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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Doing some research so we can get it right next time. Here's what I've got: Fyora Cryoa Charged Fyora Roamer Pyroroamer Cryoroamer Guardian Roamer Rabid Roamer Roamer Sentry Ruby Roamer Drayk Cryodrayk Kyshakk Burning Kyshakk Drakon Ur-Drakon Thahd Thahd Shade Unstable Thahd Clawbug Plated (Claw)bug Battle Alpha Battle Beta Battle Gamma Rotghroth Rotdhizon Corrupted Rotghroth War Trall Shock Trall Artila Searing Artila Plated Artila Charged Artilla Vlish Terror Vlish Submission Vlish Charged Vlish Glaahk Ur-Glaahk Wingbolt Unstable Firebolt Gazer Eyebeast Ornk Ornk Lord Oozebeast Servile Servant Mind Turret Mine Pylon Spawner Creator Golem Baton Living Tool Door Operator Control Panel Giant Rat Worm Crawler A few questions: Are there any other notable shapeable or non-shapeable creations missing from this post? I know there are a few one-offs, anyway. EDIT: Another question: Are there any instances of motion detectors that perform functions besides opening doors, that would warrant them having their own listing as a creation? I remember there being a bunch in a cave full of roamers, but I don't remember if they were at some point attached to doors.
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca Aw, crap. Can someone point me to a good BoE party builder? Milu made a scenario called New Market City, which is excellent. The other three party builders are designed to be modified by designers to make parties for specific scenarios, but this one is good for players needing customizable party building.
  3. The only conclusion we can reach, then, is that you just suck at it.
  4. Yes, because fake Avernumscript questions are a common scheme for spammers, and people ask questions because they don't want answers and want to be left alone.
  5. I made one years ago, but I don't know if it's still uploaded anywhere. Maybe it's on The Louvre. It's a multiple-carrot graphic like the apples and pears that come with BoA, and it might not look as good as TGM's, but it exists if you want it.
  6. Five may be odd, but it's also prime, so I think it works out.
  7. You can email Jeff with the name you registered it under and the new registration number for the demo you installed, and he'll send you a new registration code to match it for free. As for why it wasn't working and suddenly is, I dunno.
  8. Because the board is horribly broken and posting in threads doesn't bump them anymore. I found it down the list, among some threads that haven't been posted to since June.
  9. I don't know about error 102, but did you accidentally change terrain 17's graphic number from 13 to 6?
  10. In any of the Exile games, including BoE. EDIT: To save you the trouble, it looks more or less exactly like the skeletons on the shirt. The shirt skeletons are even pixelated. Hence the coolness.
  11. I think it's an awesome shirt. The skeleton is one of my favorite Exile graphics.
  12. If you've tried Toby-Linn's suggestion, have you tried uninstalling the program completely and reinstalling it? Something may have gone wrong during the installation.
  13. The color thing might be an accidental copy-paste from the BoE walkthrough, describing the puzzle where you got textual messages describing specks of light following you around as you stepped on various runes. I haven't played the BoA version, but there's no Keymaster in the BoE version, so that's what I assume happened.
  14. Maybe if you like accidentally walking away from your foe and getting attacked rather than attacking the foe yourself.
  15. Originally Posted By: Kierns Arrow keys move you NESW, which means not in the direction on the screen that the arrow key points. It works out slightly better that way, actually. (And as far as I'm aware, it works like that in every game). You can [...] use the keypad (bonus diagonals!) if you're not on a laptop. In addition to the diagonals, you get the wait function as well, which can be very useful. Also, AFAIK, most laptop keyboards have a Fn key which, when held down, changes various keys to other functions, including giving you a slanted number pad. Alternately, you can buy an external USB number pad. They're pretty cheap. I've seen them for under $10.
  16. I'm not sure whether any of the Avernums changed the behavior of the arrow keys, but it's generally better to use the number pad to move anyway. EDIT: Also, I don't believe Windows vs. Mac would have any bearing on this particular problem.
  17. What on Earth are you talking about? Did you read this thread before you posted in it?
  18. You don't need to hex-edit the first 91 terrains. You can change the name, the graphic, and the keyboard shortcut, but any other change is undone when you stop editing the terrain.
  19. I'm pretty sure it was established in the scenario that Click to reveal.. the school was closed in a rush and they didn't have time to make everything all neat and clean. As has been said previously in this thread and as was established in the scenario and in the previous Exile/Avernum trilogy, the Emperor was afraid of the proliferation of magic as it was a threat to his power, so magical training became concentrated under the Empire's direction, and magic users were forced to either prove their loyalty or be killed/exiled. The school administration knew all about the switch and the dragon and whatnot. The Empire, behaving in its typical way, did not know, nor did it care to know. The administration could have cleaned everything up, but they were too busy fighting to keep the school operational and getting killed by the Empire for being insubordinate in the process. I see no plot holes as far as that's concerned. I still say it's a great scenario with a great main dungeon. EDIT: Uh, yeah. Missed the second page...
  20. But Tyran's site is nethergate.net... This is all so confusing!
  21. You probably won't find much of a market though, because despite the excellence that is VoDT, most people in the community think it's mediocre, from what I've gathered. Za-Khazi Run gets an even worse undeserved reputation, and I loved that one. It has an atrocious (I've heard) fan-made "sequel" for BoE too.
  22. So it's not their fault. Hate Jeff, not the cows. The cows are innocent victims of their externally-assigned natures.
  23. http;//ados.ermarian.net/BoX/OrmusBoEWin32.zip This one still works. It's got some bugs though, particularly the Saved Items Rectangle bug. The old BoE works fine on my Windows XP, so if I were you I'd try to use that first if possible. Here's the old Windows BoE: http;//ados.ermarian.net/BladesOfExile.zip
  24. This isn't BoE, and he does the music archive, so there's no reason to assume he wouldn't that I can see.
  25. You'll have to find another way, unfortunately. I think Stareye modified the nodes in the Mac BoE so that you could edit those spells, but it's impossible in the original BoE and current Windows versions. Furthermore, I believe there may be problems where the party will spontaneously get such removed low-level spells back, although I don't know what triggers it.
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