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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Quote: Originally written by the Great Potato: Complete with the appropriate sound effects! This is why I need to invest in some speakers... To me, BoA doesn't have sound, which means that I don't hear other people's hard work, and which is more, don't add souunds in my own scenarios...
  2. Quote: Originally written by the Great Potato: She was always a seer on the surface too. She disappears after Exile I, though, and I can't remember if she makes a cameo in Exile II. In A2 she leaves a spellbook behind in the northern caves which teaches the party Dispell Barrier, if memory serves, although she doesn't actually appear.
  3. The thing with pre-fab parties are that the player doesn't have to use them. I, for instance, only used the pre-fab party in Emulations the first play through. The second time through I used a regular party. Unless you run a load of checks at the beginning of the scenario, and chuck the party out if they aren't using the pre-fab party, there is no guarantee that they will. Of course, even then the player might be able to get around it...
  4. I prefer Sharon to Shanti, if only for the reclusiveness. And GF2 is probably my favourite, although I replay GF1 the most, so I'm leaning towards that being the best.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Jame2: Oh, dear God that's bad. I hope that if he makes another version of Nethergate, he uses either the Nethergate or the Avernum engine. If you'd read the original thread, Jeff stated that he would be using the Nethergate engine, I believe.
  6. Thralni: After our talk last night, I managed to get the Mayor to see me. However, he did half-way through the day instead of at the start. My code is similar to yours, but this worked: Code: if ((get_flag(28,0) == 1) && (get_flag(200,2) == 0)) { day1 = get_flag(250,4); if (what_day_of_scenario() == (day1 + 1)) { print_str_color("Today you have an appointment with mayor Arbuckle of Filberton.",3); set_flag(200,2,1); } }if (get_flag(28,0) == 1) { day1 = get_flag(250,4); if (what_day_of_scenario() >= (day1 + 2)) { set_flag(28,0,2); print_str_color("You missed your appointment with mayor Arbuckle of Filberton.",3); } } I have no idea why though.
  7. Quote: Originally written by The Lurker: I thought your next project was 'The Demon Stone'? Or maybe you gave up? My original BoA scenario was entitled "The Deomn Stone". It was big, bulky, and poorly concieved. So, I decided to get some needed practice, and made AGB. Now, I've found out all my old plans for TDS, and redrew large parts of it. The outdoors, for instance, has been cut immensely, and the number of towns reduced too. I'm also going to make it more technical than before. Probably the biggest change is that there is now no "stone". Hence the name change. Think of "Twilight Vale" as "The Demon Stone v2". As for the graphics: I think a lot of them are simply gorgeous. It's just that anime characters wouldn't work (I don't think) in my scenario. I'm going to try though!
  8. I like the vampire graphic that Enraged Slith reposted, and want to use it in "Twilight Vale", my next project. The thing is, I'd have to alter it - the red Japanese(?) writing is unneccessary. Other than that, it's perfect.
  9. The latest version of BoA should work - I used debug_mode recently, and I'm not running anything special.
  10. This is the topic you need to be reading.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: What else do we need for a good barbeque? A nice salad? Some beer? Perhaps some of those funnt, mishappen "Fruit" that inhabit the GF world?
  12. Quote: Originally written by Tricky Diki: Dikiyoba likes fyoras and cryoas. I like Fyora and Cryoa too. I also have a squad of them and a vlish. I keep my Fyora (Toby) from the beginning of the game to the end, and then have three Cryoa (Lola, Peanuts and Rosie). I have only two Vlish (Guntar, Skittles).
  13. You might try being a little clearer. What tests have you done? Did you do the Ritual of Welcoming, or whatever it is in Avit? Or, you could also check the forum headers for things like this.
  14. If Sleater is the hermit in the Honeycomb, and you haven't already destoryed the Undead plaguing Mertis, then you might have a problem. It's not game-breaking though, and you will still be able to defeat the undead, as well as do all the other wondrous things Avernite adventurers get up to. In short, Sleater CAN make things easier for you. But he isn't an imperative part of the game.
  15. First of all, welcome to the boards. Secondly, this question has been asked lots and lots - you could use the search function on the boards to find your answer. Edit: This is the most recent thread with the same query: Click Me!! But, since I already took the trouble to hit "Add Reply", I'll be nice and post an answer... You need to do the Castle quests (most notably the one to Hunt Down Rentar west of Fort Remote). Once you've made Rentar flee to the Abyss, return to the Castle and you'll be told where to go.
  16. Quote: Originally written by mistica: Well after so many replies to your post, i think this might come as a shock when I say there is no real time limits... because its just a game. LOL *Facepalm* As for the Ruins of Colchis, it's been stated before that it isn't destoryed if you get to it on Day 1. But has anybody tested whether or not it stays that way if you kill the slimes on Day 1?
  17. Quote: Originally written by Mortimer: Nothing as fun as abit of trespassing. On a similiar note is the trick usable in any other notable locations ... like the Dragon lairs? This is *the* way to steal from Motrax in Avernums 1 and 2, but I can't for the life of me remember if it was useful in Avernum 3.
  18. I don't think I've ever played a Guardian. Magic users are my favourite class of RPG characters, and so I naturally gravitate away from melee fighters. As for Agent vs Shaper, the Shaper has the potential to be as good as an Agent in terms of magic, whilst also being able to spawn up huge armies. I usually play a Shaper.
  19. As a band of Celts though, I find that the extra party member isn't that useful at all. The Romans need the extra character to make spells a viable option, but the Celts can mix melee with magic quite effectively already.
  20. He gives you a quest later on, to remove a gremlin from his storeroom. It's no biggy, and the reward isn't fantastic, so you can just go on about your business without worrying. Edit: It's a gremlin not a goblin.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: You can also learn it in Harston up in the Giant Lands, but you need Dispel Barrier to get to the spellbook (irony). I think a few piercing crystal's should bring down the barrier; if I remember correctly, I was low on SP and couldn't afford to cast Dispell Barrier, but I still got the spell.
  22. Quote: Originally written by MagmaDragoon: What the Forge is happening? *facepalm*
  23. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: How will Solberg still be alive in A5? He's already almost impossibly old. Rone managed it. And A4 kinda explains how magi can prolong their life. Which basically means Jeff doesn't have to invent new characters... Anyway, Solberg! Yay.
  24. Fyora's are good, and I do always keep one (called Toby) around. But Cryoadrayks, and thus Drayks, rock. GF1 is the best game, 'cus it was new and spangly. And Shapers are my favourite class. Good at magic and shaping, with high leadership and mechanics.
  25. Leiana, Aries or Anni. All my characters tend to be female, possibly due to some kinda mental thing. Oh, I do have a Shaper called Nikki as well. Nice and imaginative.
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