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Baldur's Gate


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Originally Posted By: BMA
Originally Posted By: Nightwatcher
What is this all about confused

I'm equally at sea. The site shows a skull with a running timer, and nothing else. Very mysterious.

Could someone please explain ?

The skull is the logo for the classic Baldur's Gate series of RPGs, the last of which came out in 2000. Some people think that when the timer runs out, Bioware will announce a sequel or remake of them. They are excited, because Baldur's Gate was awesome and you should go play it.
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It's not trivial getting the Baldur's Gate games to run on a modern Mac, though. I don't think they're Lion-compatible, and I haven't gotten them functional on Snow Leopard, either. You might have better luck with emulated OS 9 or even Windows.


There also the GemRB project that has re-implemented the engine in a way that can be run on Mac, Windows, and everything else. I can't vouch for its accuracy or stability, but it's there.


—Alorael, who has had enough trouble getting all the patches for optimal (read: to taste) Baldur's Gate working when not running it through a third-party engine. But that brings up the interesting problem that any remake incompatible with all the dozens and dozens of mods and enhancements would be good but possibly unable to match the earlier version, at least not without some heavy porting working.

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Originally Posted By: Alorael
It's not trivial getting the Baldur's Gate games to run on a modern Mac, though. I don't think they're Lion-compatible, and I haven't gotten them functional on Snow Leopard, either. You might have better luck with emulated OS 9 or even Windows.

There also the GemRB project that has re-implemented the engine in a way that can be run on Mac, Windows, and everything else. I can't vouch for its accuracy or stability, but it's there.

—Alorael, who has had enough trouble getting all the patches for optimal (read: to taste) Baldur's Gate working when not running it through a third-party engine. But that brings up the interesting problem that any remake incompatible with all the dozens and dozens of mods and enhancements would be good but possibly unable to match the earlier version, at least not without some heavy porting working.
The games run flawlessly in Wine. The easiest way to play them on a modern Mac is to install the Windows versions using an implementation of Wine like Wineskin or CrossOver.
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That's what I do, but getting WeidU and widescreen and the like through Wine isn't always easy. Doable, but not always easy.


—Alorael, who admits to sometimes caving and doing the installation in Windows. Modding everything and then just running it in Wine/CrossOver is much easier.

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The website's still just a tad overloaded, but at least they've confirmed remakes with an upgraded/updated engine.


—Alorael, who doesn't exactly have objections to the old engine, especially with the tweaks freely available from fans. He's interested in seeing what improvements they have in mind and whether they really justify the remake.

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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith

EDIT: and it stopped at 0 and now the website isn't even loading anything.

Same story, but works now. And maybe it was just me, but I expected something far more solid and click-able to download, not just a few random images and company links. Sure the website's okay, but why all the suspense with a ticking timer ? Its just a basic website after all with no downloads and a couple of pages. tongue

On the other hand, Spiderweb could put this suspense strategy to good use; let a timer be made on the main page, which ticks down to the precise instant when a new game is released for download. Tension,Suspense,Wonder. The emotional overload would get the gamers flocking in.
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Originally Posted By: Astinus
Baldur's Gate remakes, Wasteland finally getting a sequel, and Diablo 3 in two months time. Life is good. \o/

Woah, I just saw this. I had no idea Wasteland was so popular. It's kind of exciting to see huge names getting backed by the public, but I wonder if this sort of thing can be sustained or if it will be quickly oversaturated.
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