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Slarty Ranks Everything

Mea Tulpa

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This topic is exactly as described.  I will rank everything and anything.  Post whatever you would like me to rank, and I will add it to the current list.  For example, if people suggested Nethergate, Mussolini, and roombas, we might get:






Because I like Nethergate better than roombas, and roombas better than Mussolini.  If someone then suggested rickrolling, it would be added, perhaps as:







And so on, with the ranked list growing each time a new suggestion is made.  That's it -- it's a purely subjective ranking.


You can make a few different suggestions in one post if you like.  No real limitations on what you can pick outside of what the code of conduct already covers -- e.g., keep it friendly.


Let the pointless wanking ranking begin!

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I don't understand why there is a video game about that Polish labor union, but I'm down with labor unions.  It is a little hard to tell if that is the Polish flag in front of a blue sky, or if perhaps it is the Pan-Slavic flag instead, which may have to knock this down.  Also, the guy is a little weird.


Alf was never a good cultural phenomenon and that particular style of old PC art is not what it could be, either.


The Speedy Gonzales screenshot has some good production values, including a very nice font.  Why Mexico shares an island with Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Arctic is hard to explain, unless this is actually from the rumoured futuristic Nethergate sequel.  Speedy Gonzales himself is a little questionable on a lot of levels, but I'm willing to give this screenshot more credit than the game itself might deserve.


As for anchovies -- hate 'em!  Not a seafood fan here.  They have no business ruining a perfectly good food, like pizza.



Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Solidarność screenshot

Alf screenshot

Anchovy pizza

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2 minutes ago, The Executable Branch said:

I don't understand why there is a video game about that Polish labor union, but I'm down with labor unions.

Because Solidarnosc led to free elections in Poland and thus the downfall of the Stalinist state!!! It's a video game 'bout organizing and agitating and stuff.

3 minutes ago, The Executable Branch said:

Also, the guy is a little weird.

"the guy" is LECH WALESA, you philistine, he founded Solidarnosc and won a Nobel Peace Prize, then became President of Poland, and it turned out he was a much better union leader/dissident than president, and now he's a pathetic marginalized old man


The Speedy Gonzalez screenshot is maybe my favorite game screenshot ever.


Also, rank this post itself.

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I don't understand pineapple pizza.  That said, I actually find the pineapple less problematic than the ham, and Aran only specified pineapple.


...and a post that asks me to rank itself.  Woo.  It sure didn't take us long to get self-referential with this, did it.  Not that I'm one to talk, but still...


Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Solidarność screenshot

Pineapple pizza

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

Anchovy pizza

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...good lord, I didn't realize that scenario was ever actually finished and released.  Anyway, while I definitely found your rendition amusing, it seemed like the accent was constantly shifting; I think some of your other characterizations are better.


As for your LP's, well -- I think they are generally good quality LP's, but as you know, I find some of the assumptions you make in them confusing and frustrating.


Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Solidarność screenshot

Pineapple pizza

The rendition of Slarty's voice in the Let's Play

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

The Let's Play series

Anchovy pizza


This seems like a good time to observe that the suggestions so far have been pretty mild -- nothing I feel very strongly about has really shown up yet.

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Ironically, Avernum 4 ends up in the tepid middle too.  It might be the worst SW game in some ways, but not in every way -- and that doesn't actually make it a bad game.


Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

The Let's Play series

Anchovy pizza

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Time to get really retro...


Kiss (the original incarnation of the band, not swapping spit - although that can be a separate line item if you wish)


70''s porn

70's prog

70's cars in general (not just the muscle cars that survive to today)

70's movies


And that's enough of a trip down memory lane for now

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Birthdays: a reminder of the fact that we were born.  Awful

Vitamin C supplements: of questionable medicinal value, and generally weird-tasting

File compression: it's neat.  I support all forms of translation, encapsulation, and abstraction

KISS: uhm, well, there are plenty of bands I dislike more

Disco: gets a bad rap, no pun intended.  Has more musical substance than people think.  And it was the victim of an actual hate campaign, as a result of racism and homophobia.  And if nothing else, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2-LEBc2sO8

70's prog: this is a pretty broad category and includes some amazing stuff as well as some deplorable stuff.  As musical styles go it's not bad

70's cars: definitely more stylin' than today's

70's movies: American or foreign?  I guess it's not really my favourite decade either way -- certainly outclassed by by the 60's and 80's, in both categories, in terms of stuff I like.




