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Everything posted by keira

  1. As a Denver resident, I assure you that's the only logical thing to do at DIA.
  2. keira

    Extra descriptions

    try placing it somewhere and see what happens. just keep backups
  3. Fixed your typo. Looks like you missed a spot, don't worry, I fixed it.
  4. One thing I would like to do (in the long term) is create a standardized spell/ability structure/class so that we can manipulate spells with ease. It would make interchanging spells between PCs/NPCs easier, plus it'd open the door to custom spell implementation (a custom spell could be assigned a scenario special kind of like (iirc) how special item abilities are currently handled. maybe put target coords in a couple "special" SDFs for good measure. I dunno)
  5. Hmmmm...it would probably be possible to add a couple new spell effects that set HP/SP regen to 0. Allowing scenario designers to do this would be nifty.
  6. why does it matter if dumbledore is gay what does it add to the story how does that change his character in any way whatsoever
  7. Its c++, but the original code was more of straight C iirc. The exile trilogy is just freeware, but Blades actually has a lot of chunks of E3 code that wasn't used. Forum user Ishad Nha has done a lot of work analyzing save structures and porting maps and such to Blades, you might want to check his work out w/r/t that. The CBoE code was originally controlled with SVN, I moved it to git awhile ago just for the reasons you mentioned--git handles merges and conflicts a lot more elegantly IMO. I get issues with merging occasionally with other projects, but its usually me doing it wrong . As far as dev environments, at the current time there's nothing too strange going on--i don't even think you need any libraries beyond the system ones iirc. For reference, I got it to cross-compile on Debian just fine without doing anything beyond installing MinGW and dealing with some cases sensitivity things. If you want to contribute to the CBoE repository, register on github and tell me your username, I'll get you push permissions to the repo and upload permissions to the file dump.
  8. Jenkins isn't a person, it's the name of a program that can automatically compile the game whenever source code is changed. It allows people who don't have the whole programming environment set up see what new things are going on (otherwise a developer would have to manually compile and release a build every time something happened, and who has time for that? ). As for languages, it's pretty much C++, although Jeff's coding style at the time of writing this program was...convoluted. A fair amount of work has gone into making things somewhat readable. The development coordination is mostly done on github, so you should probably have a basic understanding of git (they do have a pretty straightforward windows program that takes out a lot of the learning curve, especially if you have prior experience with version control).
  9. Having SDFs that auto-populate to relevant info could make it easier to make more dynamic special node chains. Some ideas I have: SDF_CURR_COORD_X: The party/active PC's current X coord SDF_CURR_COORD_Y: The party/active PC's current Y coord SDF_CURR_TERRAIN: The terrain type currently being stood on by the party/active PC SDF_LAST_RESULT: For SDF logic, the last returned answer (1=true/0=false) Obviously there are more potential ideas here, I just vomited out some off the top of my head.
  10. We should have some nodes to do quick and dirty arithmetic and logic checks. For all the following, Stuff Done Flags is the result, Extra 1x is Input A, and Extra 2x is Input B. SDF_ADD: Add SDF A and SDF B, store the result in Stuff Done Flags (A+ SDF_SUB: Subtract SDF A into SDF B, store the result in Stuff Done Flags (A- SDF_MULT: Multiply SDF A and SDF B, store the result in Stuff Done Flags (A* SDF_ADD: Devide SDF A into SDF B, store the result in Stuff Done Flags, rounded down (floor(A/B) SDF_POW: Raise SDF A by SDF B, store the result in Stuff Done Flags (A^ (will SDF limits be a concern?) All of the following assume 0 or -1=FALSE, any other =TRUE SDF_AND: Logical AND SDF_OR: Logical OR SDF_NOT: Logical NOT (ignoring SDF SDF_NAND: Logical NAND SDF_NOR: Logical NOR SDF_XOR: Logical XOR SDF_XNOR: Logical XNOR With a bit of elbow grease this could allow designers to implement some logic beyond what we have now.
  11. Hooks will be conditionals that will, call a special upon being triggered. Some examples of hook types: A monster of type x is attacked Food is consumed The party steps onto terrain type x A specific monster sees the party The general idea is that these will run whenever a condition is triggered (and is scoped properly). Users should be able to scope globally, outdoors only, in towns, in specific towns. The hook will then populate some special SDFs and trigger a special (we can possibly include a way to scope the special type--for example town-scoped hooks trigger town specials). For use in the specials chain, the hook system would also populate SDFs with relevant data, such as: Party coordinates Monster health Terrain type Spell ID triggered (Some of these should probably be made universal, for simplicity and use elsewhere. I also plan on adding a few logic/arithmetic special for SDF manipulation and comparison) We would also introduce some special hook-level special nodes: Break Chain: This breaks the special chain similar to a C-style return statement. An extra var would specify whether to undo the hook-triggering action (such as moving onto a tile) if applicable. (I was thinking things like disable hook, enable other hook, but these are all trivial to