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Questionably Legal

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Everything posted by Questionably Legal

  1. Concurring? I conquer. Or would that be "Conquering? I concurr."? Conker?
  2. COMBAT: -Seph: Cast icy rain on the Clawbugs. -Fyora: use ranged attack -PR-V6.5 :use ranged attack -Thahd :stand in front of group, attack clawbugs.
  3. Following that logic, the next thing he releases will be a remake of the first Avadon. After all, $ > Everything else.
  4. I prefer the new avatar, but the new inventory screen guy is awful. Why does Jeff force us to see such an ugly mug every time the backpack is opened?
  5. I have returned from a two week stay in an agonizing dimension of bronchitis and no computer! It's good to be back.

  6. By "ignoring shaping" do you mean that you aren't using any creations? Or are you just not investing points in shaping skills? Late game battles are much easier if you have some powerful creations, but you don'y really need to invest in shaping beyond the minimum for a creation type.
  7. Ahhh. . . delicious instructional data. I slaver in anticipation. . .
  8. I have been not reading several educational but dull textbooks, but I'm going to have to stop not reading them pretty soon.
  9. Bang! Beating Chessrook to the punch! Iiiiiiiiiiit's Aramazon!
  10. 1. Cast War Blessing and Protection. 2. Try out ranged attacks on scenery. If any Clawbugs show up, try ranged attacks on them. 3. ????? 4. $$$$$!
  11. I play the Geneforge games as a megalomaniac, blazing a path of destruction across wherever I happen to be. And really, how much sympathy do drakons and eyebeasts garner? Sure, they have a reason to oppose the Shapers, but they're almost totally lacking in positive or endearing traits other than being powerful. Just because I'm prone to wiping enemies out dosen't mean I don't appreciate the work JV puts into world building. Don't you think you're taking this a bit to seriously?
  12. Welcome to Spiderweb Software, please leave your sanity at the door. Which wiki do you mean? Please post a link.
  13. The easiest may be up for debate, but I'm pretty sure killing Hawthorne is the most difficult.
  14. But that doesn't really matter in a game where you happily mow down any and all enemies: human, sentient, and mindless monster alike. And really, if you want to get down to "facts", they aren't sentient humanoids, they're little wads of computer code.
  15. What kind of school did I go to? Aren't Shapers idealogically opposed to the very concept of shaping oneself? ...Examine the canister closely.
  16. With little characterization, there is not much difference (in a game) between a wretch and some sort of annoying giant mutated ant.
  17. Thanks for the advice. I talked her out of attacking, and now she reacts to me as an ally, although her conversation is somewhat shallow.
  18. I'm replaying G3 as a rebel, and I've made it to the Geneforge area, but immediately inside I am accosted by Litalia, who treats me as if i'm a loyal shaper. I've been let into the geneforge by Tigh Eye, and I have an overwelmingly pro-rebel reputation. There appears to be no way to avoid being attacked. Anyone know what to do?
  19. "Yeah. . . good luck with killing it and all. What about them clawbugs?"
  20. The first enemies mentioned are clawbugs? Whatever happened to the good old days of starting out with some wimpy worms? -Ask about EOoD.
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