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Given the attitude that seems to be built into the Drakons -- perhaps as a result of their shaping themselves -- I wouldn't have much choice. Neither the Drakons nor the Shapers are much interested in leaving the rest of the world alone, so neutrality would not be a good option. Moreover, a civilized (though unfree) world in which Shaping is controlled and canisters are banned has a better chance of evolving into something I like than is an anarchic hell-on-earth dominated by the latest generation of ego-mad unearthly-powerful inhuman carnivore-gods. I would doubtless end up as a staff officer for the Shapers. And I would probably die in a soon-forgotten battle against an obscure sect of canister users.


(But while I lived I would press endlessly for reforms of Shaper tactics - "Don't act like CRPG clay ducks, people! If a stranger comes in and kills you two at a time, either pursue him, yes, even over the edge of the screen, or consolidate somewhere else! Or at least, you know, fortify a little better...")


To answer the other question, I think war is a dreadful thing, but that submitting to the rule of the Drakons (let alone whatever comes after them) would be worse. "Nobody likes to fight but somebody had better know how."

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you should have made this a poll. I would join the shapers simply becuase their more stable. I don't like the idea of constanly checking to make sure my freinds are my freinds and my enemies are my enemies. That may be my weaknes against that kind of internal strife/infilitration. I choose to compenstate by join an orgnization that is less likely to betray me.

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Do all you suckers who say you're going with the rebels realize that you're going to be drakon slaves? Not only will you be at their every command during the war, but odds are should they win, you'll be reduced to slavery. They even prefer serviles to humans! You're screwed if you join them. At least you can hope for a somewhat normal life if you join the Shapers. Hell, if you serve them half decently, they may even let you join their ranks as a full shaper!


The Mystic, and people like him, they're just cowards. No matter who wins, they lose, because you will be found eventually, no matter how hard you try to hide. The winners will find you, and they will most likely kill you for not supporting them during the war. Or, if they find you while the war is still going on, they will probably not give you the benefit of the doubt, assume you are a spy, and kill you. Thus die all cowards.

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ET, how would rebel shapers become drakon slaves? Any shaper that followed throughout the entire war and survived would have consumed literally hundreds of canisters and partaken in multiple alterations, and maybe even used the Geneforge! They would be stronger than the PC who used Sucia Island's Geneforge, and would be literally unstoppable, even by the "Geneforged" Ur-Drakons. They would never become the slaves of creations, it would be below them. They would kill their past "friends" as they probably have no will to "live" by now, (see Master Hoge and Litalia, how corrupted they were, extremely powerful but without a speck of humanity).


I would only join the rebels because I get power, in canisters, alterations and the Geneforge. Chances are, if I'm a shaper, they wouldn't allow me any of that. Loyal shapers have problems shaping 4th tier creations and casting powerful spells. You could only "survive" as a Loyalist as a Guardian. The loss of humanity is a great price to pay, but for me, it is fair. It may even be welcome should the rebels then betray me; I'll have no second thoughts should I need to kill them.


If I do manage to survive, (as canister insane shapers no longer fear death) I would create my own empire, as the Sucia Island shaper who used the Geneforge did. Why should I care about what happens to other people if I have godly power and no way to think about what I have done?

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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
The Mystic, and people like him, they're just cowards.
Judge not, lest you be judged. Everyone chooses a side (or no side) for different reasons. For me, cowardice is not among them. I just don't like fighting outside of computer games, that's all.

Be thankful you called me a coward in the virtual realm, for if it had been to my face, I'd eat you alive. mad
Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
No matter who wins, they lose, because you will be found eventually, no matter how hard you try to hide.
How little you know me. I can hide in plain sight, and have been known to move quickly and silently, despite the fact that I appear slow and awkward to most people. You may have passed me on the street, and would never be the wiser for it.

Plus, "The Mystic" is an old nickname of mine, and not without reason. I'm mildly clairvoyant, and the trait runs in the family. Therefore, there's a good chance I'd be long gone before I'd be found.
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Originally written by Good Canisters:
ET, how would rebel shapers become drakon slaves?
I base this assumption on the fact that in Geneforge 4, the human side of the rebellion (even with their geneforge) was crushed, while the drakon side fought on. The drakons are more powerful than the rebel humans in some way, be it physically or strategically. And, when the Shapers came to finish off Southforge, the drakons were nowhere to be found. They let the humans die because they thought they were weak and insignificant, and maybe they were. The rebellion relies too much on the drakons to ever be hospitable to a human like myself.
Originally written by The Mystic:
I'd eat you alive.
No you wouldn't. You don't fight outside of computer games, remember? You can hide if you want, you may even succeed. But I reserve the right to call you a coward for sitting by and doing nothing while the innocent suffer and world falls apart around you.
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What are leaving me to die ? NO!!!!! that 's not possible!!! wait

it is a discussion not reality i mean we can take sides in a arguments and in a discussion a discussion us a way to express or feelings and away to make relationships on the friendly side it can be a battle field where powerful wizards soldiers and creations of all types kill each others but it has a certain limit .

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Those humans who join the rebels must be deluded. Geneforge drakons don't care about each other much less those who the consider lesser beings and are constly ploting each others demise even though they are allegadly part of the same army. To be someone they considered insinifcant and join would be out of an act of desperation or deluded that they offer freedom. As much as one can critize the shapers if you follow their rules they treat you well even if you don't paticulary like them. Internal politics for shapers is even easier being on the wrong side of a political battle among shapers means ending up on the wrong side the world. Being on the wrong side of a political battle among the rebellion means being on the wrong side of a sword. The shapers don't need to destroy the rebillion they don't need to, the rebellion will do that for them.

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From what I know, the Shapers still have the most resources and the most organized army, so I think they should eventually win. They've ruled the world for a while and seem to be doing a pretty good job of it.


Drakefyre, I have no experience dealing with dyslexics who type a lot in online posts. To be honest, that last statement seems to be an oxymoron. But maybe an effect of dyslexia is extremely inconsistent spelling and grammar errors, weird word omissions, and almost poetic line breaks. Who knows?


wutever ya know cause im not gonna ride on him w/o the info, awight

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  • 1 month later...

I'd have to side with the Shapers. The rebels are just way too dangerous. They give power to people who haven't earned it, and obviously many of those people don't deserve it. They don't have nearly enough experience using their power and are prone to making huge mistakes. As cruel as the Shaper ways are, it's based on years of experience and expertise, so they have effective ways of dealing with mistakes.

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