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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Quote: Originally written by Jobriath: I'm tempted to just edit the nose into a graphic... You could do that, or perhaps just heavily exaggerate the nose. It would be nice if my staff were in the graphic as well.
  2. You lack the method or you lack the money? There's more than one method of registering.
  3. I am a BoE person. I will be designing a scenario sometime in the near future (Terror From The Park, again. No, I haven't given up yet! This is going to be the best incarnation yet! And maybe I'll even release it!) but otherwise my contributions are limited because I am a notorious nitwit. I released The Scenario, a couple Designer's Forum articles, a few graphics for both BoE and BoA. Very few of them were any good. I might submit a graphic at some point. If you want, you can see my Myspace for inspiration (link in sig).
  4. No it doesn't. I think it gives the graphic personality. I like it. EDIT: Only problem is it's not standard. Part of the bottom will be cut off.
  5. Will I be in this scenario? Make sure it's good either way.
  6. I've had problems with combat loading in BoE, where I'm surrounded by a horde of webslinging spiders who leave my party with 0 AP and refuse to attack, so combat is endless and I can't reload. I end up having to Ctrl+Alt+Del out of BoE when that happens. Are you experiencing a similar problem? Just trying to clarify.
  7. Quote: Originally written by SupaNik: Technically, no. It's only legal so long as you don't play BoA on them both at the same time. FYT
  8. Not death to BoA or BoA scripts. I meant death to the discussion of how to best format BoA scripts.
  9. Gah! Too much mucking about looking for unnecessarily snarky comments about death to describe the subject of what's best to use for BoA scripts! Now my post is five minutes after Niemand's. Whatever.
  10. Agreed. When I try to make BoE scenarios, I always include junk shops. They're great fun. They're always a thrill, unless you cheat, in which case they quickly become irritating and annoying as you enter the code over and over again trying to get something in particular and never get it. I wish I had never learned that cheat code sometimes. I don't have to use it, but that nagging temptation is always there.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Sirrus: At the risk of sounding cheesy I'd have to say that my favorite kind of death would be in some act of heroism. Selfish reasons, really. It should ensure I a) feel tremendously good about myself just before it ends, I will be remembered as a kind of larger-than-life altruist super-hero, and c) if there does turn out to be an afterlife based on moral behavior, I could score a few last-minute points that make up for all the liberalism and the wanking. Thank you for that image, Aran. I really needed to know that.
  12. Perhaps the reason you think the "concentric rings" are moving is because they are not, in fact, concentric rings.
  13. That is Inspector Peanut, the fluffy turtle that led his kind to the promised land below the sanity jar. Do you dislike him, Garrison? Then you shall likely feel his wrath when you least expect it.
  14. Do not underestimate the fluffy turtles, -X-. I once saw on the Discovery Channel a video of a steady stream of ants marching up a tree only to be devoured by a praying mantis. However, the ants eventually swarmed the mantis and tore it apart, after which they carried its parts back to their colony to eat. Remember that the next time you try to eat a fluffy turtle. They're smarter than you.
  15. Hooray! Gill Whitehurst has two consecutive sections in 2x2 Humanoids.
  16. They are dumbfounded. Go to a healer, or use a spell or potion that undumbfounds them (can't be more specific about spells or potions, or the locations of the healers, since I haven't played A1, sorry. There should be a healer in most big towns, anyway.) Also, this is a gameplay question and should go in the Avernum Trilogy forum, not the Tech Support forum.
  17. Even if I did say what I preferred in a game, it would just be repeating what everyone else has already said. I was simply making an observation that I felt was relevant to the conversation.
  18. I think the point where you and the rest of us differ (which doesn't seem to be getting much attention, despite its importance), Tullegolar, is here: Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Let’s assume that any good game has a variety of enemies culminating in an epic boss battle in the end, with few exceptions. Does it not make sense then to use the plagues of monsters script? You get to fight all kinds of monsters, each with their own bosses or puzzles that must be conquered in order to beat them. And then, in the end, it finishes you off with a battle against a boss worthy of legends. The thing is, most of us don't agree with what you are telling us to assume. That's like saying "Let's assume 1 + 1 = 3. Does it not make sense then that 3 X 3 = 4?" Although it's a logical conclusion to come to based on the assumption, the assumption itself is flawed to begin with, and therefore so is any conclusion drawn from it. I'm not saying that nobody likes this in a game. They obviously do, since Jeff is making a good living off it. But the purpose of this thread was to start a debate with those who don't like his plots, and the people you chose to debate with disagree with your opinions. I believe there are various sayings about arguing over personal opinions, but I don't feel like recalling or looking for them right now because it really isn't important to the discussion anyway.
  19. Well, in my opinion, if the prefab character is an unbearable idiot due to deliberate story considerations rather than just the designer's inability to create logical situations, it can be a bit more forgivable.
  20. Yes. Use a timer, a Stuff Done Flag, and Variable Town Entry, just as you would to gradually destroy a town.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Valcrist: ooh..sorry about that.. hmm..i hope that there will be cre8tions exclusive only to the loyalists..and to the stupid rebels.. still the healing vlish isnt a bad idea.. (when was it a bad idea?) You apologize and then continue doing what you apologized for. Nice. Seriously, stop. It's annoying. There is no "8" in the word "creation". It's not even pronounced that way. Capitalize the first letter in a sentence and the word "I". It takes a whole hundredth of a calorie to press the Shift key. Use apostrophes when necessary. There are three (3) periods in an elipsis, not two. An elipsis is used to remove unnecessary text from a quote (for instance, an elipsis could shorten "In my opinion, I think we should aghaughuhguahguahguahaughaughuhahgblaugh hurp hurp hurp ungh go to the zoo!" to "I think we should [...] go to the zoo!") or to indicate the trailing off of speech (although this use is questionable). It is not used to end every sentence.[/rant]
  22. Note to new posters: Do not take Valcrist's advice. There are people from all over the world here, many of whom do not understand proper English very well, let alone "lol zomg rofl u r 1337"-type Internet-speak. Please be considerate and take a few extra seconds to type legibly. Please, no GIFTS PCs! GIFTR PCs are okay though.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Rufus Rothgard: Vile magister . This one's original. Hey, TM actually made a good original graphic for once! Bravo! Seriously, it's good! (except the dying animation) Looking at that swordsman again, I realize how lame it looks.
  24. They do have an advantage though. Both a guardian and a Shaper can increase their skill level to 8, and at that skill level they do equal melee damage, assuming their strength is the same. However, to get to melee level 8, a Shaper must spend 40 skill points, while a Guardian needs only spend 10, this not even taking into account the 5 skill points the Shaper needs to equal the Guardian's Strength. (This is GF1, by the way. The specific numbers may be different in the sequels.) So it shouldn't really be that a Guardian does more damage than a Shaper when they have the same skill level, because the Guardian already does more damage when they spend the same number of skill points.
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