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Everything posted by keira

  1. Says the person who still has icons on their desktop.
  2. Let's just all be thankful Trenton's desktop wasn't porn or 4chan crap
  3. http://cdn.calref.net/sylae/images/misc/44bbdd380fa49fbba6c0065eed21c354.jpg it hangs off the handle to the balcony/patio/whatever
  4. Iridium desktop: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/1fe6c639_desktop.png Lithium desktop: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/4d1a3978_Screenshot-from-2015-02-13-11_03_12.png And this is where my desktop sits: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/80b21cab_DSC_1790.jpg On the left is Iridium and the laptop is Lithium (it only exists for radiorefuge, really). Iridium: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/7329b6c7_DSC_1792.jpg Lithium: https://c312441.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/files.calref/16/4d819c2f_DSC_1793.jpg
  5. Eventually, yeah. All I need to do is import the existing posts into a database (which slarty has already done most of the legwork on); I just want to get the kinks worked out before then
  6. yeah i dont think "what porn category are you" is appropriate for the SW poll. All my suggestions are stupid, so I won't give any.
  7. keira


    i mean if we split the eurozone into two mini-eurozones, why not go further. we could give each country its own variant of the euro! and we wouldn't even need to call it the euro, they could have cool names like...francs and marks and drachma. wouldnt that be nifty
  8. I've been playing XCOM on neb's account, and my sniper has 115 Aim. I don't often see anything other than 100% chance to hit, and even then it's only as low as 85-90%. It makes me unbearably angry when I miss. Meanwhile, I swear the stupid alien Mechahitler units are rigged. I miss maybe 9/10 shots I miss, even though hit is like 80%. *grumble*
  9. Neb, Iffy, and I just played Settlers. Neither of them had played before, and I had only played once (and didn't remember how does). it went poorly (the most boring video in the world, also language)
  10. that should be fine, although if the session runs long i'll have to leave for werk.
  11. that should be fine, although if the session runs long i'll have to leave for werk.
  12. keira

    404 error

    Interesting. You might want to hop on a VPN or tunnel through SSH if your modem is actively redirecting your connection. Although I'm sure your ISP essentially performing mitm attacks is for perfectly good, not evil, intentions
  13. keira

    404 error

    Oh bother, you're supposed to hit the 'resource' button on the right, I guess. In any case, it looks like the original request is fine, unless it's sending a Location header without switching off 200 OK (I'm guessing it's some sort of javascript redirection)? See if you can get the HTML source of that page (should be in the Resource button on the right according to a quick google, but if not cURL or wget should work as well). This is pretty weird, I've seen no indication that IPB uses any sort of CGI process (and a quick (although not comprehensive) search of the theme files shows nothing regarding cgi or redirects besides an ajax login--I'm guessing clearing cookies didn't fix anything?
  14. keira

    404 error

    it should be the very top request--in that example it's instruments.html, for you it prolly will show up as "/". Anyway, if you click on it it should show what headers were sent with the request and response. A screenie of that would be helpful to see exactly what it is requesting. this is in firefox, but it should probably look similar: http://cdn.calref.net/sylae/images/misc/64217c4afdf45deae358a64c07f3d1b3.png
  15. keira

