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New Jeff Interview on Podcast


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Most of it's the history of Spiderweb Games and Avernum, but about halfway through Jeff mentions the new game:


No title since he's still getting it legally protected.


It's based on an opera he saw.


It's using a modified Geneforge game engine.


The characters will be using four classes and less of a classless game system that has been used in past games.


It will be harder to make bad characters that can't finish the game because you put the skill points in the wrong skills.

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Oh, heck, I guess class-bounded characters are easier to play and harder to break, but I like flexibility. I thought Jeff had a pretty good compromise going in Avernum, in which he offers balanced starting characters, which I am then free to ignore!


I do like the Geneforge system for its replay value: a character who relies on shaping plays very differently from one who's fighting and/or casting her own way through battles. It's more of an ability-based distinction than a restrictive class system, though, so I doubt that's what he means. Designing something which adds variety is very different from designing something to make character design easy or unbreakable.


The podcast is now on my iphone...

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Originally Posted By: Dantius

that's still essentially a skill-based system, any class can do anything it's just some classes are pretty bad at doing some things

i mean you might as well say that Fallout has a class-based system because the skills you tag are easier to raise
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Yep, three parties (?) -- I wasn't sure if he was talking about affiliations, or group size -- characters chosen from four types with radically different abilities. This is done for variety's sake (hooray!) but also so that even folks with poor skill-choosing abilities won't lock themselves out of a successful finish. ::shrugs::


Jeff mentioned many times the importance of branching plotlines, such that one feels the effects of decisions made during the game. (This is one of my favourite things about Jeff's games, so again: hooray!)


Oh, and he's keeping a log of all the game details, so his dragons won't change sexes from one installation to another! smile


No hints of world design, other than the reference to the opera, and he says while it sparked some good ideas, its influence won't be obvious. Jeff's building a carefully crafted deep immersive world, but, well, that's kind of like saying water's wet and chocolate is delicious.


Planned release is early 2011.

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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel
Oh, and he's keeping a log of all the game details, so his dragons won't change sexes from one installation to another! smile

OF course this assumes that he will be able to find his log of game details. He has had trouble finding game source code. smile

The part I found funny is if you listen closely, you can hear a Vogel offspring in the background.
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The part I found funny is if you listen closely, you can hear a Vogel offspring in the background.

Yep, I actually played the podcast while in the tub, so for a while I wasn't certain if there was a ruckus in my own house, or on the podcast. I kept thinking I should pause the play to check, but didn't seem like knowing the answer was worth handling electronics while wet.
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Originally Posted By: J.P Diddy
The more Geneforge style party creation was a little surprising to me, actually. I had always gotten the impression that Avernum was more popular because of its generic party system, and in fact most people didn't like the limitations placed on them in Geneforge.

Maybe my attention span is too short as well, but when he was talking about the game's engine being based on Geneforge's I did not hear him talk about party creation. Wouldn't make much sense anyway, what with you party being this one dude/dudess.
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2011? Does that mean Jeff is actually going to release no new games in all of 2010?


The -ette suffix is used in English for smaller counterparts as well as female counterparts. -ess is another possibility for female counterparts, although it doesn't seem to be used to produce new words anymore -- I can't think of any remotely recent words that use -ess, while I can think of a decent handful that use -ette, like dudette and kitchenette above.

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If you guys have never noticed, Jeff (and other game designers alike) always give themselves a few more months ahead of when they actually plan to release the game. Unless this game is as complex as BoA/E, it'll undoubtedly be released sometime in November or December, like it always is.


It's always better to hear "The game's coming out a little earlier than we though" instead of "Sorry, but looks like the game won't be here till next year."


Maybe my attention span is too short as well, but when he was talking about the game's engine being based on Geneforge's I did not hear him talk about party creation. Wouldn't make much sense anyway, what with you party being this one dude/dudess.

He was talking about how the party will be based off of Geneforges class system (Agents, Serviles, Warriors etc). There's just gonna be 4 of them, and you can only choose 3. Or so he says.

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Originally Posted By: J.P Diddy
If you guys have never noticed, Jeff (and other game designers alike) always give themselves a few more months ahead of when they actually plan to release the game.

I dunno, Jeff's estimates have been accurate to the month for at least for the last five years. And other game designers definitely do not do as you suggest -- I hate to keep citing Eschalon Book II's ever-growing delay, but...
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When Jeff doesn't have to make a new game engine it does speed up the process. Most of his time is devoted to the scripts for plot and dialog. He can get the game out fairly quickly if a major game engine problem doesn't occur.


