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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Um... Didn't I see this article before? I distinctly remember seeing this article before.
  2. Yes. Take some clear plastic, draw a grid on it, and tape it to your monitor. Other than that, no. Don't worry, you get used to it eventually. EDIT: Oh, wait. I see what you're saying. Underneath the clickable terrains, the (X,Y) coordinates of the tile at the center of the display are displayed.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Icshi: IBM Banana-Boomerang Yo-Yo Servers Uh... What?
  4. Oh, okay. Thanks. I think I do see the items in question on the list, but I'm not sure. I'll have to play through the scenario again after I'm done with ASR to see for sure.
  5. Or maybe it's actually a bug. I mean, the scenario is passworded, so maybe the items actually exist but there was a problem with the nodework. Perhaps someone who knows the password or a way around it can check?
  6. I remember in one, I supposedly received armor, and in another it was a knife. Am I supposed to actually receive these?
  7. I just remembered something. They give you a reward at the end of each storyline, according to the text at the end, but I never received mine in any of the three storylines. Am I supposed to get them?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Kaos: Blade, Harlequin, Kaos, Crisis Inspiration has struck me. When I start playing BoA (after I've caught on BoE scenarios), I may create a party and name the characters Goatse, Tubgirl, Lemonparty, and Harlequin Fetus. Or maybe not. But it's an idea. EDIT: If you don't know what those are, don't go looking for them. Just trust me on this one.
  9. It's not an odd reason, actually. A) It's easier to read if you use proper grammar. Not everyone here speaks English as their native language.
  10. The problem with releasing a scenario editor and then releasing another game in the series afterward is that by releasing a scenario editor, he is basically giving us the world he created. Then, by releasing another game afterward, there's a very good chance that what he releases will directly contradict what the scenarios say. The fact that he is releasing an Avernum 4 after over 200 BoE scenarios have already been released is what is angering the BoE/A community right now, in addition to his lack of support for the community.
  11. This is a known bug that manifests itself occasionally for no known reason, and doesn't happen to everyone. First of all, you didn't change the starting location to Town 1, most likely. Second, I assume you left Town 0 blank and started on Town 1. This bug only occurs in blank, unedited towns. Placing a tile or two of floor or wall will prevent this from happening, however once it happens there is no cure that I know of. It probably also added random monsters and items that don't exist to the town. Just don't use that town. If you haven't done much, though, I recommend starting over with a fresh file, just in case.
  12. i certainly hope you aren't going to type like an moron like this in your scenario.
  13. That post, for your information, was full of meaning. When someone posts a gun in a thread, it means "Please kill this topic." TGM was calling for this utterly horrible thread to be locked.
  14. IN REVENGE OF THE ANTS, THE ANTS GET REVENGE EDIT: Nevermind, I'm not going to make that. So, to keep this post on topic, IN THE SCENARIO YOU WILL WIN
  15. I could try. I have time and nothing to do. But don't rely on me, since I have a tendency to fail miserably with BoE graphics. I've only successfully made one.
  16. An Apology is actually the sixth scenario in a series. 01 - On A Ship To Algiers 02 - Of Good And Evil 03 - Heirs To Theseus 04 - Staff of Kayolith 05 - Redemption 06 - An Apology 07 - Lamentations 08 - Falling Stars 09 - Signs And Portents 10 - Tomorrow I believe that's the order it goes in. I don't know how related they are or if they stand alone, having only played the first two.
  17. Oh, I forgot to mention. The node chain should be called via a Special Item.
  18. I THOUGHT OF THE BOOK THING FIRST! CURSE YOU, CREATOR, FOR BEING MUCH, MUCH FASTER THAN ME! Ahem... Anyway, The Creator was the first to release a scenario with readable books. Simply give each book a different special class, and create a node chain checking for each special class sequentially. When it finds an item in the player's inventory that has that special class, have it display the text of the book or description or summary of what it says or whatever. Implementing readable books sucks nodes if you have too many books though. So don't include too many.
  19. Arenax, he said he wasn't going to do it. No need to be rude. While BoA is more powerful, the two engines are rather different. If you like the Exile engine and not the Avernum engine, then why switch to BoA?
  20. I believe it's corn meal or something similar, and I think it's used in a quest somewhere. If you want to rest, you probably should be using something lighter, like greens, anyway.
  21. Polls suck. They're also useless, in general. There's no reason it can't just be discussed instead. I think discussion is much, much better than a poll. That said, slimes. They're so colorful and slimy. They're awesome. My next favorite would be fungi. Those are not as colorful, but they're still amusing.
  22. I'm making a scenario, though it's progressing slowly. BotS, were you making a scenario about being thieves? If you were, tell me, because that's what mine is about, and if it's going to be too similar to yours, I'll just play scenarios instead until I come up with a new idea.
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