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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Quote: Originally written by Jumpin' Salmon: Western society has a long and successful history of penning unpopular thoughts using a pen name. Dude, I knew you were a mutli!!
  2. I was on dial-up until January of this year, and I live in England...
  3. First of all, I agree with Slithy. Even if I'm playing the most hard-lined Taker, I'll always tell the Obeyer Librarian that she did well to collect the Shaper documents. That one encounter is probably one of the saddest in the series. Quote: Originally written by Lepus timidus: Yep. A lot of these 'Rebel' sympathizers like Diki reminds me of those animal rights sympathizers. Intellectual mothertruckers sitting in front of their fireplace, swilling their red wine and pondering "Hmm, perhaps Bessie the Cow can feel pain and some measure of emotion. Perhaps it is unethical to turn her into dog mince?", but when they see terrorist actions by the Animal Liberation Front on their flat screen TV, recoil and empathatically protest "Oh hell no, we weren't condoning such brutish behaviour." where behaviour = anything that involves rectifying an unjust situation with more than just a limp wristed, half-hearted verbal commentary. I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. As I understand it, you're saying that "Rebels" think turning animals into food is a bad thing, but aren't prepared to kill people in order to let animals live. This is wrong on so many levels. Simply put, if somebody is ethically aware enough, or just aware of other life, to consider that meat may be murder, they aren't likely to support terrorist actions, are they? I mean, sure, if it's not talking then it's the bomb that'll settle our differences, but lets start with the talking, huh? On the other hand, I support "terrorist" actions taken by Animal Rights Groups, so long as no people aren't hurt. Firebombing animal testing centres? Sure, so long as nothing is going to die as a result of it. Back to GF, I support the rebels simply because I have issues with a being having complete and utter control over another, intelligent being. Serviles show, time after time, that they are capable of not only surviving and existing, but of living without Shaper control. Why not let them? Would you, if you ever have them, enlist your children into servitude? Tell them from birth that since you created them, they owe you absolute feality?
  4. Ultimately, I am better. Until I come along, the Shapers and Rebels are in a stalemate. Look at the whole Shaper Monarch episode for an example. Then, I come along, and the problem gets fixed. No matter which side I choose, I can always beat the other. The world should bow to me.
  5. I started out supporting the Awakened - in fact I have not finished GF1 as an Obeyer. In GF2, it was Awakened or a Loyalist - I couldn't stand Zachary one bit. In GF3, I have played both, but prefer being a Rebel. Some with GF4. So I guess, overall, I sympathise with the Awakened most in the first two games, and the Rebels in the last two. If we get the choice, I will be starting GF5 as a loyal Shaper, and then turn Rebel.
  6. I had assumed that the game was calling a town_state in town x from town y. Maybe putting the call in a creature script would help?
  7. So I just did the second sentinel quest the Slith in Solberg's Tower sends you on - the one where you have to survive the sentinels attacks after speaking to the Watcher. Anyway, this was really tough, and I only managed to succeed by getting one of my characters into a nearby house and hiding and sacrificing the others. After waiting for a few turns, a blank dialog box comes up with the option "ok". I click it, and the sentinels aren't hostile anymore. I'm assuming that the dialog was supposed to tell me the timer had run out or something - the slith is accepting that the quest is finished - but it was just completely empty.
  8. Well, I told Cienna before completing the first quest Shanker gives you, and now have the Mad Crystal quest. So I can do some of her quests, but not the others? Meh, seems fair enough, especially since I'm not missing out on too much.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Sleeping Dragon: I added a point about quests for Shanker. So, I turned Shanker in to Cienna, but didn't tell Shanker that I had. I can still do Shanker's quests, and get her to teach me magic, but she still asks me to "Put in a word with Cienna" for better rewards/spells/whatever. Loophole?
  10. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: You will be able to choose to be either a Shaper character (the old three choices) or as one of the six different rebel classes. I like that very much. Walking around as a lifecrafter wasn't quite the same as being a rebellious Shaper. Of course, everything sounds promising. I really can't wait to end the war.
  11. That's like 2am, right? GMT, I mean.
  12. Is it worth killing him for Solberg? I left him alone, but now Solberg seems pissed. Well, more so. Does he like me if I kill Sorengard?
  13. I just nailed this fight just now, and I must say, it was a very clever dynamic - my tactics of rushing in with my slith to do damage whilst peppering from the back went straight out the window. I did it on the second attempt, because I had no energy potions and about 20mp for each spellcaster - not good when the Sentinel does lots of fire damage! Then, as he fell, I quick-saved. Call it a self-preservation instinct. And it was lucky I did, after waiting to get my first aid recharge, the unstable sentinels blew up, wiping out my party. Still - I must say it was one of the better encounters in the game, thus far. I look forward to the next boss battle.
  14. You should have two emails, since I didn't know which one you used these days.
  15. Oh yeah. Express Delivery. I helped with that one. Just got it. Will play and send you a report before the afternoon is out. (I LOVE days off!)
  16. Yeah, they weren't showing up, but no error was being displayed, hence me re-releasing. I assumed that the fix was for new scenarios, and not one of the old ones. Anyway, if I clicked on to one of my scenario releases, it showed me the file sizes for both the Mac and Windows download, but not the actual links.
  17. I prefer the old title. Name: Grand-master Funk, although Nikki will do. Email address: [removed] Platform/OS: Windoze Vista Ultimate. Prior experience: I tested Tales from the Tabard Inn, but don't hold that against me. Erm, Exodus before it went public, ItSoD, and, saving the best til last, Muffins 'n' Hell. There might be others, and of course, I "make" scenarios myself. Whether or not you'll actually provide any useful feedback: Yes, but whether or not you listen is upto you. Read into that what you will.
  18. I vote Fyora. It's staple, cute (pre-GF4), fairly strong, and it's red!!
  19. Quote: Originally written by lordofdc: There are rumors that the vahnatai created nephelim, slitherkai, humans, ect. Maybe the vahnatai are shapers that gone and hid underground after bieng beaten. Also. In Avernum 4. A vahnatai says he is not a Shaper. What did he mean by it? Are the vahnatai truly the logn lost shapers? Yes, and they became twisted and deformed into Vahnatai after an accident with asbestos. Just for clarity - no. No they are not Shapers. They will never be Shapers, and they never been Shapers.
  20. I played the last beta version, but not the release version. So yeah, I will go back and play again.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Jumpin' Salmon: Hey designers! Make sure you properly tag your scenarios so that they show up in a search. I just looked for exclusively BoA and it only showed 4 scenarios. For example, A Good Beginning is not tagged by platform or rating, so it never shows up in a reduced search. It's hardly a loss. I'll get right on to fixing it. Edit/Addit: Yeah, I'd already tagged them, because when I went to edit the page, the tags were already there. They're showing up in searches now though. Also, whats the deal with download links? None of my scenarios can be downloaded, yet where the links should be you can see the size of each file...
  22. Quote: Originally written by Excalibur: *sigh* I've been trying to make a scenario for so long it's not even funny. So slow...slow...I don't think I'll ever actually produce one. Make something small. If you haven't already, play Settlers, and read the document it comes with. A two/three town scenario is better than nothing, and it'll help show you where your strengths are.
  23. Yay! Maybe it's not quite as good as what we mentioned last night, but still. I'll play the new version than head on over to CSR.
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