Basilisk Games made a major revision to the game engine to add new features. However that really doesn't explain the delays for larger companies with hundreds of employees.

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Originally Posted By: acky
He was talking about how the party will be based off of Geneforges class system (Agents, Serviles, Warriors etc).

Oh! I didn't think that was at all what he was saying. (See above for what I heard him say.)

Originally Posted By: dantius
Planned release is early 2011.
For mac, or Windows?

Jeff always releases first for mac. Hopefully the archon's right, and he's just giving himself breathing room.

On the other hand, building a whole new system, even on top of a geneforge core engine, has got to be more work than modifying an engine for a new release in a series.
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It's based on an opera he saw.

I'm imagining characters in tutus singing their way through the game.

Evil monster, you will dieeee!
I am slainnn!


It's using a modified Geneforge game engine.

aww frown
Hopefully its modified to bring ourdoors back.


The characters will be using four classes and less of a classless game system that has been used in past games.

I liked the generic avernum type system myself.
I guess you will only have one party member, which is why he went with the geneforge system, the geneforge class system would be strange if you had 4 party members.
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This sounds very intriguing. It would be fun to look up what operas are playing in the Seattle area. Any one might turn into a game. All I can say is, I kind of hope this opera he saw was not the Ring Cycle. That would be...well...I'm not sure...but I don't think I'd like it. It would be too destined to be like Lord of The Rings, since that's what it's based on, more or less. Well, with Jeff's talent, you never know. I'll wait and see. Whatever this new game will be, I'm pretty much certain that it will be great.

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Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel

Oh, and he's keeping a log of all the game details, so his dragons won't change sexes from one installation to another! smile

And no more losing entire continents between games?

What a time to be alive.

Oh and the plot of the opera reminds me of the Tale of Mr. Fox.

"Be bold, be bold- but not too bold, lest that your heart's blood should run cold."
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Originally Posted By: Fractal
This sounds very intriguing. It would be fun to look up what operas are playing in the Seattle area. Any one might turn into a game. All I can say is, I kind of hope this opera he saw was not the Ring Cycle. That would be...well...I'm not sure...but I don't think I'd like it. It would be too destined to be like Lord of The Rings, since that's what it's based on, more or less. Well, with Jeff's talent, you never know. I'll wait and see. Whatever this new game will be, I'm pretty much certain that it will be great.

The lack of operatic knowledge makes my head wince. Wagner's Ring cycle was based on Norse mythology, and written during the 1800's. LOTR was totally not based on WWII, not in the slightest, at all. Period. Ever. And it was written a century later. So no, there is no correlation between the two whatsoever.
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Somehow I'm trying to picture Galadriel as Brunhilde, and it's making my head hurt. ...Earth-daughter, protects /the great wizard's pet hobbit/ the great God's little human son, who two /books/ operas later becomes ring-crazed for a cursed ring which can only be purged in fire...


If anything, Tolkien stole all the good parts away from Brunhilde, and gave men all the good active bits. Eowyn's really got the most oomph to her, but Galadriel basically bestows a few gifts and sails west. The women's parts don't have much in common. But certainly that ring theme wasn't unknown to Tolkien.

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Galadriel gets mentioned mostly in the appendicies. During the War of the Ring she leads the forces out of Lorien to destroy Dol Guldur. But in the main story she gets a few pages where she gets tempted and decides not to take the ring.


Tolkien had strong women, but they get shoved aside. Arwen is the great romance that happens off stage. Only with Eowyn and the hobbits do you have strong women getting any major time.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Arwen is the great romance that happens off stage.
Yes, and Eowyn is the incredibly poorly written romance that happens on stage, much to everyone's dismay. I really think that makes her a much less interesting character than Galadriel: here she is doing all this General Jinjur type stuff, but in the end she's only happy when she gets her man.

Galadriel on the other hand overshadows her male counterparts from the start of her tale. Like Eowyn, she is the "only female to stand tall in those days" but unlike Eowyn, she does not later shrink, certainly not in comparison with her mate. She's in the interesting and fairly unique position of not participating in the kinslaying but nonetheless refusing the pardon of the Valar. She more or less inherited the powers and role of a Maia, which no male elf can claim; she distrusted Sauron in his guise as Annatar when Celebrimbor and the other elves did not; and it was she, not Elrond, who had tried to have Gandalf, and not Saruman, made the head of the White Council. She also gets by far the best ring-temptation passage, particularly in light of her refusal of the Valar's pardon.
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