make happen with an SDF check . . .) Some events may already have features similar to this, but having a comprehensive system would simplify things greatly. An example of this "in the wild" would be the following: Imagine a room that gets filled with water. the party can be in the room when this happens. However, since they are submerged they have a limited supply of air, and will begin to lose HP if they run out of air. So, we'll arbitrarily define terrain type 10 as "submerged floor". We'll define a hook of type HOOK_WALK_TO_TILE_TYPE (probably selected from a menu, like the special types), sourced at the town level, that checks the following: Is the party inside the coordinate rect (our wet room)? (i think this is an existing special already, if not, we should define it at some point). If so, proceed: Is the SDF 10,20 (our oxygen supply) greater than -1? If not, set it to 10. Is 10,20 greater than 0? if so, subtract 1. If not, subtract 2 HP and display a message Obviously, this is easily accomplished by way of setting a special on every tile in the room. However, that's kind of a cludge solution, especially with the current limitations (speaking from experience, you hit a "number of tiles that trigger specials" limit pretty fast). It would also allow you to do more advanced things with, say, burglary (HOOK_MONST_SPOT_PARTY_STEALING), so instead of "town is angry" you can have, you know, actual things go on. What are our thoughts on this feature? I feel like it wouldn't be _too_ hard to implement (hook registry in the save, code to load it at every potential scope/area change, and then a run_hooks(type) or something at every point we want to run a hook), plus the editor window stuff.
  12. The current windows version is pretty true to the original. Most changes are bugfixes and modernization attempts -- it can now run flawlessly on 64-bit windows without having a crisis. Theres a couple new entities and some raised limits, but for the most part much has stayed the same gameplay-wise. The jenkins server is bleeding-edge windows builds. Probably not much use to you unless you're looking to develop, really . But to use them, just dowbload and install the installer, then pop in the new executable(s) from Jenkins. Unfortunately, i havent been able to get any sort of Mac cross compiliation working on the Jenkins server, which runs Debian linux. One other thing to note -- theres (rather dated) documentation available online for the game and editor, its linked in the forum header.
  13. Right now the Windows and Mac branches are quite split off from each other, working on getting a unified code base is a long-term goal. Mac is a bit out of date, but there's a windows installer of CBoE here. For mac, there's this build by tridash, or just run the Windows version in Wine. (if you want to get the most recent builds, check the jenkins server here) Right now the only project working on the code that I am aware of is CBoE. I've been tinkering around with the Windows code base occasionally, and Tridash and Celtic Minstrel have been working on Mac stuff. The current CBoE code is located on GitHub here.
  14. Looks like a typo in the id, losing a trailing 9 gives this url: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/11872-special-node-ideas/#entry137155
  15. maybe hermione just wasn't some ego-stuffed ass who just had to be a main character. just because someone isnt a main character doesn't mean that the author is a horrible person or something. maybe it just means they didn't need twenty billion main characters floating around. or, more likely, they had already filled their quota of over-the-top. i don't see how a character being not-the-main-character makes them somehow second-class? i might be going off on a tangent but i doubt very many worthwhile authors have a checklist of characteristics they need to include. I doubt many editors go "This is a great story, but aww shucks, you came short on your minority quota!" my parting thought is, if you take a character in a story and get rid of any and all references to gender, however you want to awkwardly go about that, does the character stand as a good character.
  16. because what this site needs is more people who think that a system limiting you to 140 characters or less is an ok form of communication
  17. Ovaries is the word you're looking for here.
  18. If its a ubb.threads link, put 'http://sw.calref.net/' before it, and itll try and find a match for you. If its older than that, i cant help you. If its an older ironycentral (but still ubb.threads), you may need to change the domain to spiderwebforums.com.
  19. having watched neither of these shows i have no idea what either of those mean
  20. Well, if licensing is a concern, there's quite a few open sans-serif fonts that look kinda similar. DejaVu Sans might work, I also found this which looks pretty similar, although much less compressed.
  21. I'd imagine the emails were stored in plaintext in the .RC files (or mac equiv) beforehand, so it probably wouldnt make a difference to bots scraping the source code. Plus, the average spam filter is pretty robusy nowadays. But for reals this is awesome news! iirc your dialog system was cross-platform via wxwidgets, right? If so, that puts us one step closer to a unified source
  22. Yo, so uh, i actually have work on the ninth, and wont be able to make the session at all. Sorry
  23. This would certainly be possible--a long-term planned feature I have is a greatly simplified way of adding "hooks" or "callbacks" to many party functions. these would allow a developer to set up node chains to do anything from adding XP to all sorts of stuff.
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