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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Is it possible to check to see if there are Less Than a given number of party members? Also, if there are dead characters in the party, does it include those in the count?
  2. As I said elsewhere on this forum (Ormus agreed) it might be more useful to have that button bring up the license the code is released under instead of having it close BoE. There's already the little X button in the upper right corner of the window for closing the program anyway. As for the Start Scenario and Custom Scenario buttons, I think we could hypothetically get rid of the Start Scenario button since it only displays VoDT, ASR (with a typo in the title, no less), and ZKR, regardless of whether they're actually in the folder, while Custom Scenario displays a list of all scenarios in the folder (up to the hard-coded limit anyway), including those three if they're in the folder. Then we could put something else there. I don't know what should go there though.
  3. You can already make friendly wandering monsters with dialogs and optional attacking and whatnot. Skribbane could probably be done well enough with the items-calling-specials suggestion, if that gets implemented. At any rate, there's always Soporific Herbs if that doesn't happen and you really want canonical drugs. Hidden abilities are supposed to be possible, but it's broken and doesn't work, so maybe it could be fixed.
  4. There's an interrupt key, and besides that there's a limit on the number of monsters you can have in a town. Eventually it will hit the limit and it will stop, presumably.
  5. Oh, duh. Yes, you have to actually send the code or otherwise pirate/enable others to pirate it for it to be illegal. I'm confused. Ignore me. *facepalm*
  6. What about items that give or remove Sanctuary? Many scenarios include the Dust of Hiding like it's a good thing, even though it doesn't work. No matter whether you set it to be helpful or harmful, it takes away Sanctuary status. Fixing this would change the way scenarios behave, but I can't imagine that any designer intended their scenarios to behave the way they do with regards to this item ability anyway.
  7. What Win16 version of Windows 2000? Is there something I missed? It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.
  8. There is no "Windows 2000 ME". There is Windows ME, which is a Win16 operating system like Windows 95 and 98, and there is Windows 2000, which is a Win32 operating system, like Windows NT, XP, and Vista. Geneforge 4 is designed to run in a Win32 system, I would imagine.
  9. Well, he said he would revisit Exile, saying he wouldn't allow his games to die. He elaborated no further, causing some people to assume he meant another remake, but maybe he meant porting them. At any rate, it won't be soon, in all likelihood.
  10. I don't know if this is a problem on the Mac, but on PC, the Display Dialog field for the Select PC node doesn't do anything even if there's something there. If so, maybe that should be fixed too, while you're modifying it.
  11. Neutral? I thought it was "Friendly, Docile", "Friendly, will fight", "Hostile type A", and "Hostile type B". Hostile of either type will attack the other type and both Friendly types, Friendly Will Fight attacks both Hostile types, and Friendly Docile won't attack anything but will be attacked by either Hostile type. At least that's how I understood it.
  12. I was poking around Ormus's Win32 BoE port, and I noticed that the "How To Order" button said "unused" and the scrolling text image said it was the unregistered version. I decided to change the scrolling text image (162.38 KB BMP image) around a bit, changing the "unregistered" thing to something about the CPL, changed the Nethergate reference to be more general, and added and changed a couple more things to make it up to date. Also, perhaps the How To Order button should bring up the CPL instead. Just my thoughts. Feel free to make suggestions or change the image yourself if you have better ideas.
  13. Yes, now it is SUPAR SPEEDY. Thanks! I still miss the splash screen and intro music though, but I suppose I can live without it. Anyway, there's another bug that was in the Win16 version and was carried over to the Win32 version. On my 1280x960 monitor, BoE's main screen displays just fine, as it did on smaller monitors I had in the past. However, on my 1600x1200 monitor, it looks like this: http://ados.ermarian.net/garbage/boemain.gif (681.77 KB GIF image, dialup beware) That black area is black when I first open the program, but when I go to different screens within BoE or put other windows in front of it, it gets filled in with whatever was there. This only seems to happen with the main screen and not other screens.
  14. Ormus: I just downloaded, extracted, and ran the application. It skips the introduction with the Spidweb logo, the splash screen, and the music. I simply get a black screen with a black popup window which I assume is the Tip Of The Day. I moved it around which revealed the text on the main menu buttons but no images, closed the window with what I assume is the OK button, heard the click sound, and still couldn't see anything. I had to close the program with the Task Manager, I think due to the same problem I have with the old BoE (it insists on changing my Windows colors every time I switch to it from another program, and then the colors need to change back when I switch to another program from BoE, causing my computer to lag for a minute or two every time I switch to or from BoE). Black screen aside, it would be nice if you could remove whatever code is switching the Windows colors to stop the lagging.I have very little programming knowledge, but I assume getting rid of that bit of code wouldn't harm compatibility or anything. Hmm. Further investigation reveals the character and scenario editors change the colors too, but have considerably less lag. It must be something else.
  15. The editor does that. Just don't try to edit the monster after you've changed its talking pic and closed the edit window or you'll have to set it again.
  16. I have an idea for the node limit. What if we include a node chain limit and the Set Node Limit node, and force the designer to attach an SDF to the node to change the limit so it only goes off once, and then every time after that, when it checks to see if the flag has been set to 1 and sees it has, it simply goes to the next node without changing the limit? This would allow the designer to set however many nodes they need without allowing for infinite loops.
  17. There's insta-death in Ghikra as well, I believe. It's been a long time so I'm not totally sure.
  18. That thing somewhere on the Spidweb site that talks about starting and running a shareware company says he uses C++. I read that years ago when I wanted to be a game developer. EDIT: Also, one of the first things I want done is to have that irritating thing that changes Windows's color scheme to grey removed. I like my Windows to have a nice blue color scheme and the system lags horribly as it changes every time I switch windows.
  19. TURTLES!!! (Ephesos: Giant page-stretching images = bad.)
  20. Oh, by the way Nikki: I will not forgive you if you don't use Tullegolar's graphic. I like the feather a lot. Also, I can probably make you a fluffy turtle graphic if you so desire. Not now though.
  21. Not sure why the pine tree loses its needles, but otherwise nice.
  22. Yes. Quote: Originally written by Rebel Muffin in an Airplane: (spelling?)
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