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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Chances are, a mine cart would look essentially the same going one way as it would the opposite, which is probably the reason for having only two graphics. And if they're too big, you can shrink them. If you don't know how, email me the files and I'll shrink them for you.
  2. It seems to be working again. Maybe I just had to reboot...
  3. I'm trying to play BoE on my Windows XP machine, but I can't get the cursor to appear. My default crosshair cursor appears when I move to the menu bar or taskbar, but the cursor disappears when I move onto the game screen. This has happened since I got BoE, but until now I've been able to get it to appear through some method I don't fully understand. Now it won't appear at all. I want to play the Empire side of ASR, but I can't tell what I'm doing. How do I get it to work correctly? Somebody please help! EDIT: Now it's not working in the scenario or character editors either! Aargh!
  4. Moderators don't revive dead two year old threads in order to spam. Vote for Juicy Lucy!
  5. Personally, I liked the original raised hills better.
  6. I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. This bigger nebula simply doesn't look nearly as good as the smaller one. I'll keep trying some other time. EDIT: By the way, I hope you're putting as much effort into the plot of this scenario as you are into the way it looks. Have you read the articles I listed in this thread ?
  7. I think the green looks fine. Blue and green go well together, in my opinion. The red doesn't look good though. I'll make a bigger nebula in a few minutes.
  8. *slaps forehead* I just realized that this is the BoE forum, not the BoA forum. Therefore, not only are the articles I picked out relevant, so are the rest of the Designer's Forum articles. Gee, I'm dumb.
  9. I think the green tile floor looks good there. I notice that people always complain whenever someone tries to use that floor for something besides a Vahnatai building. I don't understand why, though. It's just green tiles. There's nothing particular about green tiles that's specific to the vahnatai. My mother was considering getting green tiles for the kitchen a few years ago. Honestly, people, get over it. EDIT: Also, I like the grey rocks better than the brown rocks. I don't like the brown rocks.
  10. I like to believe that the slimes are a very large, somewhat mutated form of slime mold, a real Earth organism that nobody is really sure which kingdom it belongs to. Some say it's an animal because it moves and attacks things. Some say it's a fungus because it reproduces through spore-producing stalks. Some even say it's a very large protist. Slime molds are awesome, and so are slimes.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: You can wield tools in (...) any other orifice, given sufficient flexibility). Ugh, that just put horrible images in my head...
  12. Unfortunately, my favorite, the slimes, is not on the poll. They're just so colorful and silly. I mean, what's with those slimes that are trying to look like people? It's obviously not going to work. Oh, those crazy slimes...
  13. If you didn't have to do things to progress, it wouldn't be a game, now would it?
  14. Before making a scenario, I recommend reading these articles from The Lyceum 's Designer\'s Forum . They were written about BoE, but the ones I picked out are mostly relevant to BoA as well: "Beating Designer\'s Block" by Alcritas "Beginner Epics" by Alcritas "Beta-Testing From A Designer\'s Perspective" by Alcritas "Advice On Creature Creation" by Simmic "Betatesting Scenarios" by Arenax "A Comment On Scenarios" by Ben Frank "Details" by Davrim "Details: How To Make Quality Towns" by Aceron "Dungeon Design" by Alcritas "Another Suggestion of Note" by Alcritas "The Evolving Role of Dungeons" by Drizzt "Logic and Geometry" by Ben Frank "Motives" by Alcritas "The Path Not Taken" by Brett Bixler "Starting Steps" by Alcritas "Vahnatai - Friend or Foe?" by Drakefyre "The Value of a Good Name" by Alcritas "NPCs" by Alcritas "Improving the Lines of Communication" by The Creator "Tell a Good Story" by Drizzt "Finding Ideas" by me (Please ignore the bit about my scenario I promised would be finished by the 5th contest. It obviously didn't get finished. I've revived the idea yet again, however, and I think it will be much better than my previous idea, but nevermind that for now.) "Humor in Exile" by YMA "The Tactics of Hack\'n\'Slash" by The Creator "Endings" by Measle "Researching New Topics" by YMA "Castles in the Air: Getting Creative With Your Setting" by Rosycat "Occam\'s Razor of Exile" by Stareye Remember though, these are just general rules. They aren't set in stone. Once you know why these rules are there, feel free to break them.
  15. Don't vampires only drink the blood of the living? You could feed corpses to dogs. Or, as would be more likely in the world of Avernum, bring them to a healer so they can be revived. I mean, the player's party brings its dead members to healers, right? There's no reason beyond game mechanics why they couldn't do it with someone else's corpse. Ha ha ha, I should rephrase that, but I won't. It amuses me.
  16. Someone else posted this a while ago in the GF3 forum too. I haven't played the game yet, but I'm guessing it's an actual bug that needs to be addressed, rather than just a glitch on one person's computer. Just send an email to Jeff and tell him about it.
  17. I like the raised grass, actually. I think it looks fine like it is. If I think of anything, though, I'll post it.
  18. Uh, no they aren't. They are mostly the same, but there are differences between the BoE and BoA versions. If he has a problem with BoE, he should post in the BoE forum, not the BoA forum. That is all.
  19. Custom graphics go in the scenario folder, not the Data folder. EDIT: In case that's not how it works on a Mac, I'll rephrase it. You're putting the custom graphics in the same file as the graphics that come with BoA, right? You don't do that. You put them with the scenario they're supposed to be used with. And Drakey posted while I was posting.
  20. Archery is useless in Exile, but very useful in Avernum. But there are so many fun spells in Exile that aren't there in Avernum. Firestorm r0xx0rz. "EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK! EEK!" I love that...
  21. Oh, come on, Zxquez! Don't be such a spoilsport!
  22. What was Aaron's old address? Do we know where he lives? A Google search revealed that there is an Aaron Maybury in Australia or New Zealand (but the email address is from 1998 and not likely to work anymore) and an Aaron Maybury at Oklahoma State University (the email address is probably still active). Do you suppose either one of these is him? EDIT: I asked Akhronath and iambobsushi if they had any of the lost scenarios, but neither does. Oh well. EDIT 2: Frahhamn and Scorpius also don't have them. I'll ask TurtleWhipper whenever I see him online, but he's on a mobile device right now. (TW's AIM ID is ASH LHK, right?)
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