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Everything posted by BMA

  1. Yeah the only problem on the Win7 32-bit was not being able to easily view the help file - you've got to download an additional something from Microsoft.
  2. Good draws. The Black Halberd looks like a much cooler version of the weapon used by your Nether Being.
  3. Sounds good, I'm in too. Post 500, oh yeah
  4. Also, you can cheat for convenience and still look people in the eye. When you're hurt, it's a good shortcut to just cheat yourself to complete health instead of going to the Endzone + selecting a friendly town + going to said town + coming back.
  5. @Charles : Since you're running the game on a Windows, you can hope for a speed increase by using the DirectX version (+ low specs) if you haven't already (OpenGL is comparatively sluggish) - it's what I do to get it running on my system.
  6. I was wondering, why is just this thread shown as having 0 views and no replies ?
  7. BMA

    Movies - 2012

    The movies I liked best from the ones I saw last year were The Avengers and Rango (2011-Animated). Especially Rango, I think, it's worth another see.
  8. I'm even later, but what is time, anyway ? Happy New Year
  9. Wow. Now decoys, what next ? Makes you wonder how much more the spiders are capable of evolving.
  10. Yep. Click on your name in the top-right corner of this page and click 'My Settings'. The option to change the time zone is second in the list.
  11. hey, that's a cool background.

  12. BMA

    School Violence

    Yes, but we're not all in agreement about whether he's 'mentally ill' or not in the first place which I thought was an underlying issue. Analyzing and classifying his problem (mental or not) into a category can help detect other troubled individuals and help them get treated before they have to take it out on others.
  13. It's not that I can't stick to the point, just that I have a lot of points to stick onto.

  14. BMA

    School Violence

    That depends on what you mean by a mental illness. A person (even as a child) is expected to have a general idea of how to behave in a society, and while not coming up to these standards doesn't necessarily make you 'mentally disabled', going so far from the normal line of thinking as to go around shooting others certainly does.
  15. BMA

    School Violence

    Both of those statements are perfectly true. I'd say BT is looking at the big picture (but maybe you could have worded it better ?) The reason for this, I'd say, is that the sources of the easily-preventable causes you've mentioned are widely distributed all over the world. You can't just point a location out and say "Here is the problem. The solution is a law. And here is that law which ought to be passed". Besides, in the case of the shooting, the very image of a killer going around shooting children has a higher 'horror-level' than the same children dying of malnutrition or disease. And if you don't think so, you're just a monster in the mainstream eye.
  16. But that's the thing, Google says it's only early Dec 21 in Mexico/Guatemala.
  17. Not at all, just joking. I found the fowl scent of fried foul particularly inspiring.
  18. Isn't it at 11 pm ? Best to wait a while though, until the apocalyptic date gets across all the time-zones.
  19. I know what you mean. Thats like me and the Geneforge series. The original Avernum games would get boring because moving around was more grinding. The good thing is that we have Avernum-Eftp. I'm too much a fan of the old BoA system that I never use the mouse even on Aeftp; I prefer bumping into things. You can use the mouse though, just not directly; you have to press the respective keyboard letter first.
  20. I thought we could continue with the RP if that's okay with you all (Actaeon ?). I mean, why not ? We're not obliged to put a full stop or anything (Also, I was curious about how the end-story was going to be when it was all planned out).
  21. Never the one to take the initiative, a little poke in the back was all that the Big Man had been waiting for. He whips his wand out, closes his eyes and begins preparing a very complex incantation, but one of the intelligent raptors suddenly lunges forward and clings onto the tip of his wand with it's jaws. And, as everyone knows, it's impossible to cast a wand-spell if there's something blocking the path at the other end. The Big Man curses in a foreign language as he twirls his wand around trying to get the blasted thing off his wand. He stumbles on a fallen branch, sending both the wand and the squealing raptor flying in different directions. The raptor falls with a squishy splat on top of Excalibur and the wand falls near Upon Mars. But the Big Man is now helpless, as he has no other weapons and he doesn't fancy using any means of attack which will bring him in physical contact with those raptors. Big Man : Hey, Harehunter, can you lend me a firearm of any kind ? A rifle, maybe, or at least a pistol ? Harehunter : Why, certainly, you can have my shod-off shoe-gun. Here, catch. (ooc : i'll never try to pun again i swear) The Big Man grabs a couple of birdies which were still flying around, stuffs them into his shoe-gun and shoots bam-bam-bam at the raptors. But we are vastly outnumbered. There's far too many of them and they just keep coming. The Big Man looks helplessly towards Jewels, SoT and Dikiyoba for they can always set things right.
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