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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. The Cult Of The Sacred Item have one, which I guess is only useful to you if you haven't met them yet. Otherwise, I can't think of any specifics, either.
  2. Yeah, what Nem said. I feel as if I have to say this, and it may get diluted in the number of times it's repeated, but if you have a problem, most of us are willing to help you.
  3. Quote: Originally written by The Almighty Do-er of Stuff: Will I be in this scenario? Make sure it's good either way. You are. Well, I have your name, and role, and where you're going to appear sorted. I can't find a decent graphic for you, though, so if you (or anybody else) can get one to me, please do.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Spent Salmon: So. How's the writing? Great, actually! I've done lots lately, some of which is on my Myspace account, as per (plug, plug). So you can stop your whining
  5. I actually have graphics for about 20 of you now, but I'm open to suggestions. If you post a grahic here, there's maybe an 80% chance of me using it. Some of the ones I have are pretty bad... (read: I made them myself.) So... Slarty - got ya. I was gonna do that anyway, but I'm gonna try and enlarge it, or else get you standing on all fours, like Scooby Doo used to. Grimm - Got yours already, and it's that one, so it sticks. The Silent Assassin's has been saved, and he'll have that one now. Kel - you're already a Slith, but didn't know which one to use. So you get yours, too. I've already got TM sorted out, and it ain't the Louvre picture. It's something better. He's happy with it. And FBM may not make an appearance. Nalyd - you will get a part. It may not be a part you want, but you will be in there. As will Tully. So send me graphics or you will be cast as slimes/roaches. And finally, Alorael - don't worry... you have my very best graphic. I'll try and get a list going when I get things sorted... I have pictures all over the shop.
  6. Yes, you heard. Now, send me your custom graphics in a BoA format. Failure to do so will result in me picking for you. Which will not be pretty, on the most part Post them here as my email account is being annoyingly useless. Right. Details. This thing will feature 12 towns, and a wide variety of Spiderwebbers past and present. The basic premise is that you have to go to the RWG forum to get a new copy of Galactic Core. It's not needed for anything, but it's always handy to have a spare copy. Along the way, you will have to complete quests to get through each forum. Quests include: Escape From The Pit. (Exile Trilogy) Cat Got Ya Tongs? (Avernum Trilogy) Kill The CoC Bandit (Announcements). There will also be special spells, including: Curse - You tell all nearby foes about the plot from A4. They start cursing blindly, making them easier to hit. Anvil Toss - X's vaunted spell made good. Needle Spray - deals pi/n-1 damage to several targets. Or goes wrong and does something random. Of course, this is but a snippet, and there will be much, much more. Also, THIS IS NOT BASED ON THE DIKISCRIPTS. It's taking that idea and doing something different with it. OH! And everything and everyone is game to be ridiculed. You have been warned.
  7. I've decided that outdoors are a lost cause in most cases, and for two reasons. One was the thing Salmon mentioned - trying to get tress to appear when you stepped on a certain space. The second was something that should be possible - setting a supply cache to the "found" terrain. I've tried this in three different outdoor scripts now, and no cigar. And the weird thing is, other people have done it (Smoo in RA springs to mind as an example). I guess the upshot of this means you might not be able to do what you want. But there may be a work-around - have the party go to a new outdoor section, with the changes you want made. Of course, this will probably only be worthwhile if you had a lot of changes in mind...
  8. I like Crimson Editor, although I don't recall where I got it from.
  9. Firstly, well done!! The community loves designers. It really depends if you are using Mac or PC with regards to applications, but all you really need are the BoA editor and a text editor. I would recommend the 3D editor though - it certainly helps. Also, reading the BoA docs is a MUST. The first chapter in particular will be invalubale. Also, START SMALL. Seriously. Download and play "Settlers" by TM to see what I mean here - this scenario also has a quick guide to creating scenarios that even new designers can follow. And finally, don;t be afraid to ask questions - WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Hawkwind: Whoever posted it wrote just like you, and use the graemlins just like you... Aran's plot to take over the world with clones must extend to other Spiderwebbers...
  11. The Windows 2000 or later thing makes me sad. I still have Windows '98!! Otherwise, I can't see anything too wrong with it. I'm just praying that the Hollow Hills still have that off-green grass.
  12. You should never feel dumb - we all had to ask questions ourselves at one point. We are here to help - and that goes to all other designers too.
  13. It does say, in game, that the Shapers rule both continents completely, and kill anybody who stands up to them.
  14. I dearly hope the newbies A5 brings to the board are just... better... than the ones GF4 brought.
  15. The BoA engine and the Av3 engine is basically the same...
  16. Yay. Everything sounds so, so promising. Especially the hills... And I'm with Eph - fingers crossed that the surface makes some sort of appearance.
  17. Quote: Originally written by -silver-: ..."since I've been reading and spelling 'drayk' wrong all this time as 'dryak', I no longer have any idea how to pronounce the word. Unless it's just a 'fancy spelling' of 'drake'?" I used to pronounce it as Dry-yak. Then I realised that "drakon" is awfully similar to "dragon" and put 2 and 2 together...
  18. Rebellion. We'd get rid of the drakons *somehow*, and then the whole "having to blow things up and generally being less than friendly" thing wouldn't be a problem.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Andraste: Fyora of course. Well, Cryoa to be exact. That'd be really cool. I'd go with the old graphic though. The old graphics were so much cooler. But I'd prefer a fyora.
  20. Technically, no, so long as you don't play BoA on them both at the same time.
  21. Solberg is only a minor-major-mage™, in my opinion. But, thinking on it, he is one of the few strong magi left. Erika, Rentar, Garzhad, Patrick, Linda and Aimee or all dead, or as good as, leaving X and Solberg pretty much undisputed.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Nalyd Twisted: Well, you must admit, it is a girly name. Not quite as bad as Nikki, though. No offense. ... Anyway. I voted for Anjali, although I was tempted by the dead chick...
  23. I was wondering last night if we would be able to pinpoint a rough location of Shadowvale on a map of England, and set about reading notes I'd collected from the game. Thing is, everything seems to contradict everything else. The two most important facts, in my opinion, are the geography of the place, and the ending text. Right at the end of the game, we are told that Hadrian's Wall is built not far north of Shadowvale, which means that SV is up in the far north of England. That's okay, but the geography of Shadowvale doesn't fit with that. Since the entire game world is surrounded by mountains, I'd place it either in Wales, or in the Pennines. I'm going to say the Peninnes for now, since they are the most north. However, they aren't northern enough, in my opinion, considering that Shadowvale is a small place. So, I think if we find out what the size of SV is, from sign posts, or in-game descriptions, we might be able to get a better idea. Anybody have any thoughts?
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