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Ain't Gonna Happen in Geneforge...

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Okay, time to get creative. I've thought of things before that just ain't going to happen and I've got the feeling you have, too. Let's share and laugh our tails off at what the imagination can think of.


#1: Shaper/servile hybrid.

~Note that I used 'Shaper' and not 'human'. Is that going to EVER have? F***, no, and I'll bet money on that. This is one of my favorite "Ain't Gonna happen".


#2: The ability to shape turrets and spawners.

~Think about it, these creations canNOT move. Not to mention, you'd get your butt kicked if you were caught shaping a spawner.


What have you thought up that ain't gonna happen?

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Got another "Ain't Gonna Happen" for you.


A Shaper SOMEHOW turning him/herself into a Drakon, namely a Taker Shaper. Don't EVEN ask how I thought that one up, I got made at Zakery and Brazahl for soemthing is all I'm saying...


I think I just heard someone vote me as "Most Creative Imagination" over here...

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- A Spawner-spawning Spawner.

- One of the sect leaders actually getting up off his ass and doing something.

- Fighting giant swamp rats. Oh, wait.

- A plot without megalomaniacal villians bent on world domination.

- You steal something when nobody is looking. Later, they notice it missing and you spend the rest of the game in a cramped prison.

- The PC, despite devastating magic and fierce, loyal creations, has to stop to take a leak.

- An NPC gets over their fear of "Shaper authority" and just beats your ass when you demand more supplies.

- The Clawbugs start their own sect, determined to dig a big, sandy pit.

- As you summon all your powers to blast the enemy to kingdom come, he unceremoniously whips out a revolver and shoots you in the face.

- Someone sends you on a quest to return his missing head of cabbage. It's been in the family for generations.

- Your desperate search over the world has led you to a dark forest. You slay all the rogues and trek through untold miles of wilderness. Finally, through clues in obscure rumors told to you by raving, drunken serviles, you come across a toilet.

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#2: The ability to shape turrets and spawners.
~Think about it, these creations canNOT move. Not to mention, you'd get your butt kicked if you were caught shaping a spawner.
In fact, these things could be possible, but very high level needed and very highly illegal. So if someone from the good side sees you doing it, they kill you. And if you join some evil side, you can freely do it, but very late in the game.
And what comes to the can't move thing: You have to shape it in a place where is a big fight, and after the fight, drain it.
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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Back away from the drakon idea! Now! Do not, Dikiyoba repeats, DO NOT give I_am_a_Minotaur anymore ideas about playing drakons in Geneforge. Not even a topic titled "Ain't Gonna Happen."
I agree shocked . And what do you think of a spawner that spawn a spawner that spawn a spawner that spawn a spawner that spawn a spawner that spawn a spawner that spawn a spawner? laugh
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Originally written by Nick Ringer:
- One of the sect leaders actually getting up off his ass and doing something.
- The PC, despite devastating magic and fierce, loyal creations, has to stop to take a leak.
- The Clawbugs start their own sect, determined to dig a big, sandy pit.
- Someone sends you on a quest to return his missing head of cabbage. It's been in the family for generations.
- Your desperate search over the world has led you to a dark forest. You slay all the rogues and trek through untold miles of wilderness. Finally, through clues in obscure rumors told to you by raving, drunken serviles, you come across a toilet.
Posted for posterity.
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MagmaDragoon: this is actually what I meant. Spawner-spawning Spawners wouldn't be much of a threat; since they cannot attack they'd just take up space, essence, and a few gemstones apiece. It'd be good for experience to hack through a few, and you'd get rich quick.


In related news, it has always bothered me that, assuming Geneforge takes place in our universe, the Law of Conservation of Matter is broken each time you Shape a new Creation. But Einstein's Relativity Theory does state that matter is energy. Therefore the Shaping process must consist of some fission in which energy (Essence from the Shaper's body) is transformed into matter, and the Absorbtion process must consist of fusion, in which mass is transformed back into energy. This is all well and good in theory, but keep in mind that fusion produces such rich energy that (according to Einstein) a two-pound brick, if spontaneously transformed into pure energy, would destroy our planet. So can it be that the Shapers are that powerful? Maybe Creations are weighed in amu ... or maybe I'm just not giving Jeff a chance.