    404 error

    Could you post the exact http session with the headers? I'm not too familiar with Safari, but clicking it in this pane should do the trick. Be sure to censor any cookies, of course
  16. I'm not familiar with visual studio, if you have a way to export a code::blocks project (or preferably just a Makefile) I can get the script turned over. (actually it looks like code::blocks can import visual studio projects, that might be easier to gen a makefile)
  17. Yeah, when money is tight "voting with your dollar" isn't really an option. Sorry, but if the choice between supporting a good business and the evil business is making rent, I do what I have to. If that makes me a part of the problem then so be it. Isn't it? I don't do social media, and I've been doing "fine". There's some stuff that you don't get a choice in, like online banking (or, for example, I have to get may paystubs and W-2 from a website), but for most of these cases either 1) available through other means, or 2) aren't of much use. I mean, maybe I don't like the fact that my address is pretty trivial to find online. Yeah, it's worrisome, but for almost every one I had a choice in whether or not to allow that to happen (the major exception being colorado voter info. Thanks, whoever thought that was a good idea to be public record!). Even if you're worried about the dragnet (which you should be), you still have a choice. The individual is certainly not powerless, in fact if one takes the time to research then you can effectively avoid the dragnet almost-altogether.
  18. Okay, but what about *i's implementation? Even not accounting for special things like bless, the calculation is completely different and seems incompatible. Looking at the two, I'm tempted to say I like yours better. I suspect we're going to hit a lot of these, and doing such a great overhaul and merge is definitely going to change some mechanics. In these cases I would always say "do what makes it more fun for the player", and in my personal experience petrification was a bit too much unless you had a handful of special items. Going through the list, I'll give my input (sorry if its poorly-formatted, i just woke up from three hours slep) Spark should do fire damage, it's a fire spell. Minor haste should probably be capped. I've never been a fan of the "apply two hundred minor spells and become a god" style of gameplay, it feels too minmaxey. (probably might be more sane to check every beginning of turn and see if bless/haste/other effect amounts have exceeded bounds, and then trim down, rather than doing this check every spell) Strength: see above. iirc Flame is a pretty low-level spell, so maybe the PC version would be better to keep? Although I'm lead to believe that version doesn't have RNG, which is lame. maybe instead of 1/3*level, make it 1/3(1d(lvl)) or some such? Minor poison: I'd lean towards the PC version... For Slow, any ideas on merging the two? Actually, looking at these, it makes me wonder if an entire overhaul is in order. I feel like a lot of these aren't taking into account the vast amount of skills and attributes present in the system. Only checking one or two things is nice for tabletop gaming, but we have the luxury of computing. We could make every spell be affected by more than just level and int. (honestly, before i saw the codebase i kind of assumed the game did this, and it seems silly that it doesnt) I'd say maybe have a table of coefficients that each spell is run through. I mean, things like mage lore, luck, etc should be taken into account (as well as items that might do this sort of buffing), when casting spells. Maybe luck makes you sqrt(0.1*luck_levels) more likely to hit. Maybe every level of Priest makes priest spells do 5% more damage. Stuff like that. Perhaps some sort of hook or callback at some point during the spell, maybe something like damage = get_mage_dam_mods(original damage), get_mage_hit_mods, etc., that returns the number modified by these coefficients/whatever. I mean, it's a pretty big overhaul and departure from original game logic, but it seems like a unified codebase is going to make waves no matter what, we might as well take the opportunity to go all thew way. (maybe this is too ambitious a thought?)
  19. let's not forget that a laptop's only redeeming quality is that it can be moved with little effort and used on the go. If you're buying a standalone monitor you might as well buy a real computer to go with it.
  20. That definitely looks like vestigial Ex3 code. Although...I'm pretty sure there might be some other code for that floating around, because I seem to remember getting random backgrounds every time I entered a town (which might actually be from Ex3, not BoE. It's been awhile). In any case, it could definitely use a tune-up. Perhaps the new scenario format could add a few flags for 'background'/'combat background' to let the designer specify? We should also specify a sane default if not present, probably the same as the main menu bg. Personally, it's always annoying as hell to be playing the game, and then have the background switch from lovely black countertop to HOW ABOUT SCENARIO EDITOR WHITE. It's quite jarring. As far as petrifying touch goes, I'd recommend leaving the bless option in. I remember it being quite hard to counter in Exile 3 (Basilisk Island ), of course that was the Windows version, which looks rather...impossible to dodge. It's been awhile since I dealt with the mechanic.
  21. People might go on about how zoos are terrible, but they're a hell of a lot better than, for example, where your store-bought eggs come from.
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