File compression

70's cars

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

70's prog

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

The Let's Play series


Anchovy pizza


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Saunas: I guess I'm pro-sauna?  Sure, why not.  Who doesn't enjoy a day at the baths.

Angry Birds: No thanks.  I guess, as a pop culture phenomenon, it could certainly be a lot worse.

Salty liquorice: haven't eaten it.  It sounds a little scary given what else ammonium chloride is used for.  I'll have to make a guess here.

Linux: I guess on principle I can support this.

Northern Lights: Hard to object to these.  Neat enough.




File compression

Northern Lights

70's cars

Speedy Gonzales screenshot



70's prog

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies

Angry Birds

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

The Let's Play series


Anchovy pizza


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80's fashion: Ultimately, no, despite there being some good elements in there.

Ice cream: I do have a sweet tooth.

My Little Pony: Ultimately, no, despite there being some good elements in there.




File compression

Ice cream

Northern Lights

70's cars

Speedy Gonzales screenshot



70's prog

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies

Angry Birds

Alf screenshot

The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


Anchovy pizza


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Cait Sith / Reeve Tuesti

They Might Be Giants (band)

Lieth (Avernum jack of all trades)

Pete Townshend

Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind

Five Nights at Freddy's franchise

Lady Gaga

Barenaked Ladies



human skulls as decoration

Wings (band)

L. L. Bean

fava beans

Runtz (fruit flavored candy, the hard kind, not the chewy kind)

Puggsy for Sega Genesis

novelty mugs

novelty teapots

whatever is behind the wall behind you right now

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6 hours ago, Triumph said:

This thread...LOL.

i was literally going to post this why must you snipe me so


Anyway, yeah. Let's make it official. "Slarty Ranks Everything". Also "Georg Cantor", "Bertrand Russell", and "the Barber Paradox".


EDIT: Upon rereading I am realizing that you were merely laughing at this thread, rather than submitting "this thread" as an entry. I haven't been getting much sleep lately.


EDIT2: dropjes are amazing

Edited by Dintiradan
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Lots to go through here so I've skipped over some that I have no real reaction to.


C++: as programming languages go I'm pretty happy with it.

Russian: I like languages in general.  Since I don't speak Russian I'm going to have to go with my reaction to its sound and tone, which, unfortunately, is not great.  But for perspective, I speak English, which rates as one of the ugliest-sounding languages in empirical tests of people who don't speak related languages.


Cyberpunk: I have a soft spot for this, at least the old school version of it.

Steampunk: This, on the other hand, always manages to seem like a pretentious puff of nothing to me.

Dieselpunk: When genre names start to become too specific for their own good.  (See also stonepunk, clockpunk, decopunk, etc etc)

Elfpunk: I don't love this particular blend.  I feel like it doesn't do justice to either element, really.


Cait Sith: I actually love Cait Sith on a lot of levels.  It's a great story, and the character itself is a great integration of the original cat sidhe inspiration, the cheesy cait sith monster adaptation, and the themes of FF7.

They Might Be Giants: They've done some good stuff but I was never really that into them.

Lady Gaga: A lot more interesting than your average pop star.  Still a pop star.

Ducks: Ducks are great.  As a creature that can travel on land, in the water, and in the air, they take on a lot of meanings in folklore.  Also, they generally sound annoyed, and it's hard for me not to empathize with that.

Vultures: They have their place, but it's hard to separate them from the intense metaphorical meaning we attach to them.

Wings (band): No, we did not need a soft rock version of the Beatles.

Runtz: Their shells always seemed excessively hard to me, and they have a weird kind of sweetness that -- I dunno.

Puggsy: A pretty generic platformer.

Novelty mugs: A contradiction in terms -- they are so far from novel...


Jeff Vogel: Despite whatever criticism I might express at times -- I am good at expressing criticism -- I am on the whole pretty positive about Mr. Vogel, who has contributed far more to the world than he has mucked up in it.

Dolphins: As far as I can tell, a lot of what we think about dolphins is just what we project onto them.  I'm pretty dolphin-neutral.

