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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. No, a single point of Bows or Thrown Weapons only counts for 1/2 a Battle Skill point.
  2. Quote: Originally written by The Sisters Cassidy.: I'm sure I'll knock something out in time. (Read: The winter revolution begins.)
  3. Congratulations. Now make something muffinless.
  4. I'm sure I'll knock something out in time. (Read: I am working on two scenarios which may be ready.)
  5. It should be the same. You may have to tinker with the numbers slightly is all.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: I still wish that there was a 'default attack spell' slot for mages/priests, like in Geneforge. The ability to target spells using the keyboard is good, but it is still quicker in the Geneforge games where you can have a one-click attack much of the time. Yeah! Like, we can select melee or ranged physical attacks, but how about making a third slot for bolt of fire, or something?
  7. GF and A4 use the same sized tiles as A5, and they've been ported with success. It souldn't be anymore difficult to port A5 than it was to port A4, and I know from personal experience that it was seriously easy to do so. Edit: I realised I didn't say how I did it. All I did was open the graphic in MSPaint, use the stretch tool to shrink in to about 88-92% of the original size (the variation is there because some creatures are bigger than others in A4), and then copy and paste each pose into a new BoA sheet. The hardest part is finding the right percenatge size.
  8. I'm going with my typical party, basically because I'm not really bothered about getting the absolute most from my skill points, and I've found it suits my play style a lot. I'm using a 4PC, all custom class party of one Slith warrior (specialising in Pole weapons) with Elite Warrior, a Nephil-thief-archer (with Deadeye and I think Nimble Fingers), and two Priest-Magi. My first spellcaster is mainly for priest spells, and will be bumped to level 18 before investing in any more than the 5 mage points she has, and vice versa for the other one. I've got a fair amount of arcane lore and nature lore, and about 10 tool use and I'm at the very end of the demo. So far, the only trouble I've had was rushing into one of the wights, and getting trashed by his friends. Hopefully this will see me through the rest of the game with little fuss. Oh, and yay for Tool Use not needing to be put onto a mage anymore!
  9. Yeah, the sounds in A5 are way, way quiet. I've emailed Jeff about this, but it's not a huge issue, so I don't expect him to do anything about it.
  10. Looks like an error in the Forge coding. If you want I can host the files for a while until you can ask Aran about it. Email me the scenarios if you want.
  11. What exactly are you doing? Have you created the scenario yet? Edit: I just checked. If you click on the scenario you just made, there should be a "release scenario" button, or link.
  12. The Blades Forge is your best bet. It's instantaneous. Aran really should get a medal or something for it...
  13. To use the Ritual, you need to press "u". It should appear in a list of abilities.
  14. Yeah, what Nioca said. The Rebels started out with the right ideas, but they were never going to win with ideals and nice words to the Shapers.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Agrajag: The Trakovites are the kind of people that want to destroy all nuclear weapons, not realizing that that is all that keeps the peace. No countries having nuclear weapons is the same as all countries having them. The only difference is that if none exist at all, there's no chance of anybody being mad enough to actually use one. Anyway. Rebels. The only time I've ever been swayed was the ending of GF4. On my first play through I destroyed the Unbound - rather that the war grind on with the chance for peace then everybody die in a hellish blaze.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Redstart: Quote: Vista Always has problems, no matter what No it doesn't. Yeah, seconded. I've been using it for two months now, and I've not crashed or had a problem once.
  17. So you and your friends have found an internal bug in Vista which is not documented ANYWHERE else online? Wow. Have you told Microsoft what this bug is, how you trigger it, et cetera?
  18. Quote: Originally written by Xel'Raga the Slaughtering Omni: ...if you are using Vista from dell, your com could have an unfixable internal glitch thats in like 1 in every 5 vistas. Evidence, plz? If you can't find any, or are lying and being an asshat, please refrain from posting here. Ta.
  19. I checked, and it was tiny, too. To be honest, I'd assume it would be scaled automatically. I just rathergleefully didn't tell anybody that it wasn't.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Diprosopus: Win? Isn't this supposed to be about being creative? "I'm more creative than you, ha ha?" That's exactly the spirit!
  21. I liked my massive Kate Nash avatar.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Now hold on just a sec Nikki. I think he's taking shots at the Geneforge crowd-- we just might agree with him. Umm. Maybe.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Diprosopus: People shouldn't design for money. Do you people really have that much free time that you cannot wait for the next Geneforge but cannot learn some knockoff programming language and write a little story? It has nothing to do with money. Within a competition, scenarios of hugher quality are likely to be produced, since everybody wants to win. And, with all respect, when you "write a little story" based off "some knockoff programming language", you can criticise. If there's one thing Blades needs right now, it's not cheap shots.
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