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Deep Fried Kool Aid


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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Now for the latest in you can deep fry anything there is deep fried Kool Aid.



Okay, now I think I've seen just about everything. Deep fried veggies, I can handle. Deep fried ice cream, well, I guess it takes all kinds. But Kool Aid?! There are some things that just shouldn't be done.

Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
It would be a shame to waste good water on Kool-Aid anyway. Kool-Aid is gross.
Must've been some kind of off-brand stuff. Kool-Aid isn't so bad, as long as you mix it right.
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Karoka
Don't give me anything deep-fried, or else I'll smack it out of your hand. Then we'll have to deal with my burned hand and food on the floor.
Not even potato chips?
Not even potato chips. Well, unless they're baked.
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Originally Posted By: Trenton
I once shoved a popcorn kernel up my nose...On purpose. Never got it back though. And I thought it would come out the same way my swallowed nickle would, but it dissapeared!

It probably went down into one of your toes and grew out of your skin there. tongue

Originally Posted By: Karoka
Not even potato chips. Well, unless they're baked.

It is the way fried food tastes, or something else?

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Originally Posted By: Rowen
When I can use my cooked food as a blunt force weapon I tend to just throw it away.

Alfred Hitchcock used it as a murder weapon and then had the murderer eat the evidence with the police. smile

Is that the story where the wife murders her husband with the leg of lamb? I thought that was hilarious when I read it.
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Originally Posted By: Karoka
Not even potato chips. Well, unless they're baked.

It is the way fried food tastes, or something else?It goes back to when I was seven. I took a shower, and afterwards realized I had no clothing or a towel. I decided to run REALLY fast to my room, past the kitchen and dining room. My mom was deep frying fish, when the oil jumped and landed on my . . . you don't need to know. So then the skin there was burned, was really painful, and unfortunately didn't heal that fast. I utterly hated anything deep-fried after that day. I would tell you more, but this place is for all ages!
Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
I once shoved a popcorn kernel up my nose...On purpose. Never got it back though. And I thought it would come out the same way my swallowed nickle would, but it dissapeared!
It's probably in your lungs, you should get that checked out before you develop lung cancer! You'll know because a little spot in your lungs will be a light brown. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Karoka
(story about getting burned)
Yeah, a bad childhood experience with frying can turn you off to it. Hot grease hitting wet skin...ouch. eek

Sometimes I'm surprised I still eat fried foods occasionally, considering I have firsthand experience using and cleaning a restaurant deep fryer and pressure fryer. For about five years, I don't think there wasn't a full month that went by where I didn't have less than a dozen spot burns on my face and arms; once or twice I was almost hit in the eye, and one bit of hot grease actually flew up my nose (don't ask me how).
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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
Americans like to grind up leftover parts from hundred of cows and then slap it between two buns with plenty of fattening cheese, mayonnaise, etc.

I don't eat fried food: I think it tastes gross.
Then I take it you prefer head cheese. wink

Originally Posted By: Randomizer
"An American will eat anything if it's between two slices of bread."

- Bill Cosby
Even bread? tongue
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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
Americans will stuff anything down their gullet if you saturate it with fat and sell it for ten times what it's worth.

That's a bit harsh, most people I know avaid deep fried foods, and I imagine a far greater portion of Americans will never eat this, just like the deep fried twinkies or snickers.
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Originally Posted By: Karoka
It's probably in your lungs

Now that you mention it I think I remember getting it back in the outhouse at a beach a while later. But I was so freaked out when I sucked it up, I never did that again. Witch reminds me of that time that I got some paper stuck in my ears at school one day. As not to upset the very topic change you can read it in here
Click to reveal.. (ME!)
I was at school one day when, as usual, my class was being so loud, running around and yelling and having fun, when I was trying to finish my work. (I have no idea what the teacher was thinking) But at the time I was so over it I shoved some paper in my ears. And thats how 3 minutes 27 minutes and 30 seconds later I was in the clinic with my dad sitting there. The paper eventually came out with some head shaking and tweezer pintching.
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I sneezed a pickle slice out of my nose back in junior high school. I was eating a hamburger at lunch, a friend made me laugh and I snorted my mouth full of food up my nose. Next thing I knew I sneezed it all out and the biggest part of it was a pickle slice. I screamed at my nose bleed. But I still eat pickles, it didn't scare me away from them.

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Originally Posted By: Rowen
I sneezed a pickle slice out of my nose back in junior high school. I was eating a hamburger at lunch, a friend made me laugh and I snorted my mouth full of food up my nose. Next thing I knew I sneezed it all out and the biggest part of it was a pickle slice. I screamed at my nose bleed. But I still eat pickles, it didn't scare me away from them.

Oh Rowen, this is why I love you.
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Y'all are aware that it's perfectly possible to enjoy deep fried foods only occasionally, right? And that, like, food is a neurobiological addiction as much as heroin? I'm pretty sure the more restrained of y'all are aware of this already, but then why are you hanging out with twelve year olds?

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
deep-fried food/things up the nose crossover.
A friend of mine decided it would be wise to start snorting things at the lunch table. First it was pepper, then salt, then ketchup. Last but not least, he decided it was a good idea to insert a fry up his nose. He never managed to get it back out...

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Originally Posted By: Rowen
I sneezed a pickle slice out of my nose back in junior high school. I was eating a hamburger at lunch, a friend made me laugh and I snorted my mouth full of food up my nose. Next thing I knew I sneezed it all out and the biggest part of it was a pickle slice. I screamed at my nose bleed. But I still eat pickles, it didn't scare me away from them
What? Haha! How bad of a nose bleed? and I would like to hear the joke that made you do that! I wonder how a whole hamburger would just pop out of your small nostrils
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Originally Posted By: It's a trap
Last but not least, he decided it was a good idea to insert a fry up his nose. He never managed to get it back out...
How did he even manage to get it up there?

Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
deep-fried food/things up the nose crossover.
I once breathed in a mosquito. A couple minutes later my nose tube(?) felt itchy. Then my nose started bleeding. The next day, there was a black spot on my feces.

EDIT: I'm not so sure about that last sentence, though.
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