Sock puppets: I support sock puppets, even if no sock puppet will ever be as cool as His and Her divine sock puppet.

Turnips: I do not like them.

Handlebar mustaches: not only do I think they look incredibly stupid, I actually appreciate their total inversion, the horseshoe mustache.

Good grammar: generally an aid to communication.  You know, Triumph, that I am a staunch descriptivist -- but since this is just "good grammar" itself and not rashing on bad grammar, I can be down.



Slarty Ranks Everything: Ugh.  THANKS DINTIRADAN.  The presence of this item on the list moves this item further down the list :p

Georg Cantor: He's no Berkeley, but he's cool.

Bertrand Russell: I find Russell insufferable.  Some of that may be projection.  We have plenty in common.  But I am not a fan of the reduction of everything to an analytical formulation.

The Barber Paradox: This is the analytical philosophy equivalent of that stupid Let's Make a Deal puzzle everybody's middle school math teacher attempts to trick them with.  It's cheap.  All shaggy dog stories don't go to heaven.  Sigh.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith


File compression


Ice cream

Northern Lights

70's cars

Georg Cantor


Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot



Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Sock puppets

70's prog

Slarty Ranks Everything

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants


Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies



Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


Novelty mugs


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Anchovy pizza

Handlebar mustaches


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The Xavier Files: It finally occured to me that Dinti might have been submitting this as an item for the list.  I believe my opinion is adequately expressed above.  Cyclops is awful and is in a franchise that has no shortage of interesting characters.  I appreciate the endeavor but my disagreements with it are hard to get past.


Posting games: I mean, it depends.  A lot of them are stupid.  Some of them are fun.

Metahumor: Again, it depends.

—Alorael: I've always admired its versatility.


Bark spider: I guess it's interesting?  I'm afraid that all I can think of is "Can block creatures with flying and creatures with islandwalk."

"Lackadaisical": I appreciate its specificity and utility as a descriptor, but don't love the sound of the word, and kind of hate the "ck" in the spelling despite understanding why it's there.  There are more interesting ridiculous etymologies.

Cabaret (film): It's fine.  I can see why it's been a touchstone for so many people, but it's not really my shtick.

Dogs: <3

Sans-serif fonts: I like fonts in general, I guess.  I can think of other characteristics I respond to (positively or negatively) but I don't think I have very strong reactions either to serifs or to not having serifs.


Myself: I know I said basically anything goes, but I think ranking people we interact with on a personal level (as opposed to a professional, public one), and rating them rather than some interesting thing they did, is a bad idea.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith


File compression


Ice cream

Northern Lights

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Sock puppets

70's prog

Slarty Ranks Everything

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games

Bark spider



Cabaret (film)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Anchovy pizza

Handlebar mustaches


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I was indeed submitting it as an entry. If I had my druthers, your list would be half other lists and half self-reference.


Speaking of which, I submit:

- "2500 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG" (1-500, 501-1000, 1001-1500, 1501-2000, 2001-2500)

- "The Evil Overlord List" (http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html)

- "The BGG Top 10" (https://boardgamegeek.com/browse/boardgame)

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"2500 things": From a cursory perusal, it looks random and unfunny.

The Evil Overlord List: The opposite of the Barber Paradox -- good answers to real lacunae.  And I admit that one of those World of Avernum RPs left me with good associations for it.

BGG Top 10: Once upon a time, this was a better list.  Not even that long ago.  Yet now, Terra Mystica is the only remnant of these better times.  (Le Havre, once the pride of the land, has been pushed to #34.)  Now the top 10 has unfortunate extremes: the calculated strategy of the immobile Twilight Struggle on the one hand, and the flaring up of recent co-op legacy games on the other.  And another thing, get off my lawn, it's not a space you can land on.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith


File compression


Ice cream

Northern Lights

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Evil Overlord List

Sock puppets

70's prog

Slarty Ranks Everything

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games

Bark spider



Cabaret (film)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


"2500 things Mr. Welch..."

Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files

BGG Top 10


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Anchovy pizza

Handlebar mustaches


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Slartibartfast: “Let’s just go down to the party,” said Slartibartfast, “for whatever reason.”  He stood up, shaking his head.

