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Everything posted by Jerakeen

  1. You can decide either way right at the end, with or without the stone.
  2. Oh, you were pretty clear. Hope that link was helpful.
  3. If you're looking for where to buy or otherwise obtain recipes in-game, I don't know of such a list. But you could check out Relle's walk-through and just search the word "recipe". http://www.gamefaqs.com/mac/563127-avernum-3/faqs/30510
  4. Name (for credits): Jerakeen E-Mail: abell(at)vianet(dot)ca Previous Beta Experience: numerous Mac or PC?: Mac Familiarity with "Of Good and Evil" in Blades of Exile: none Will you have time to test both halves of the scenario? : Sure, why not?
  5. Oh, an archer will do well enough, he just can't compete with a dual-wielding warrior in terms of damage output. But that doesn't mean you can't beat the game with one, and have fun doing it.
  6. Oh yes, I usually take a steel breastplate in Silvar as soon as I get there. Other than that, just a shovel in Ft. Duvno to complete the collection quest early.
  7. I don't have any hard data, but my experience is the same as yours. Divine Retribution in BoA is simply not worth bothering with.
  8. I like the Eternally Expanding Self-Reproducing Chaotic Inflationary Universe (PDF). Don't really understand it, but I like it.
  9. Failing a companion's quest (ie siding with Avadon) is independent of what you do or don't tell Callan. She's quite happy if you fink on Alcander after helping him. It is a bit silly that you can't report the trove, but apparently it's only allowed if you "succeeded" (ie sided with Alcander), even if you found the goods. An oversight, in my opinion, that breaks immersion. Too bad.
  10. This I've seen, though it's rare. I assumed that the target was detectable, but not quite hittable with a cone-shaped attack. Annoying, but minor. What kind of turret was it? I'll reiterate that the turrets often act very quickly and almost simultaneously. In a large battle it's easy to miss a single action if there's no big obvious animation attached. Like a razordisk shot, for example. As for the rest, I'm stumped. I've never seen any evidence that turrets acquire targets outside of their range. I've seen them change targets without hesitation if their original choice moves away. If this is seriously affecting your game, the only thing I can suggest is to email Jeff. Let him know what operating system you use, etc. Screen shots wouldn't show much... I wonder how practical it would be to get some sort of Let's Play app to record a battle sequence?
  11. You have to click on all three basins before you can approach the center of the shrine. They are located in the north, northwest and southeast areas of the map. I don't know how to be more specific than that. Especially given that you didn't answer my question. If you did not see a message about gagging etc. when you tried to talk to them, then something else is wrong. In order to figure out what that might be, we would need to know what actually happens when you try it. Since you're not having fun, turning the difficulty down might be something to consider. I don't know what difficulty you're playing at, but Torment can be particularly brutal.
  12. Are you unable to talk to them because you're collapsing and gagging (in which case yeah you missed a pool), or is something else happening?
  13. Missile weapons have a longer range than offensive turrets, so the wretches could have been out of its range and still attacking. Is it possible that the ogre and warriors were also out of its range? Btw, I really love the Calling Scarab on my warrior for pulling enemies into range of my turrets.
  14. Jerakeen


    It's possible that not all of them actually appear in the game, since Jeff is likely reusing the Avadon 1 codex script with a few additions. If you want to see what's missing, look at the script called "textcodex". I'd do it, but I don't have my laptop with me atm.
  15. Jerakeen


    The scripts contain 31 unique codex entries, if you count the reports on Dheless and Miranda; 29 if you don't. At least a couple of them can be found in more than one location in-game.
  16. My impression is that there are fewer switches (though I haven't counted them), but they're larger and easier to spot. I don't know if it's absolutely comprehensive, but the items list mentions a lot of them (possibly all). Just search for "hidden switch".
  17. If this is the door in the southwestern part of the map, you need to intimidate Cybele in the trading hall in Serdica for the key. Of course you must first have "The Debtor" quest from Melanctha in Troezen.
  18. Jerakeen

    Direct Democracy

    "That is awesome!" was my reaction to that until I read Lilith's. Lilith, you are evil. And awesome. I'm aware of this. There is also nothing to stop a staffer from "leaving" the campaign and starting a super PAC.
  19. Jerakeen

    Direct Democracy

    I follow US politics, but I was unaware of this agreement between Brown and Warren. Since superPACS are by definition not supposed to be affiliated with or directed by the candidates or their campaigns, I'm not sure I understand how that could work.
  20. You don't need a key to get to him. He'll drop the key to those locked doors when he dies.
  21. In version 1.0, you could either read the book or take it but not both. That was subsequently fixed. Also, I edited your post a bit for family friendliness. Yes, it's weird that talking about killing is okay for children but your phrasing was not; that's the world we live in. Or at least, that's the forum we post on.
  22. There could be a whole village full of jolly ginger psychopaths somewhere in the depths of... Dharam? The Kva? I don't think it was ever said where he was from.
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