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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. Wow, there are so many things that are absurd about that. Your speed is... very slow, and yet you are still faster than 12% (one in ten!) of the US. Is that because your up speed is faster than those people or do those people not have internet to begin with? Also the fact that you got a ping in hours is unbelievable to me; usually ping is in milliseconds. I really don't think it would take a signal more than 20 minutes to circle the globe (probably less).
  2. If we are doing bad/funny poetry I would like to contribute this: Haikus can be hard Sometimes they do not make sense Refrigerator No, I did not come up with it.
  3. I just have to say, Rowen how does your internet achieve a 26Mb/s down speed and a 1Mb/s up speed?
  4. Congratulations. Not many high schoolers have an opportunity like you do; don't waste it. I personally would email this story to Jeff, I think it would give him the warm fuzzies.
  5. I wonder if that link you gave is secure/remembers what people enter. If it does, it could be gathering passwords for one massive attack!
  6. Originally Posted By: Excalibur So the Westboro Baptist Church announced that it's going to protest Jobs' funeral--an announcement they made on Twitter via iPhone. Epic hypocrisy. The way you phrased that, it seems like they're going to protest to god that he took Steve Jobs
  7. I'm a little disappointed that there's not option that includes both shift keys, but not the Caps Lock. After all, that is the way you're taught to do it in typing class.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Also, the lack of capital letters and punctuation is a pretty good indication of a post that's not meant to be read matter-of-factly. Dikiyoba.
  9. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you aren't, throwing on riders to the budget bill is dangerous. This is a perfect chance for the unscrupulous to tag on a bill that gives their district, or them personally, money. See Pork Barrel Spending
  10. I am Economic Left/Right -5.62, Authoritarian/Social Libertarian -1.28. Which I suppose isn't too surprising. I tend to be economically liberal, and social liberal on drugs, rehabilitation, and religion, but conservative on child raising.
  11. What? Really? That's awesome! Though I do like weasels better than bullfrogs. Btw, where did you find that out?
  12. Quote: Quote: Originally Posted By: Sylae Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Necris Omega x Marx the spot. On your Marx, get set, go? I'm giving you failing Marx for those puns. I wouldn't be so punny around Alorael, he is a very good Marxman Yeah, I hear sniper rifles leave pretty big Marx.
  13. Hey Karoka, did you know that the 2011 Japanese earthquake was a coverup? The chinese felt that they were being outcompeted economically and used an earthquake bomb, like this , except much larger.
  14. Daisies are white, and dandelions yellow but I don't like either, 'cause I eat my Jell-O
  15. Hey Karoka, on that video you posted, if you pause it at 0:48, the people are saying that a plane wouldn't fit in the hole in the pentagon, however if you rotated the wings 90 degrees, oh look! it fits.
  16. The part where all the pokemon cry and their tears revive him? Or the fact that he got turned to stone in the first place?
  17. The Ratt


    Originally Posted By: Dantius So other languages have a trade imbalance with English? Sweet! That makes us like the China of linguistics! Yes! now when china tries to redeem all the debt that we owe them, we can get it all back from other languages that owe us words!
  18. So... where is this list? Or does it not show up with the ubb dark scheme
  19. I know what Wine is, but only because I bought a game from EA that was ported using Wine, and I regretted it.
  20. I think it depends on who you are as a person. It's like how some people are great at math, or excellent musicians and artists, and others aren't. I know someone who took PChem first semester of his first year of college, and someone who avoided PChem at all costs his third year of college. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim Where as if I start talking about my education about vertical ups, 3 run fillets and outside corner fillets, you guys wouldn't have a clue what I'm on about, but it has so much practical use, and these techniques I have to learn are quite necessary in our modern environment. I would put my money on manufacturing, engineering, and/or designing stuff. I remember what fillet means from my brief experience with AutoCAD and SolidWorks.
  21. Meh, I found it pretty pundane
  22. The info on the second one says that the uploader synced leaked audio with the video; that it's not official. Yet.
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