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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Uh... wow. A thread resurrection of nearly four years. This forum really hasn't been pruned in that long? Or is this some quirk of the porting that pruned threads somehow returned to existence? As for the Vahnatai, I think they're cool, except for the crazy ones.
  2. The random shops all sell randomly selected items from item classes greater than 0 - Junk. You can have up to five different random shops that each sell their own randomly selected set. They all change every few days, provided you leave town in the meantime.
  3. I'm still not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure I've seen ??? item abilities in a few scenarios on Ormus's port. Are you sure you weren't using the latest version, which is buggy? I use the version before he rearranged the file structure. In this version, the scenarios still go in the BLADSCEN folder, among other things.
  4. I believe humans were the only playable race in Exile 1 as well, so that hasn't changed.
  5. Quote: Originally written by brock petersdorf-nelson: i found those toadstools used them in a potion, it became potion(+), and the character that drank it gained two strength. dunno if it was a glitch or if Jeff stuck them in there for that reason Really? Cool. Maybe this works in BoA as well?
  6. Reviving a thread is okay if you have something interesting to add that wouldn't be better in a new thread. Relax. Yes, people have done that.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Celtic Minstrel: A minor thing... I loaded a page while logged in, then left and came back later (leaving the page open). I decided to post a comment, but it turned out that my login had expired. Rather than presenting me with the option to log in, it simply reloaded the page – losing the comment box and adding a message at the top saying I was not validated to post comments (because I was no longer logged in). The problem here is that the comment I was going to post was lost. Now, this isn't a situation that is likely to come up very often, but I would expect that if you try to do something that you need to be logged in to do, and you aren't logged in, it should present the log-in screen and then allow you to proceed with whatever you were doing. I disagree. In my opinion, not only should what happened to you continue to happen, but the Blades Forge should draw a number from 0 to 4 every time you try to post something, and if it's less than 2, it presents you with a screen that says "Ha ha! Idiot!" and makes you do it again.
  8. http://ados.ermarian.net/BoX/OrmusBoEWin32.zip I uploaded that a while ago. Aran said he'd put it somewhere but I don't think he did. Until he moves it where he wants it, there it is.
  9. It works. Just put it in the BLSCENED folder and open it, edit a monster, and give said monster 32000 HP.
  10. The legendary Super Editor is not the same as the original! It's the BoE Scenario Editor on a cocktail of crack cocaine, heroin, alcohol, and two months worth of sleeping pills! Try editing an item or monster and see if you can't tell the difference!
  11. This board is more stable than The Lyceum, but it does delete posts and threads when it gets too full. I think Shadow Vale is fine.
  12. Join the AIM chatroom called "blades" without the quotes.
  13. Nice! Best HLPM BoE has, cool shopping experience, great stuff. Too bad we couldn't have had this years ago. I also thought the Zilkim shop was cool. It could have been tested a bit better, though. I'm about to send you a report containing problems I noticed. EDIT: Sent.
  14. Kind of an old thread you revived here, but I suppose we have plenty of these threads as it is, so there's really no need for a new one. I don't play the Exile trilogy, but in BoE, my old party was Starr - fighter, bashing weapons Harrison - fighter, pole weapons McCartney - fighter, edged weapons (I used the chainmailed warrior with sword and shield graphic for him, only recently realizing there were a pair of protuberances on the character's chest. I suppose some people would say they suit McCartney, but that's a discussion for another place...) Lennon - mage Martin - priest Epstein - priest My current party, however, is Queso Blanco - male warrior, uses any melee weapons. Guy with sword, headband, cape and purple pants. Emmental - mainly a mage plus level 3 priest skill. Also wields a cursed knife. Brown robe guy with staff. Brie, Mozzarella, Provolone, Gouda - mainly priests with level 3 mage. Blonde mauve-robed priestess with book, blonde spellcaster with blue hooded robe and staff, male priest with blue robe and book, black-haired woman with red dress and staff, respectively. This one is designed better, although it's still not as aggressively optimized as Imban's. The characters have sort of gained personalities since I've been using them, so I'll keep them the same anyway.
  15. You're still a newb, Xel'Raga. You're getting slightly better, though. Slightly. Very slightly. Markis, there's another poll like this already, complete with my complaint that Xel'Raga has apparently decided was worth quoting but not worth citing. He makes a point, though, that you clearly did not spend much time looking around the forums. I advise you to settle down and read some of the threads to get a handle on how things are done around here. For one thing, as was said in the other thread, you can't control a thread even if you made it, because you don't own it. Welcome to Spidweb. Leave your sanity at the door.
  16. Cool, I'll play it as soon as I'm done with Treacherous Waters.
  17. I like the proposed Blades Forge system, with the different categorical ratings. I actually thought it was already working, but I guess not.
  18. From http://blades.ermarian.net ? I took down the old one, since it was outdated and was hosted on ermarian.net already anyway. Hold on, let me find the direct links to the pages. EDIT: The Scenario: http://blades.ermarian.net/scenario/blades-of-avernum/scenario Terror From The Park: http://blades.ermarian.net/scenario/blades-of-exile/terror-park
  19. Version 1.1.1 of Terror From The Park is released on The Blades Forge, in addition to The Scenario, my Don't Fix The Shark entry. I also uploaded some of my BoE graphics, and there are more on the way when I feel like finishing the thumbnails. The changes in v1.1.1 are that I removed the quotes from the tagline, and I made the scenario PG instead of G.
  20. The problem was it wouldn't accept any file types. Now it accepts .zip and .tar.gz for Windows and Mac, as well as .sit, .sitx, .tgz, and .dmg for Mac.
  21. Aran fixed the problem, so you can upload it to the Blades Forge now if you wish.
  22. And it's not automated. It's handled by a real, live human. They had problems with someone hijacking their mailing list for nefarious purposes once, so they abandoned the automated system in favor of a more secure human-based system, IIRC. So it takes longer, but it's safer, and it's more personal if any problems arise.
  23. 1.1.0 released. My betatester had pointed out these aesthetic issues, but in my excitement over finishing all the nodework I forgot to fix them. EDIT: By the way, if someone could make a MEG file for this scenario, that'd be great. EDIT2: Nevermind, TM made the MEG and sent it to me. New ZIP has been uploaded with the SIT-compressed MEG file and a readme. I'll upload this, "The Scenario", and a bunch of graphics to the Blades Forge when Aran fixes it.
  24. At last, the long-awaited scenario by that legendary designer of high-quality role-playing games we all love, The Almighty Doer of Stuff, has released Terror From The Park ! I'm sure you'll all enjoy this wonderful little gem.
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