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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. I think that the number of items is hardcoded into the game, so you won't be able to create your own item. You would need to find an unused item or modify another. I could be wrong though because I haven't done stuff like this in a while.
  2. Her level 6 base attack is pretty good too, though that can sometimes draw too much aggro.
  3. The Ratt

    Osama is gone.

    Star wars, Rome, Persia, etc. That statement is a staple of history, and many video games. The statement itself is probably a specific reference that I'm not aware of.
  4. Another thing to consider with weapons is, if you don't know how to use them, your opponent could take them away and use them against you.
  5. I would just like to say my college had a crowd full of people singing the national anthem outside of one of the dorms, and within 30 minutes of the word getting out someone had arranged a red, white, and blue themed party.
  6. I thought that series were traditionally taught in calc II, and vectors and multi-variable is taught in calc III. At least that's the way a majority of colleges in the US do it.
  7. Well shadowwalkers and sorceresses are the only ones with lockpicking abilities, that something important to keep in mind.
  8. Congrats SoT. Keep spreading knowledge.
  9. Mixing the two topics discussed in this thread, "magic" and lust/greed are what scare me. Attractive people would be sexually harassed all the time, and crime would be rampant, because who could catch a thief that was acting from halfway around the globe.
  10. I think that most of the problems mentioned in this thread won't get fixed until people in general get over their obsession with money, especially people with power. Unfortunately that will probably never happen.
  11. I thought people would be interested to see what's being said about Avadon. http://www.insidemacgames.com/reviews/view.php?ID=1127&Page=1
  12. Speaking of that, when I was just getting into high school, we had to lay off a teacher while a school downstate was complaining because they didn't have enough money to have their scuba diving class.
  13. The Ratt


    Should we mess things up and throw in reverse Polish notation?
  14. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Master1 I've actually never heard that before; it's quite clever. Get off the Internet! Bah, who are you to banish me? You with your fancy blue name! If you switch to the dark UBB theme everyone's name is blue, so you don't need to fear them any more.
  15. A little late, but does using backtoavadon in the last quest mess things up?
  16. Right click and select "show package contents".
  17. Overall Rating: I give the game a 9/10. There are a few minute things that could be fixed/ improved, and the story isn't especially original. I still found the story morally compelling, and some of the choices hard to make. I think it is more engaging if you don't play as a power-hungry maniac. Which is your least favorite character?: This is something I'm really torn on. I don't like the sorceress class, but without Nathalie in my party I missed out on her back story, which is apparently very good. I suppose Sevilin is next in line. Like Shima, he's rather obsessed with revenge, but I also don't like his portrait. He just doesn't look trustworthy. Once again I may have missed out on some of his back story since he wasn't in my party much. Which is your favorite character?: I'm going to go with Jenell, just because she's pretty neutral, and, being raised in a rural environment, I like nature. Which class did you choose on your first playthrough?: Blademaster, enough said. Which is your least favorite class?: Sorceress. Yeah it's cool to have all those abilities, but she's so fragile that she turns into more of a liability, especially when her area attacks aggro lots of enemies. Which is your favorite class?: It's pretty close between shadowwalker and blademaster. Shadowwalkers have more diverse offensive abilities, plus the concept is really cool, but I think I'm going to go with the blademaster because buffs aren't bad, at high levels parry gets up to around 50% (on normal), and sometimes it's just nice to be able to absorb a lot of damage.
  18. Is Redbeard the last battle if you kill him, or do you still need to subdue someone from Tawon still trying to disrupt avadon?
  19. It might just be me or the fact that I'm playing on normal difficulty, but I like the blademaster as my main character because of his tank-like properties. I'm currently trying to return to Avadon after the castle verbeaux incident and he's surviving against the elite kellem warriors longer than either my shadow walker and shaman. Not only does he have more health, but he parries about 50% of the time, and when enemies cleave on characters placed close together that really adds up. The only thing is at the moment, my shadowwalker seems to be able to do more damage. Upon further thought, I really think the choice between the shadowwalker and the blademaster is a personal choice. The shadowwalker seems to have a greater variety of abilities, but the blademaster seems to be able to survive longer. Once again these are observations from a run through on normal.
  20. I don't see how it can be safer, no matter what planet you are on, if it's the same design as the one on earth, unless less gravity makes accidents more or less likely to occur. Causing less damage to life and monetarily is a different story.
  21. Since this is another Wayfarer quest, how do you turn in the Aiding Calanthe (helping the merchant stuck outside castle berdeaux)? I finished that quest a long time ago, but I never noticed an option in the wayfarer dialogue to turn it in.
  22. I'm a little confused as to what this is. Is it your website redone, or something else (Note: I didn't try any of your links yet, just to be safe)?
  23. The Ratt

    Custom Titles

    Is it too late to get them back, and would they stay if they came back?
  24. Since this occurs in the same area, where is the potions book? is it locked in the bedroom?
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