example I'm about to show you, i = 3. Code: i + 2 = 5. i is the variable, since we didn't know what it was until we did the equation. Now, in order to tell BoA that you are going to use a variable, you have to write it down in the script. So, under the variables; line, you'd write "int i;" (but without the quotation marks). E.g: Code: begintownscript;variables; int i;body; See? The "int" bit just tells BoA that the variable is an integer, or, basically, a whole number. You can also use the term "short", (by writing "short a;" for example, though I'd just stick to int for now. Hope that's clearer...
  22. Quote: Originally written by Jeran Korak: TM's LP removed magic. I'm not sure what he used, but try asking him. Kelandon wrote LP, not TM. I'm not sure either of them will thank you for confusing them for each other.
  23. Or, just take away all the spells the party know. There are many ways to stop the party using magic, so don't worry about that.
  24. I was tempted to play again and send her back home, but I just couldn't deal with the possibility of more BoX scenarios made with her as a villian.
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