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Originally written by Nick Ringer:
MagmaDragoon: this is actually what I meant. Spawner-spawning Spawners wouldn't be much of a threat; since they cannot attack they'd just take up space, essence, and a few gemstones apiece. It'd be good for experience to hack through a few, and you'd get rich quick.
Oh. My post was only a joke... Anyway, this seems a trick to me. Like using the editor for get gold and exp.
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My brain is running on full today.


1. Invisible enemies (that cast a shadow).

2. Committing a crime some out sets off a defense system that permentally reduces some of your stats without reducing the leveling-up cost.

3. A full-Servile Shaper (a.k.a a servile specially created to Shape.

4. Being able to actually Shape during COMBAT!!! The NPCs do in in G3!!!

5. Being able to make customized creations other than by changing their stats, to make it look like no two creations are the same.

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1) Things or spells that make you fly or levitate, as in Avernum


2) Gear for creations, like levitation device that adds AP to vlish, or brass knuckles for Alphas, or little doggie sweaters to keep the roamers warm.


3) Bags or pouches so I can carry more stuff.

(idea, must create an orink (sp??) to serve as a pack animal, therefore using up one of the creations slots)


4) Being able to control "guest" creations (the ones you find, rather than make yourself). The big roamer I picked up in G2 keeps blocking the way in narrow passages because he's such a wuss and won't run into a fight. I'd dismiss him but he's really good at fetching slippers.


Just a thought

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Originally written by Shine123:
1) Things or spells that make you fly or levitate, as in Avernum

2) Gear for creations, like levitation device that adds AP to vlish, or brass knuckles for Alphas, or little doggie sweaters to keep the roamers warm.

3) Bags or pouches so I can carry more stuff.
(idea, must create an orink (sp??) to serve as a pack animal, therefore using up one of the creations slots)

4) Being able to control "guest" creations (the ones you find, rather than make yourself). The big roamer I picked up in G2 keeps blocking the way in narrow passages because he's such a wuss and won't run into a fight. I'd dismiss him but he's really good at fetching slippers.

Just a thought
You would think that a 20 foot tall Battle Alpha might bend over and help you carry stuff.

But no.

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Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
The ability to make creation bombs.
You know, those little globes that you get that POOF in to some big toothy monster to dispatch your enemies.
My Agents would pay dearly to have a couple of those little essence filled globes. Handy for escape. Or big fights.
Or use a Pyroamer smile instead of a bomb.
Hey, why not use Pyroamers for smash doors?
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What about, Say... A device in some sect, that is supposed to shape you and give you ultimate power, something like the Geneforge... but when you use it, it shapes you into some wierd half/creation half/shaper thing and you get locked up as an experiement, and you then get the option of quiting and trying again on a previous save, or trying to escape from jail.


I mean... A half/human vlish thing that can shape? It scare the crap out of anything and be better at throwing spells, yet really really really easy to kill with a good melee hit.

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Oh, man. I wonder if Jeff and his friends are reading this. We have some major imagination.


Now here's something that REALLY ain't gonna happen: An upgraded form of an ornk, like a Cryoa is a Fyora's upgraded form.


And here's something else that would go well with the girl players: in-game dolls that look like the creations! Of course, actually having one, even if you had to make it yourself, tops that easily. *huggles her Cryoa plushie*


And, no, you can't have my plushie. :p

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Originally written by Socane:
What about, Say... A device in some sect, that is supposed to shape you and give you ultimate power, something like the Geneforge... but when you use it, it shapes you into some wierd half/creation half/shaper thing and you get locked up as an experiement, and you then get the option of quiting and trying again on a previous save, or trying to escape from jail.

I mean... A half/human vlish thing that can shape? It scare the crap out of anything and be better at throwing spells, yet really really really easy to kill with a good melee hit.
I find the idea of being merged with a lesser life form highly disagreeable.

In short, YUCK.

However, if it were female, it could be a one stop shop for all your tentacle porn needs. Hrm?
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origanlly written by tesabilityblack:

Now here's something that REALLY ain't gonna happen: An upgraded form of an ornk, like a Cryoa is a Fyora's upgraded form.


actaully there is an updated from but u cant shape it. like the ornk lord in geneforge1. but jeff should make it so u can shape it. not the ornk lord but like a vishous man eating ornk shade.

