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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Based on age-related comments you've made in the back to school thread, I'm guessing Andrew?

That's kind of scarily stalkerish.

Not really. IIRC, when you see other people in real life your brain automatically categorizes them by gender and age. I can't imagine it's terribly different with a forum. So I don't find it odd that Tyranicus would remember his age.

I tend to categorize people on the internet by location more than anything- "person from X from site Y" tends to be far more descriptive than "24 year old male from site Y".

Oddly enough, I also find that categorizing by education and location on the Internet, especially here, makes it way easier to identify members. "Working on English major, Great Britain" obviously refers to one specific member here, whereas "College-age male" is really really broad to the point of uselessness.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Oddly enough, I also find that categorizing by education and location on the Internet, especially here, makes it way easier to identify members. "Working on English major, Great Britain" obviously refers to one specific member here, whereas "College-age male" is really really broad to the point of uselessness.

I sense a new Dantian forum game, where Dantius posts of a lists of the defining educational / geographic characteristics of forum users, and the trivia-obsessed populace guesses which clues match which forum users! wink
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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Oddly enough, I also find that categorizing by education and location on the Internet, especially here, makes it way easier to identify members. "Working on English major, Great Britain" obviously refers to one specific member here, whereas "College-age male" is really really broad to the point of uselessness.

I sense a new Dantian forum game, where Dantius posts of a lists of the defining educational / geographic characteristics of forum users, and the trivia-obsessed populace guesses which clues match which forum users! wink

Triple Lingustics Degree, America-ifer?
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Triumph
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Oddly enough, I also find that categorizing by education and location on the Internet, especially here, makes it way easier to identify members. "Working on English major, Great Britain" obviously refers to one specific member here, whereas "College-age male" is really really broad to the point of uselessness.

I sense a new Dantian forum game, where Dantius posts of a lists of the defining educational / geographic characteristics of forum users, and the trivia-obsessed populace guesses which clues match which forum users! wink

Triple Lingustics Degree, America-ifer?

Too easy. Also, no consideration has been taken into account for bunburyers. I would like this addressed.
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Those poor victims who live only here and now without any historical perspective and knowledge, those poor idiots who like to despair reading prophecies of destruction, those poor mentally ill people who are happy to think the world will end in their lifetime because it's something that can give sense to their poor lifes, those poor half humans who need to feel frightened or shocked to feel alive, those damned bloodsuckers who play Religion as an instrument of power to better dominate people's minds and behaviour, all those vile crooks which put together writings from anywhere to match with theories they invented to pursue celebrity and money.

That's what I think of 2012.

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That's the end of the Latin hymn that almost as famously begins:


Dies irae! Dies illa

Solvet saeclum in favilla

Teste David cum Sybilla.


The Day of Wrath! Upon that day

The world to ash will burn away,

So David and the Sybil say.


The whole Dies Irae, which is 19 stanzas long, apparently used to be included in the standard Requiem Mass. Those last two lines seem to have been used even more widely; Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote a haunting version in the Requiem he wrote for his Anglo-Catholic father.


The world may not end in 2012, but the world will end for each of us, one day. Or rather, our time in it will end. Perhaps it's the thought of the world going on exactly as before, except without us, that makes people prefer to think of living to see the end of it all at once.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Oddly enough, I also find that categorizing by education and location on the Internet, especially here, makes it way easier to identify members. "Working on English major, Great Britain" obviously refers to one specific member here, whereas "College-age male" is really really broad to the point of uselessness.

I sense a new Dantian forum game, where Dantius posts of a lists of the defining educational / geographic characteristics of forum users, and the trivia-obsessed populace guesses which clues match which forum users! wink

I would totally play that game. Also, he could vary it up. No need to only use education and geography.
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Originally Posted By: Sylae
Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
but there are 4 weeks in a month, and only one monday in a week. So your hypothesis is inconclusive.
That was clearly not meant to be taken literally.

Edit: I would hope your post wasn't either, but...

Same goes for the scientific jargon. Hypotheses are either disproved or supported. (Okay, so the results of an experiment could prove inconclusive, but that doesn't change the hypothesis.) And his statement was a hyperbole, not a hypothesis.
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Right. I do still intend to finish that one soon, but my mental energy has really been swallowed up by my new job. It's not that I don't have time, it's that I don't have the stamina to deal with all the work it will take to set up the final round(s).

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Originally Posted By: Trenton
ADD: attention defect disorder.
ADHD:Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Theyre bassicaly the same thing only one makes you hyperactive.

If they are the same except that one involves hyperactivity and the other one doesn't, how can you have both? I can see initially getting diagnosed with one and then getting the diagnosis switched to the other, but not having both at the same time. Unless the medication or other treatments are very different between the two?

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Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, shaper servile.
Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha,shaper servile.
ADD: attention defect disorder.
ADHD:Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Theyre bassicaly the same thing only one makes you hyperactive.

Um, I don't quite think you understood what Dikiyoba said.

EDIT: Blast you, Excalibur!
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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
If they are the same except that one involves hyperactivity and the other one doesn't, how can you have both? I can see initially getting diagnosed with one and then getting the diagnosis switched to the other, but not having both at the same time. Unless the medication or other treatments are very different between the two?


i'm pretty sure that under the current model ADD as a diagnosis has been phased out and what was once ADD has been subsumed into ADHD under the category of "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type". so it's possible he got diagnosed with ADD back when ADD was still A Thing and then got rediagnosed with ADHD once ADD stopped being A Thing
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We already went through this, Dikiyoba is a Dikiyora. Eventually, Dikiyoras will take over the world with their fascinating UFOs and Dikiyoba will be king of the internet. Is that enough?


EDIT: I have just discovered the ultimate weapon. Laughter. Hopefully, no one else will see the tragic fate of Tirien.



Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha
You say dikiyoba is a dikiyora like hes the only one of his race.
Huang He is a Chinese man. Wait, that's a river...
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
i'm pretty sure that under the current model ADD as a diagnosis has been phased out and what was once ADD has been subsumed into ADHD under the category of "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type". so it's possible he got diagnosed with ADD back when ADD was still A Thing and then got rediagnosed with ADHD once ADD stopped being A Thing

Yeah, a skim of the Wikipedia article on ADHD taught me that.

And since I mentioned Wikipedia...

Originally Posted By: Trenton
I said so and that Dikiyoba shouldent question me for some reason

Dikiyoba fixed your typo (seriously). Please remember it for the future. Dikiyoba thanks you.
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Ok thats a rather disturbing thought. I cant imagine anything splitting in two.


*now has the thought of a human splitting from the groin up to the head with strands between them before they snap, and a shell like substance starts covering the halves as the organs reform* I almost threw up there, great job.

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Um... ask an evolutionary biologist - we all come from things that split in two. In fact, that's how your body works. Every new cell in your body split off from another cell.


Cell gets big -> cell splits -> two cells.


And who says that Dikiyoba reproduces? One dikiyora is still more than enough to rule the internet.

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
you can also use any of a wide variety of gender-neutral pronouns. (except don't use "it". it's rude.)

Isn't "he" technically gender neutral in some circumstances? Like, if I said "The student dropped his books" it would be correct, since in that case I haven't specified the gender?
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As in other languages, the masculine is often the default, and can be used if the gender is unknown. The rise of our gender-neutral pronouns, I believe, came in protest of such usage. Technically, before our GNPs were around, one would say "his or her books" to be "politically correct."

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