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Are Fyoras Cute?


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I was always thinking...

I have seen on several posts the whole "Fyoras are cute" thing. I don't know what to make of it, though , I kind of do (half think) that the fyora from the GF2 cutscenes, is fairly cute. (every young shaper's dream is to create the cutest fyora, woohoo!)

I don't know, maybe im not alone, or maybe I'm just a freak. (Absolutely true on former). Or, maybe its a similar thing with kobolds from NWN. Anyway, I'd like some input, well.... maybe.


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Are Fyoras Cute?


Not anymore, if you've seen the new graphic.


I keep a Cryoa on board for a long time when I use creations in G4. It was doing 80+ damage with its ice breath far into the game and hit level thirty-something before it was finally sacrificed for something more gratifyingly deadly.


-S- is for Shiver

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Looks,,,, like I am not ENTIRELY alone on this...

I have not seen the dread ugly GF4 fyora, and looking at the screenshots, they still look the same. I guess I did not specify WHICH fyora I was talking about, so (some random and boring apology). Also, when taking comparison pictures, why didn't anyone take any screenshots from GF2, they're all over.

Or, maybe I am just completely insane... (resists temptation to indulge in maniacal laughter, despite its apparent stress relieving effect)

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Jeff started replacing graphics about 2/3 of the way through beta testing. The fyora is one of the few graphics that was changed so all earlier testing games using it are no longer playable with the new graphic. I don't know what types of error may occur if you rewrite the scripts to replace it with an old one.


The new one has more of a resemblance to the raptors in Jurassic Park.

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Originally written by The Mystic:
I like fyoras because they're easy to fillet when I no longer need them. And the best part is that because of their fire-breathing ability, they're already cooked! laugh

(Now that I think about it, I could go for a drayk steak right about now smilewink ...)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Drayaks, for you are crunchy and taste good with Ketchup. :p

(I hope I remembered that quote correctly.)
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Fyoras are the cutest creations you can make. If you don't like lizards as pets, then you probably won't want the horse-sized sulfur and brimstone version. But if you like reptiles, then the older Geneforge fyoras are awesome.


Would you rather go set up camp and lie down with a slimy artilla, a flatulent and floating vlish, a drooling thahd, a scorpion-like clawbug with an insatiable appetite, or a warm fyora?


A cryoa to me seems far less amicable. Unless you live in the Bahamas, I think having your hand frozen every time you want to pet your creation is a major hassle.

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Sure, if you

A) are not a shaper.

B) have emotional detachment from your creations.

C) are the type of person to put outside all pets before going to bed (even the goldfish).


EDIT: If I could choose from all the shaper creations, then I'd probably choose an Ornk, but that's outside of the question's scope.

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Originally written by Garrison:
Fyoras are the cutest creations you can make. If you don't like lizards as pets, then you probably won't want the horse-sized sulfur and brimstone version. But if you like reptiles, then the older Geneforge fyoras are awesome.

Would you rather go set up camp and lie down with a slimy artilla, a flatulent and floating vlish, a drooling thahd, a scorpion-like clawbug with an insatiable appetite, or a warm fyora?

A cryoa to me seems far less amicable. Unless you live in the Bahamas, I think having your hand frozen every time you want to pet your creation is a major hassle.
We will make you like us, and make you believe our propulsion system smells like roses.

That is all.
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Originally by Garrison:


Would you rather go set up camp and lie down with a slimy artilla, a flatulent and floating vlish, a drooling thahd, a scorpion-like clawbug with an insatiable appetite, or a warm fyora?
A glaak wouldn't be fun either, since it would stun you if you sleepwalk or roll around a lot.


A cryoa to me seems far less amicable. Unless you live in the Bahamas, I think having your hand frozen every time you want to pet your creation is a major hassle.
But if a fyora is only warm and not burning hot, then a cryoa is cool and not freezing cold. They're perfect for the hot summer months.




Edit: Typo.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
But if a fyora is only warm and not burning hot, then a cryoa is cool and not freezing cold.
Good point. Still, would you rather hug a cold cryoa or a warm fyora? Also, eyebeasts are just downright creepy. I don't know if I'd like to go to bed with a floating eyeball staring at me.

Roamers would be excellent if it weren't for the acidic drool.
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But if a fyora is only warm and not burning hot, then a cryoa is cool and not freezing cold.
Since reptiles are cold blooded and thus can neither generate their own heat nor survive when too cold, it would be logical to assume that they are room temperature. Their breath weapons would not effect their body heat, since the most common theory for such anatomy would be glands holding chemicals that, when released, mix just before being projected from their mouths. Cuddling with a fyora or cryoa would be like cuddling with a leather jacket, it might actually be cool to the touch either way unless it was in the sun.

My choice of cuddly creation: ornk. Sleep with it at night... have bacon in the morning... shape... repeat.
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Originally written by Garrison:
Roamers would be excellent if it weren't for the acidic drool.
I agree with you.
That's why I'd like more their unstable variant!
Just be sure you havent eaten any beans or such for dinnerb smilesmilesmile

P.S.: Who doesn't like a nice soft cushy pink little animal to hug and squeeze and ... BUM!
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