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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. The new Imperial fortress, which I'm assuming belonged to Dorikos (yeah, not finished A5 - it got boring) becomes a new Fort Avernum, and the caves are once again used as a prison... Reasoning? In Avernum 3, one of the Crystal Souls in Ghikra talks about Ouroboros, and I think it'd be nice if, as Jeff wrote that, he had the idea for the second trilogy in his mind, and was setting up little links in case he ever needed them.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Clavicle: It makes me a feel kind of sexy to play as a woman. Especially that Infiltrator in G4. I would like the record to show I lolled. How on earth does playing as a woman make you feel sexy?!
  3. I would just like to state again, I am serious about giving somebody a copy of a SW game if they make this fighter. We know there are some GF fans out there with the skill to make games - Whack the Artila springs to mind.
  4. Or make lifecrafting sort of like Sub-zero's skill - they can make an essence image of themselves that blocks on or two attacks before falling apart?
  5. Quote: Originally written by GVDT: Who would be playable in such a game? Most of the good options are mages, which could make for an interesting game, or a bad one. Erika and Rentar-Ihrno are obvious. Garzahd. Solberg. Linda, sure. Grah-Hoth? Litalia, Akhari Blaze... are there ANY warriors in the mix? Alwan, I suppose. Grah-Hoth could be a melee warrior. Dorikas? Erm, King Micah? One of the servile leaders? I imagined the Drakons would be melee, too, with one or two ranged attacks, but your point remains. Short of things like the demon-possessed golem in Geneforge 2, I'm drawing blanks. Edit: The spider queen from Nethergate would be awesome. Think of the combos you could get with 8 limbs! Edit 2: In response to the below post (since I don't wanna post again), that's a cool idea. I still want to be able to pitch Sylak against Solberg though.
  6. I find the idea of putting a blade of pure fire in the same backpack as valuable scrolls highly amusing.
  7. Nice pic Tully. But didn't Litalia wear blue? That aside, because yes it was nit-picking, I will personally buy a copy of either A6/GF5 for the first person to make a Spiderweb Street Fighter game, with all the best characters, or a selection, at least, and some groovy landscapes. I want to be able to beat Linda to a bloody pulp with Ellhrah (or anybody really, so long as she dies), in Shadowvale (with the revolver).
  8. You are missing a quotation mark: add_dialog_choice(1,"I don't know."); BoA treats everything up to the next quotation mark (which is in the line you posted initally) as one string, and the next symbol is the "_", which it doesn't like.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Gandalf the Purple: The main thing I want is a G1-style Geneforge, and an ending where you become insanely powerful, sort of like the G1 ending where you use the Geneforge and destroy it. I want an ending that will make sense, one that doesn't rely on one person, or even a small group of people. The war has engulfed a whole continent - one person isn't going to be able to stop it all, whichever side they fight on. I really liked the idea of the 5 Shaper infiltrators in GF4, and think something like that would work well - in one chapter, say, you are told to go and sabatoge one part of the Evil Hidden Secret Base, and other NPCs will go and deal the other 6 parts, before you all meet and kill the Leader of The Evil Hidden Secret Base. Or, playing on "diplomacy", you could manipulate other factions into doing things you want to happen. So, for instance, you, as a Shaper, could plant evidence that the drakons are going to crush the human-half of the rebellion, causing internal strife. Or, you could get the Barzites to think that the Shapers are creating an army to invade, prompting them into making legions of creations to defend themselves, which will also help defend your base.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Iffy: I actually have two scenario ideas. I started working on one of them, but I think I will switch to the other since I like the second one better. It is basically about a girl who's nightmares somehow come alive. Also, have I really actually changed? Yes, you have. You've matured, which is no bad thing. I'll second Niemand. It's good you have more ideas, and better that you are working on them. And, the idea sounds intriguing, so that's always good.
  11. I have several teleporter graphics that Luz sent me, so if you are going to use them, credit her, and not me. I believe one of these is available elsewhere (the BoE one), but the water and Nether gates aren't. I'll include everything I was sent, minus the editor sheet which I've lost. Download link for Luz\'s Portals. As for a teleporter that has various locations, it's really easy. First, you need to decide limitations - I'm going to say the party can only go to places they know the code for, like A2, instead of say, having to touch pylons like in the A4 system. Just follow this example: First, set the portal up... Code: reset_dialog();add_dialog_str(0,"This is a portal, which will take you anywhere you have the right code for.",0);add_dialog_str(1,"What do you wish to do?",0);add_dialog_choice(0,"Do nothing.");add_dialog_choice(1,"Say a code, and use the portal."); Now, set what happens if the party doesn't do anything, first, and then the actual teleporting (all of the code will just go together in your script): Code: if(run_dialog(1) == 1) { block_entry(1); end(); } else { check_text_response_match("CODE"); if(got_text_match()) move_to_new_town(new_town,x,y)} That's just a basic version - you can have more than one code, and you can give a message if the player uses the wrong code, and so on.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Diprosopus: I'm sure your next effort will suck the air out of our lungs. I suppose what I'm saying is, it'll take our breath away. Heh. I feel you needn't have explained. Much more ambiguous that way.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Iffy: I have actually thought about what people have said and I will make a better effort. I'm not very good at town design, but I will improve my skills. Thank you, Jesus.
  14. Perhaps here's the fault - it's just a little too oblique for the average SWer?
  15. Pssh. Edit/quote/edit/quote.
  16. Paying homage to Faust, I played this again. I waited 90 times. Nothing.
  17. ... It reminds me of "A perfect hour to forget"...
  18. Jewelz, I always go to Truesite first, since you tend to update much quicker than Tyran. Actually, there's a thought. Maybe Truesite could be linked in the forum's header?
  19. As a designer, I'd either tell the player that the scenario won't work as intended if they play with the wrong party, but leave it up to them if they want to continue, Another option is to prevent them from playing the scenario unless they have a suitable party, using the party_size() call. And, of course, you can always do what Frostbite does, and force the change on the player, although that only really helps if you want to force a singleton onto a player, since you can't create new PCs using calls. As a player, I'd prefer the first option, but ultimately, the choice comes down to you, and how strongly you feel the scenario needs 3 PCs. Also - a thought. You could always give the PC a joining NPC or two to make numbers up depending on the size of the party.
  20. Yes and no. If you use the call "message_dialog()", you can only have two strings of 255 character each. The two strings are separated by the comma. Like this: Code: message_dialog("THIS IS THE FIRST STRING.","AND THIS IS THE SECOND"); If you want more than two strings, you can use more than one message_dialog. I suspect though, that this will work: Code: message_dialog("You enter a walled building in the middle of this large swamp. You pass through the damaged gates and see what looks like the site of a magical disaster.","It looks as if something either escaped or got in the large construct in the center of the building.A small building is near the construct. Perhaps you can find answers there.");
  21. A string can be 255 characters long, I think, so anything longer will cause an error.
  22. A4's creature graphics look too static. I prefer the single poses of yesteryear. Also, the caves in A4/5 just didn't have the same atmosphere, the same claustrophobia, of A1/2, and not all of that is down to the lack of outdoors - the graphics themselves play a huge part. Don't get me wrong, A5 went a long way to going back to the original trilogy. I am enjoying it a lot, but not as much as I did the original trilogy. And, of course, it's Jeff's choice to use whichever engine he sees fit. I'd just rather he uses the BoA engine, and tweak it to either make it run in a window, or else make it run at a higher resolution without looking rubbish.
  23. Averforge Dark Waters? I suppose a saving grace is outdoors, but still.
  24. Having been told of this thread, I still weep for the interwebs. Come back Stuggie, all is forgiven.
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