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Shaping higher-level ornks leads to mad ornk disease.


If you don't believe Dikiyoba, you haven't throughly explored G1.


Edit: There is a quote button, strange shaper. Just hit the quotation marks to quote an entire person's post or copy the section you want, hit the quote button on the reply screen, and put the text between the quote commands.

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I find the idea of being merged with a lesser life form highly disagreeable.

In short, YUCK.

Does this mean you are a lesser life form, then, Delicious Vlish ? laugh

Not sure if all of the vlish are 'lesser life forms'... Some seem to be very clever and there's a vlish in Geneforge 2 who can beam his feelings to Shapers.
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Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
Silly lesser life forms can not read.

I said that we Vlish would not take to kindly to being merged with a lesser life form.

That implies that the lesser life form is indeed human.

**Lifts tentacle in obcene gesture and gurgles something profane**
Well, had you not written something about tentacle porn, I might not have misunderstood your post. I just didn't know Vlish were into that sort of thing. eek
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Originally written by The Lurker:
Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
Silly lesser life forms can not read.

I said that we Vlish would not take to kindly to being merged with a lesser life form.

That implies that the lesser life form is indeed human.

**Lifts tentacle in obcene gesture and gurgles something profane**
Well, had you not written something about tentacle porn, I might not have misunderstood your post. I just didn't know Vlish were into that sort of thing. eek
Well, we have tentacles! What do you expect us to do with them?

Well, except for those weirdo pervert submission vlish... They like to watch human appendage porn. Sickos.
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Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
Originally written by The Lurker:
Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
Silly lesser life forms can not read.

I said that we Vlish would not take to kindly to being merged with a lesser life form.

That implies that the lesser life form is indeed human.

**Lifts tentacle in obcene gesture and gurgles something profane**
Well, had you not written something about tentacle porn, I might not have misunderstood your post. I just didn't know Vlish were into that sort of thing. eek
Well, we have tentacles! What do you expect us to do with them?
I shudder to think what the Shapers actually made the Vlish for, then. :p
(Yes, this will be my last non-family-oriented post in this thread. No, really. wink )

Well, except for those weirdo pervert submission vlish... They like to watch human appendage porn. Sickos.
Ah, thanks for the info. I guess. *faints*
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O_O! That arguement will never haven in the Geneforge games, thank god!


*headdesk* Hello, there's no sort of religion in the game, and these Shapers can use magic? There must be a god SOMEWHERE in the games! I know there's one in the Avernum games, it's just that a name hasn't been mentioned yet. (There has to be one if there are DIVINE spells...the priests must be worshopping someone!)

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There's more than one god in the Exile/Avernum games. They also don't seem to exclude each other by existing, despite the fact that none of the gods are counterparts to the others. Maybe gods in Exile/Avernum exist simply because they have followers?


For example, an Anama priest probably doesn't pray to the same god as a member of the Divine Lucre, but they both use the same spells. There's nothing in the Anama religion (as far as I know) about the god of the Divine Lucre, and reverse that for the religion of the Divine Lucre.

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Originally written by strange shaper:
actaully there is an updated from but u cant shape it. like the ornk lord in geneforge1. but jeff should make it so u can shape it. not the ornk lord but like a vishous man eating ornk shade.
Ornk Lord? When I think of that, an ornk wearing a cape comes to mind. Where is the Ornk Lord? I've never heard of that before.

Another ain't gonna happen:
1. EVERYONE will realize ain't isn't a word.
2. Everyone will realize gonna and wanna aren't words...

3. I don't think we'll ever actually get to ride a creation.
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Hey, I am usually a Grammar Nazi, Zephyr Tempest, do not even go there. :p


I know what is not going to happen in the Geneforge games, unless I do some major begging.


The appearance of the following creature:



Don't EVEN ask me to make one, I may have created the bird herself, but I can't make sprites to save my life. Celevoir, who is the bird, and the person riding her are soon to be COPYRIGHTED!!! laughcool

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That would be dangerous, having an enemy that could unshape you. I mean, if canisters can make you better, it's a matter of learning to undo the genetic knowledge that the canisters impart.


Reverse Shaping.


Take an all powerful canister crazed character and just... Strip him (or her) down to nothing.

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