Galactic Core: Sorry, RW, this game wasn't my thing.

Xian Skull (item): Sylak's Talking Skull was clever and novel.  Xian Skull was a rerun with a worse name, even if the chassis was still solid.

Johnny Cash: I disliked him less before he ruined "Hurt" so egregiously.  (I wouldn't even mind that so much if so many people didn't think it was the better version.)

Vinyl records: I would make such a good vinyl snob.  Never got into it though, and I don't even own a record player.  I do enjoy the hisses and pops though.

Russian literature: A great tradition.  Hard to argue with Dostoyevsky, and I've always appreciated Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Peanuts (comic): Inoffensive.

Penguins: I can only hold Morgan Freeman against them so much.  Sometimes it's hard to believe they aren't actually anime characters that have come to life.

Working out: I am extremely lazy, but I actually really enjoy working out.


First Trilogy games: I'm not sure I care to eventually include every single SW game here (especially as a lot of them will clump closely together) but I will pick and choose a few of these nine releases to use.


E2: High water-mark for Spiderweb.

E3: Bright, engaging, loose, and spread out.

A2CS: A game with a great story and engine that became a bit bland due to failings of balance and unfortunate retcons.  Still a good game, of course.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith

Exile II: Crystal Souls



File compression


Working out

Ice cream

The Northern Lights

Russian literature

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Vinyl records

Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Evil Overlord List

Exile III: Ruined World

Sock puppets


70's prog

Avernum II: Crystal Souls

Slarty Ranks Everything

Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games

Bark spider



Cabaret (film)

Peanuts (comic)

Xian Skull (item)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

Galactic Core


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


"2500 things Mr. Welch..."

Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files

BGG Top 10

Johnny Cash


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Anchovy pizza

Handlebar mustaches


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I, Slarty, applaud your appreciation for Russian literature.
In response to your statement about Russian tone and sound, be aware that the Russian you hear from politicians on television is not like the everyday Russian spoken by people.
Politicians tend to make their accent extra iotated and  heavy to sound serious and official. Here are four songs sung in a more "realistic" Russian:


1. Through hills and valleys

2. Not for me

3. General Matsiyevskiy (mat-see-yev-skee)

4. Oysya, you oysya! (oysya isn't a word, just a Cossack vocal)

Song 3 and 4, while sung in Russian, are in a more Ukrainian accent, which is generally a softer and less iotated language.

By the way, I for one don't dislike English at all, just the contrary, but I find Portuguese and especially German to sound atrociously.

Edited by Unbound Servile
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Let me get this straight.  You ask me to rank a language you find beautiful.  I don't happen to find it beautiful.  You then lecture me about my aesthetic judgment, assuming that it is based on an inaccurate impression of the language -- rather than the fact that our brains and ears grew up being trained by entirely different phonemic inventories and morphophonemic patterns.


You also link me to four songs that are supposedly more like "everyday Russian spoken by people."  Unless said people are living in a musical, this is really crazy: singing sounds very different from everyday speech no matter what language we're talking about.  Yes, even if it's not accompanied by an orchestra ;)

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Sliced bread: I love bread, and slicing it definitely makes it more manageable on many levels.

Cats: My mileage varies.  Perhaps not surprisingly, I get along best with cats that act like dogs.  And I can think of a few fictional cats, like Jiji, that are pretty cool.  But I rarely hate cats.  Hey, at least they aren't humans.

The Crusades: Sorry, this is going to be a singular ranking -- I don't know enough to rank most of them individually, and I feel pretty comfortable saying that they all suck pretty spectacularly.

Subinfeudation: I'm not sure what I could really be reacting to here -- I guess it beats alienation -- but I do appreciate the fact that Wikipedia uses a snapshot of the Bayeux Tapestry for its feudalism info box.






Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith

Exile II: Crystal Souls



File compression

Sliced bread


Working out

Ice cream

The Northern Lights

Russian literature

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Vinyl records

Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Evil Overlord List

Exile III: Ruined World

Sock puppets


70's prog

Avernum II: Crystal Souls

Slarty Ranks Everything


Solidarność screenshot

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games


Bark spider



Cabaret (film)

Peanuts (comic)

Xian Skull (item)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

Galactic Core


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


"2500 things Mr. Welch..."

Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files

BGG Top 10

Johnny Cash


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Anchovy pizza

The Crusades

Handlebar mustaches


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Slarty, my post was neither ment as a judgement nor lecture, all I wanted to say is that many have an inaccurate idea of how Russian sounds and that's all I meant.

So if my post appeared like a lecture, I apologize.
And, for your information, in Russian streets orchestras are being played all day long to support our conversations, so those songs are an accurate representation of the Russian language.
But how am I to take your judgement seriously, I mean, you like *dogs* ;)

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Civ II: Yeah, I put some hours into this once upon a time.  Flawed, but it sure had enough going to be fun at the time.

Spam (meat): Eh.  Has become sort of a cliche.

Goldfish: Eh.  Have become sort of a cliche, but at least providing some interesting metaphors.

Twilight Saga: On the one hand, no.  On the other hand, also no.  Poorly written, insulting to the genre, and especially painful coming as it did on the heels of a much more intelligent pop culture vampire phenomena.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith

Exile II: Crystal Souls



File compression

Sliced bread


Working out

Ice cream

The Northern Lights

Russian literature

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Vinyl records

Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Evil Overlord List

Exile III: Ruined World

Sock puppets


70's prog

Avernum II: Crystal Souls

Slarty Ranks Everything


Solidarność screenshot

Civ II

Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games



Bark spider



Spam (meat)

Cabaret (film)

Peanuts (comic)

Xian Skull (item)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

Galactic Core


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


"2500 things Mr. Welch..."

Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files

BGG Top 10

Johnny Cash


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Twilight Saga

Anchovy pizza

The Crusades

Handlebar mustaches


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Civilization: In the battle of socialisme ou barbarie I prefer socialisme, even if it has to take the infelicitous form of civilization.

Revolutions: "Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering."  -- Tom Stoppard (though some are less trivial than others)

Word Rescue: Not actually a fan.  It's not great as a platformer, not great as an educational tool, and its graphics lack the je ne sais quoi that some of its contemporary software had.  I also object to the fact that it literally vilifies those who can't read -- not a constructive setup for a kid who's struggling to learn to read to encounter.

Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes: HATE.  Nonsensical and cliche at the same time.  A lame attempt at looking "foreign" that just doesn't work.

Gilmore Girls: I've repeatedly tried to get into it based on recommendations and comparisons to Buffy, and have never managed to.  It feels a little self-indulgent and oblivious to me.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles: Possibly my least favourite book I had to read in high school.  I remember very little of it and am honestly not sure how much of it I did actually read.

Nelson Rockefeller: I don't agree with him on everything, and am not generally a fan of the moderate, incremental approach.  Nor am I interested in celebrating the rich merely for being generally decent people.  But he does seem to have been rather more decent and genuine than many politicians.

Paprika: I'm pretty neutral on this spice.




Chrono Trigger


Cait Sith

Exile II: Crystal Souls



File compression

Sliced bread


Working out

Ice cream

The Northern Lights

Russian literature

70's cars

Georg Cantor



Good grammar

Speedy Gonzales screenshot

Sans serif fonts



Vinyl records

Lady Gaga

Jeff Vogel

Evil Overlord List

Exile III: Ruined World

Sock puppets



70's prog

Avernum II: Crystal Souls

Slarty Ranks Everything


Solidarność screenshot

Civ II


Avernum 4

They Might Be Giants

Posting games


Nelson Rockefeller


Bark spider




Spam (meat)

Cabaret (film)

Peanuts (comic)

Xian Skull (item)

Pineapple pizza

The LP rendition of Slarty's voice

Vitamin C supplements

70's movies




Angry Birds

Alf screenshot

Word Rescue


The post that asks me to rank itself

Salty liquorice

Galactic Core

Gilmore Girls


Bertrand Russell

My Little Pony

80's fashion

The Let's Play series


Tess of the d'Urbervilles

"2500 things Mr. Welch..."

Novelty mugs

The Xavier Files

BGG Top 10

Johnny Cash


The Barber Paradox


Wings (the band)



Fictional names that use a lot of apostrophes

Twilight Saga

Anchovy pizza

The Crusades

Handlebar mustaches


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