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Everything posted by keira

  1. I would imagine using GTK as a dep on linux would be fine, since its pretty much a default install on any graphical distro. Not sure what that adds to the overhead, but its pretty safe to assume the average linux user has GTK already
  2. Itd be cool of Avernum had a Blades equivalent. They'd probably call it Blades of Avernum. Also, not to be pedantic, but encoding as binary and/or compiling into bytecode do not satisfy any contemporary definition of encryption.
  3. I as well. With SFML this should be pretty trivial, correct? Looking at docs, it's just a sf::Music object, running openFromFile("snd01.ogg"), and play(). EDIT: i might actually work on this on the windows side. Should be simple enough for me to handle . . .
  4. keira


    mmxpert, if you are going to post junk at least keep it on your account and not on an alt. or better yet not post junk at all.
  5. Harmony [turn 7] Summary Power Available: 1 Actions taken: none Power Remaining: 1 Running Bonus: +2 Actions (none taken due to error in t6, leaving one point for this turn. )
  6. Harmony [turn 6] Summary Power Available: 26 Actions taken: Manifest - Create race, 6 cost (+1 Purity); Purify City, 3 cost Spread - Command race, 4 cost; Purify City, 3 cost, Purify area, 3 cost Contemplate - Purify Civ, 3 cost Power Remaining: 3 Running Bonus: +1 Actions Manifest The wind of countless eons blows across the tundra as we build strength. An eternity later, we are finally ready to enter this world. A mass of crystalline rock thrusts itself up out of the ground, clouds of frost coming off in waves as it rises up into the sky. A single, massive structure, its face marred with many tiny cracks. Tiny for the rock, but for earthly beings each crack is a massive jagged cave leading into a great cavern network. It is in this network, deep in the center of the bone-chilling freeze, a place known simply as Insijaam, where Harmony first appears. The Shards in Insijaam push some of their spirit into the rocks, chilling it and infusing the stone with harmonious order (Insijaam now at +2 purity). Spread We assemble a great many Shards and send ourselves north, to the great mountain we made some time ago. We bury ourselves in caverns at the top of its mighty peak, forming another cavern-city to live in. At this site we also infuse the rocks, and give it a name: Soulad (We forgot to do a purify area several turns ago and thought we did, but it looks like that didn't happen, even though the map showed it did. We do so now, bringing Soulad to +2 purity and the tundra to +1) Contemplate As we settle into Insijaam and Soulad, we concentrate our thoughts introspectively. Our period of thought lasts many years, and in the end we emerge more pure than before (Harmony to +2)
  7. I'll draw something up real quick. Sorry yo EDIT: Turn's in, sorry for the delay everyone. I also went ahead and tidied up the legend, and I also put a couple pixel mapping resources up here (read: I got anal-retentive about anti-aliased fonts, and also threw in some icons that i can't remember the source of).
  8. Maybe there's more to it than "how easy is it to get a job" and "how many dollars will I get". Maybe there are people out there who would prefer to work they're way up to the point where they can make a living doing what they love over taking an easy-to-secure job they'll hate. And you know what, that's perfectly okay. If that's a risk they want to take then all the power to 'em. Certain people seem to enjoy using words like "doubt" and "suspect" in this topic without backing themselves up. Facts and sources, people! Especially if you're going to go out of your way to pick a fight. I'm getting a vibe that certain people think the only metric important to success is salary. This is far from the truth. Yes, its a big deal, but its hardly the only factor. I could work 100 hours a week and be swimming in cash. Would I be happy? Certainly not. So what is success, then? Every person on this planet probably had their own thought on that. The simple answer is that success is the yardstick we use to judge ourselves. What I consider to be success right now might be considered failure to someone else. But that's fine. From a more practical point, its pretty hard to point at one thing and say "nope, that's useless". Which is essentially what this argument has been. Look at the historical greats. Most of them had a lot of "hats". Many of them where known for advancements in many fields, both in science and arts. Nowadays, its a lot harder to successfully wear multiple hats, simply due to the prereqs of getting to an advanced position in the field. Here's where fools cone in: someone who wears their hat proudly but looks down on other hats. "My hat is the most important and most practical. Your hat is rubbish" the fool might proclaim. The fool says this because they don't know a thing about that hat. Okay, whatever. Its like the yardstick of success, no two are quite the same. Really, we as a global society are all wearing the hats by proxy. We are now one distributed "person" wearing many hats. Science is the brain of this person, but arts are the heart. It doesn't take a doctor to tell you people usually die when one of those are missing. But "arts are horrible, they'll never get a job! Scientists are just eggheads who can't dream". This brings us back to the yardstick. You can't compare one persons success to another's because there's no universal yardstick to success. If Nikki used his yardstick to measure me, it wouldn't work. If I used my yardstick to measure ghaldring, it wouldn't work. Because that's not how these things go. If you think your yardstick is universal then you're a universal ass.
  9. ATTENTION PLEBS: http://radio.calref.net/ http://radio.calref.net/ http://radio.calref.net/ Broadcasting right now! All the usual warnings about me in front of a mic apply.
  10. Yep! Just clone the repository, swap out the sound files, and build a new DLL. You can then drop tuat I'm and it'll work fine
  11. Probably not, since that would essentially involve rewriting the scenario format. Something I've wanted to do for awhile but I've never had the time/patience/skill to get very far.
