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Quick Avernum 5 Update, March '07


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Originally written by Spidweb:
Solberg has a decently sized role.
That's all I need to know! laugh

Originally written by 227 Chitrachballons:
Edit: Oh yeah. Solberg having a bigger role is interesting. He's already the only major character to appear in every game. Hopefully, he will also have something interesting to say -- he hasn't really done that since 1996.
Why don't you come over to my tower and see if I have anything new to say. mad

Originally written by Andraste:
And isn't Solberg like 120 now or something? How long do wizards live for?
I can live as long as I want to. :p I have immense magical skills that you will grow quite fond of in A5. cool
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Oh, come on. Solberg hasn't lived in his tower since A2. In A3 he was a ToM resident until evicted by demons, and in A4 he was a bitter, bitter inhabitant and administrator of Patrick's Tower.


—Alorael, who thinks that's about as low as a mage can sink. Having to work in a tower named after someone else? That's cruel!

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In E1, there were very few interesting characters, and Solberg had some good stuff to say about the history of Exile, so he gets a pass.


In E2, Solberg was actually a pretty cool character. He actually had a legitimate reason to isolate, withdraw, and be bitter, but for once he didn't whine and complain about other people; he actually tried to be helpful. And he provided an interesting perspective on the final plot point of the game.


In E3, he whined and moaned about Linda but didn't actually do anything about her return. I always found that a little bit ridiculous. Solberg was the senior triad member, and I can't imagine either X or Mahdavi really pushing to get Linda back, let alone Micah. So I've always held Solberg partly responsible for the Tower of Magi disaster. Plus, he got demoted to teaching frigging level 4 spells to noobventurers. Lame.


A4 saw more whining and moaning and general uselessness.

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Originaly written by Nija_Halycron:
What cheatcodes will be in this one Jeff?
The next time ask: What cheatcodes will be in this one Blake?
I spend all my life in cheat sites,I know more cheats than chitrachs in the Eastern Gallery and I know some troubles with them,by example in G4,the code for get more exp doesn't work if you have a level higher than 40.And did you know than before the releasing G4 for Windows took ONLY TWO DAYS for the cheats to appear,That's VERY QUICK.
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Originally written by Blake81:
And did you know than before the releasing G4 for Windows took ONLY TWO DAYS for the cheats to appear,That's VERY QUICK.
Not really that quick. It had been out for Mac for a long time before that. Besides, the question isn't about what cheats are available, it's about what will be available. That is known by at most three people in the world right now.

—Alorael, who would expect all the A4 cheats to return. There's no reason for Jeff to carefully remove them from the engine.
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Originaly written by Amber Device:
There's no reason for Jeff to carefully remove them from the engine.
Hahahahaha.The removing of cheats from any game FULLY IMPOSSIBLE,Dante and I spent many time discovering cheats in suposed cheats-purged games,and we ever found 4 or 5 than still work.The cheats are gaps in the games scripts,as far as I know there is no way to fully remove the cheats,no matter how good you are scripting,there ALWAYS is a gap on the data.
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Originally written by Amber Device:
Besides, the question isn't about what cheats are available, it's about what will be available. That is known by at most three people in the world right now.
But you are forgetting about his friend, Dante, 93% of what he says is true!

UPDATE: never mind, he beat me to it himself...
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Originaly written by Spent Salmon:
I wonder if I could pay Jeff $28 per person to not allow them access to A5. That would make it very difficult to use any cheat codes, neh?
Hahahahahahahaha,I have hundreds of friends that are Spidweb fans and I can pay them only one dollar and they will `` obtain ´´ it for me.To resume ``We are invincible,no barrier can stop us´´.
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Originally written by Infernal Flamming Muffin:
Don't be mean.
He didn't disobay the CoC.
You did by accusing him of nothing (or that was what you applied).
...Infernal Flamming Muffin. Blake has definitely disobeyed the CoC, what with his endless talk about him and his friend Dante cracking games open. Not to mention the very poorly- and thinly-veiled suggestions that he and his friend could supply cracks to members of the board.

He's basically hanging himself.

EDIT: The only reason I'm not with Infernal (not muffin) on this one is that Blake has claimed to be working on a Blades of Avernum scenario, and thus I can't completely write him off yet. But I'd suggest that he finishes that thing as soon as possible, to establish some concrete reason as to why he's not being banned yet.
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Originaly by Emperor Tullegolar
Originally written by Slarty
A4 saw more whining and moaning and general uselessness.
I don't get it, you guys should totally relate to the guy.
Right! wink

They whine at points...and...I..."used" to whine here. And all of us, at one point or another, were useless.

Anyway, anything else about this game Jeff?
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yay! from everything ive heard, there will be no way around a5 for me. finally another game i would gladly pay for after the avernum trilogy!


theres only one thing i still have to hope for, though: that a5 will resurrect some of the a1-a2 flair. which means, of course, that at least a part of the game has to happen in the underworld.


edit: i forgot. if rentar-ihrno really comes back as an undead, i will repel spirit her *** so long she'll keep herself from ever being mentioned again in any game in the world so she doesnt risk getting any more of my attention. isnt my nickname humiliating enough to keep her away?

damn rentar. i started hating her the second she wouldnt let me inside her lab. BRING BACK ERIKA INSTEAD!

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Dylan X, you really need to stop telling other people they're bad posters. Your judgment is way off, and you've already been warned about it.


I know my patience with you is exhausted, and around these parts, I'm one of the patient ones. You need to stop.

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phew. that was my first post in this forum for a long time, and ive already drawn the attention of the i-am-the-best-poster-brigade. i really dont want to get into flaming, so just read my post again - more carefully this time. im sure that would make you rethink your reply.


however. ill keep out of the solberg-discussion, since i havent made up my own mind about that yet. but there is one thing that i would like to have in a5:


structured quest lists.


for example, there could be a section for unending quests ("xxx will pay you for any zzz you bring him"), or for major and minor quests... you know? or show them on a kind of 'quest map'. or what about 'progress indicators'. and stuff. nothing too fancy, just whats useful.

you get the idea.

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Originally written by Spidweb:
iv. The plot is very elaborate and cool. I tried for a similar level of intricacy as Geneforge 4: Rebellion.
Does this mean there will be more than one possible ending, Geneforge style? Or does it just mean more scripted characters and events? Either way is great, but an 'evil' ending for an Avernum series game would be really cool.
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