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Jerakeen for Moderator Too!


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Before everyone jumps on the sexist bandwagon, I must have missed where I said it did. What I did say was if you don't even know what the sex of your choice is, how well do you know that person? A thousand people you walk by on the street: you don't know anything about these people, but you know what their sex is because you typically notice that first. On an internet forum, you might not find this out as quickly, but it seems to be something you would find out along the way to getting to know someone. Getting to know someone seems to be a reasonable prerequisite to electing them moderator.


Similarly, as Nalyd said:

I. . . don't even know who Jerakeen is. Sorry, Jerakeen.

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I would have thought finding out someone's gender would have been along the way to knowing if they would be a competant moderator...

This is the Internet. You can't even tell if the member is even human. We've had several bots that have posted more coherently. more interestingly, and with better grammar than some members that claim to be human. Sex doesn't matter.



Wait, sex matters, but not for mod qualifications.

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I think you need to re-read my second post. I don't expect the admins to get together and use the sex of the candidate as if to be a tie breaker. I don't expect it to come up at all in the decision or interview process. My point is if you don't know something as basic as that, what else don't you know? You should be able to have seen that information come up once or twice in conversation, theoretically, after following ten to twenty posts from the user.


And I wasn't saying you were accusing me of sexism. I was responding to Tyran and bracing myself for the accosiated comments soon to come from Dikiyoba, SoT, and a host of others as this thread descends into the gender roles argument as people continue to miss my point of "how well do you know the person you are giving control to?"

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I think you need to re-read my second post. I don't expect the admins to get together and use the sex of the candidate as if to be a tie breaker. I don't expect it to come up at all in the decision or interview process. My point is if you don't know something as basic as that, what else don't you know? You should be able to have seen that information come up once or twice in conversation, theoretically, after following ten to twenty posts from the user.


And I wasn't saying you were accusing me of sexism. I was responding to Tyran and bracing myself for the accosiated comments soon to come from Dikiyoba, SoT, and a host of others as this thread descends into the gender roles argument as people continue to miss my point of "how well do you know the person you are giving control to?"


Why would that kind of information necessarily come up on a video game forum? Stop being ridiculous and especially cut it out with the persecution complex. There was plenty of discussion among the staff before Jerakeen was chosen as a mod: if you disagree with the way we run this forum, feel free to post elsewhere.

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Jerakeen has been more active on the game boards than here on General, thereby encouraging the perverse diversification of Spiderweb Discussion Forum Hosting into the bizarre sideline of selling original computer games. A risky strategy, in my opinion, but sometimes these spin-offs take flight. If this one does, Jerakeen will have helped. And if it blows up in truly epic failure, we'll have a focus of blame, and that's worthwhile, too.

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I still think General should have it's own non-global to offset Nikki, but Jerakeen definitely needed to be the full deal.


Any particular reason? The global moderators can all lend an authoritative voice to General if one is required, so there probably isn't much reason to have a local moderator.

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*insert link to %*@*&@#*&$^&$%#* @#%#%&ing @#$*$*#!!~)*(%? with a side of (something so obscene even random symbol censoring of it will cause puppies to explode) here*



(Even if I wasn't in the habit of being extremely obscene, intentionally or unintentionally, I'm extremely irrational and don't always have a firm grasp on reality. Nice joke, though. :p)

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Subtext: keep posting and the fourth mod could be YOU! That's a terrible sliver of hope to leave us, Randomizer.

Oh, no no. There's no hope the fourth mod could be you. Not unless you save *i on the field of battle, and even then you're more likely to get sent for reprocessing.


—Alorael, who thinks prole is about right. *i is Big Brother and he's got his stomping boots on.

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