  12. Or just get rid of the "trash program" and then there's no need for some seedy program that will also pull resources from your game? Win7 and Vista made this pretty easy with a task manager that provides descriptions of what processes do what. And there's been a great Services control panel in Administrative Tools since the beginning of time. Y'all seem to think there's going to be some sort of "get FPS quick" solution to solve all your problems, but there's not. Every system is different, every game is different, but in all of these cases, on low-spec systems you will have to fight tooth and nail for every bit of performance you can pull out of that system. And even then it probably won't be enough to satisfy you. In which case you just need a new machine. But since that's not an option for a lot of people, you just need to learn your system. What specific settings are you trying to improve? What resources does that setting consume? Where is your bottleneck? How do you reduce the load at that bottleneck? What are the consequences of doing so?
  13. One word of advice for GPUs if/when you do go shopping: looking at the clock speed alone is rubbish. The most important factors in a GPU are memory amount (although your average card is usually more than enough, unless you go for EXTREME TEXTURES OF DOOOM), and clock*CUDA cores (as in, multiplied together). A lot of people get hung up on "oh, but this GPU has .2 GHz more clock speed", when, meanwhile, it has half the cores. The reason GPUs are so powerful is because the operate in parallel. How good is a 90-mph highway if it only has one lane.
  14. That's hardly worth the investment. For the cost of a 512 GB SSD you could get pretty much all the components for a real computer. You're suggesting putting a supercharger in a Geo. Its just a silly waste of money
  15. That is factually incorrect. Page File (properly known as swap space) is space on a filesystem used as ram when you run out. It is incredibly slow, and you should avoid it wherever possible (its called swap because the system uses this space to "swap" stuff in and out of ram, essentially acting as an overflow parking lot for your program). The only possible way swap/pf could be useful is if you have the swap partition/file on an SSD or utilize disk striping. Even then, I doubt it'd be worth it. A swapping system is a slow system, there's no getting around that. Sorry to be blunt, but if you're looking for enjoying a decent framerate or a pretty game, a laptop is not what you should go for. Get a proper desktop with a decent card.
  16. Neb bought me genefrog. Now i have to play genefrog. :|
  17. Mmmm, no. Jeff tried several times to get on steam, but was rejected/given the cold shoulder. Read more about it here. I can't find a direct quote, but since Jeff actively posted in the topic and didn't say "no that's actually not true" then it's good enough for me. Feel free to go digging. Yeah, and please touch where the hesitation or resistance is in this post announcing SW was on steam.
  18. Yeah, it automatically polls the git repo for updates every minute. It should also get a webhook initiated from github on every push, but i couldn't get that to work earlier (although it probably was due to the DNS issue, I'll try another test and see what happens) Edit: Yep, it'll start building now as soon as you push your commits: Started on Jun 22, 2014 4:45:37 PM Using strategy: Default [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 69ffd4cee360fc29a14d2494499e282377fe5883 (origin/master) > git ls-remote -h https://github.com/calref/cboe.git master Done. Took 1 sec No changes
  19. Harmony [turn 5] Summary Power Available: 18 Actions taken: Build Up - 0 cost Power Remaining: 18 Running Bonus: 0 Actions Build Up We are Harmony. We feel the eternal sands of time blowing endlessly, but now they feel...different. Great change is coming. We collect our power and wait. We waited an eternity in the great emptiness beyond the stars, we can wait a short time more. We are Harmony, and we will be ready for a new Age.
  20. From a more practical standpoint, getting 64-bit down will go a long way towards future-proofing BoE. Most machines nowadays are 64-bit. Linux is overwhelmingly 64-bit, and I rarely see 32-bit versions of Vista or Win7 floating around (some casual research suggests the same with OSX). With XP officially unsupported, there's no real encouragement for MS/Apple to continue supporting 32-bit software. Eventually we will need to have native 64-bit builds, simply because 32-bit libraries will begin to disappear or become unsupported. Thankfully, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the code tidied up. Tridash and I (mostly Tridash) got 64-bit BoE compiled in about an hour's worth of work. I'd imagine abstraction utilities like Wx make this even easier.
  21. Yeah, something like the following (although I'm reconfiguring it to make it less...spammy: Also, url should be working again, my dns updater went down but it's back up now.
  22. Harmony [turn 4] Summary Power Available: 12 Actions taken: Northern Frost - Shape Climate, 2 cost Barrier - Shape Land, 3 cost Ascent - Shape Land, 3 cost Power Remaining: 4 Running Bonus: +3 Actions Northern Frost Harmony travels north, to the newly-created ice sheet. We extend our chill onto the ground south of this sheet of ice, chilling into a tundra much like that created by our first arrival. Barrier This island is too large for us to claim it all, however. We extend our force downwards, pulling up a wall of frost-covered mountains to divide the rest of the island. Ascent One mountain in particular reaches far into the heavens, its peak far above the clouds and permanently surrounded by eternal biting wind and chill.
  23. It's kinda-sorta cheating, but the utility scenario New Market City makes available all spells. Barring that, I'd recommend using the CBoE editor to look at it, which can bypass passwords (they never did any encryption of the exs file, which seems rather silly because it meant any script kiddie with a hex editor could bypass the protection). For Windows, there's a full installer available here. There's a few CBoE mac builds floating around, but the only one with a scenario editor iirc is Tridash's build for Intel mac.
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