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Questionably Legal

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Everything posted by Questionably Legal

  1. These jokes should be canned, packed in like damp sannd, and shipped off(I mean vanned) to a lannd where they are in demanned.
  2. They do everything else possible before beginning to attack you. (Every other rebel dead or gone, 20 laps around their dead bodies, stretch leisurely... ) So the only real way to get killed by them is to stand there swinging at them with your puny dagger until they finally notice you. Then you get instantly pulverized, of course.
  3. So according to you, all women will fall head over heels for a 6' military officer with money, but an ugly face, a-hole demeanor, and bad haircut, while ignoring a handsome, charming, and witty guy in nice non-military clothing?
  4. What do you base that on? The fact that you've never met anyone in such a way? It seems like you're entire argument is that you are an Army dude who is all awesome and chick-magnety, so all women must be attracted to someone based on only: 1. Their bulging muscles. 2. Their suave military duds. 3. Their massive income (this explains why non-military guys can also have success dating). And mutual interests, personality, and everything else have nothing to do with it. That... is simply not true.
  5. Korrrrrra! 死ね, やろ-ども. Take no offense (if you can read it). It's just a good example.
  6. I have a complete song in Russian memorized, but i actually understand only two words or so. And it's probably mangled Russian to boot.
  7. Lord Casta'arl, not castanja. Just use this mnemonic: Lord Castor'Oil
  8. Yes, people notice tags. See also: http://xkcd.com/1108/
  9. I fearlessly speak the truth! While hiding indoors, in the woods, in Alaska. With the curtains closed.
  10. By that measure, bullets are also pretty easy to not have. And unlike bullets, girlfriends can follow you anywhere.
  11. Yes, the cosmic Overlord-Despoiler How'stgat is more than capable of doging a bullet, although hE usually chooses to ignore them, so as to let the futility of opposing hiM engulf the souls of the pitiful mortals who consider themselves hiS enemies.
  12. /|\ /_|_\ \ | / \|/ . . . * (Hi! You're cute!) o /\
  13. Daylight Savings Time probably causes a major, if short-lived, loss of productivity in the workforce. Even more so among sleep deprived students.
  14. It's the freedom do do anything you want, with no real consequences. Games designed to support evil characters will actively reward evil, and in other games there is an illicit thrill in breaking the rules. Really, how many people would be paragons of virtue in real life if given absolute power? Not me.
  15. I've played through the second Avernum trilogy, but the game engine on the first three was to much of a slog for me. As a result, I'm eagerly anticipating the A2 and A3 remakes.
  16. Oh, hi Nalyd! Your self-esteem is looking especially perilous today. (Correct response: "No, you're wrong." )
  17. Do you have graphics details turned down? That's one of the subtleties that gets removed. I haven't gotten very far in Avd2, but in the first game Ice and Fire attacks definitly were recolored in show all graphics mode.
  18. Ahh... Asking about relationship issues on the internet. A great way to collect many gigabytes of bad advice. But really, keep your distance unless she and boyfriend guy break up. Alternatively, hire an asassin to remove him from the picture, sleazily take advantage of resulting emotional vulnerability, have evil inner monologue about wonderful plot, score.
  19. The big question would be, "Why is the goblin a threat to the world at all?" If it was wielding a world-destroying weapon, that would sort of defeat the point.
  20. By "bad writer", do yoou mean that you have poor grammar, spelling and technical skills, or do you mean you are bad at thinking up an interesting plot and characters? The first can be surmounted by getting some proofreaders and/or a co-writer to help out, but the second... well... not so much. How is that relevant? EDIT:
  21. Currently I barely use the library (cuz fines), but I filled out the survey with my previous, debt-free library habits.
  22. Yeast... is a fungus. Not a bacteria. Also, it would be pretty terrifying to be sitting on the toilet when a clawbug burst out of the floor.
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