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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. My final level... Amadan's all grown up now... *sniff* Click to reveal.. (Amadan Rayton) AMADAN RAYTON Click to reveal.. (Bio) Occupation: Alchemical Hunter Alignment: Quiet Pragmatic Race: Human Homeland: Ona Deity: Liea, Goddess of Fire and Stone Age: 22 Attributes Level - 7 Strength - 3 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 5 (+1) HP - 24 (+3) Speed - 5 Stamina - 10 Skills Martial (Bows): 7 Magic (Transmutation): 4 Crafting (Alchemy): 2 Stealth: 2 Nature: 2 Perception: 2 Artifice: 1 Traits Negative Animal Attraction (Weakness) - For whatever reason, Amadan tends to attract animals, and animals around him tend to go hostile. Free Fire Arrows (Ability) - Amadan gets 2 free casts of the Fire Arrow spell each day. Liea's Blessing (Perk) - Amadan, who has somewhat inadvertently forged a deeper connection with Liea, receives Liea's Blessing, giving him a +1 bonus to all attack rolls involving fire, as well as a small damage bonus for the same. Click to reveal.. (Inventory) Items 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 5 Coppers (4.15 Gold) Ricochet Bow (arrows ricochet back toward target on miss) Quiver Steel Arrows (x14) Leather Armor (+1 Armor) Satchel Empty Vials (x1) Small Knife Mortar and Pestle Healing Potion Steelskin Tonic Water Flasks (x4) Preserved Food (x4) Vials of Walker Juice (x2) Rope Click to reveal.. (Spellbook) Spellbook Fire Arrow (1S) - Wreathes an arrow in flame. 2 free casts/day. Loft - Makes an object lighter. Repair - Repairs an object, assuming one has all the pieces. Detrimentum - Disrupts the molecular structure of a target, damaging it. Spinneret Arrow (?S) - Transforms an arrow into a mass of sticky webbing on impact, entangling and bogging down the target. CryoArrow (2S) - Turns an arrowhead into an icy explosive. Cleanse - Cleanses a targeted object of filth and impurities. Comestible Succor - Makes a targeted object edible Explosive Arrow (1S) - Renders an arrow volatile, causing it to explode on impact. The more stamina, the bigger the blast.
  2. Originally Posted By: Triumph I'm also scared to see another Vitze. Mote doesn't need any more those. *notices Sarachim is now the DM* *decides not to say anything* But seriously, those beat Eva's backstory by a... lot, really. Wow. Nice work, guys!
  3. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Hey Nioca. Could you post this for me, please? Alright, the game played yesterday went well, and there was at least some progress. Of course, I realized the mistake I made, I actually had the session planned for today, not yesterday. I feel bad for people who maybe could have made it today and not yesterday, so I'll totally try to have a session tonight as well if people are up for it. That's 7:00, eastern time, tonight, Sunday the 30th. If people are up for it. What happened at the start of the last session was the most important, so as long as you read that, you should be mostly up to speed. -Emperor Tullegolar
  4. Question regarding weapons. It seems you have to specify a type of weapon for weapon class (Handheld, Turret, Pilot). Does that mean you still have some proficiency in other weapons in that class (e.g. someone with skill in a Needlegun could also handle a Stunner, though maybe not as well), or are they ONLY proficient in that specific weapon? I just bring it up because it could make Artifact-level weapons a little awkward since no one will be able to use them in the latter case. Also, is "Hand-to-Hand" a viable hand-held weapon class?
  5. True. But I beat you to the room by 3 and a half hours. So there. (Also, I had to update the redirect as well. Otherwise, I would have gotten the redirect up first.)
  6. 27 minutes to the Blood Marsh Finale. Now coming in Original Room Flavor!
  7. ...Gah. Sorry, things have been rather hectic around here, giving me very little free time. The log's done, and it should be uploaded tomorrow. For now, though, I've got to rock Blood Marsh. Yay! Originally Posted By: Aerat Barnes, Thane Guard Captain I've been telling Captain Hammond for years now. Ricoto needs to have a system to neutralize spellcasters locked up in their dungeon. And after that disastrous prison break, maybe they'll finally start listening. But I doubt it.
  8. Yeah, I know. At any rate, that's just to provide an idea of what each category means, rather than just undefined terms. Plus, it was made with UBBPollmaker. Sucky polls is right there in the legal text: Quote: At the discretion of the software, all polls created with UBBPollmaker can be suckified without consent of the owner. See? Anyway, my current computer's a 2.8 GHz P4 with 1.3 GBs of RAM and a 37 GB Hard Disk. Sound and graphics are built-in to the motherboard, so there's no sound or graphics card. Oh, and a metric crapton of USB ports. Definitely slipping near the long-obsolete category. Also, it's one of those tiny compact desktop computers. Next computer? Definitely going to be a mid- or full-tower. There's hardly any room to work in there...
  9. As anyone following the Brigandage thread may know, I've been having some computer problems. Namely, a rattling in my PSU's fan. Good news is, the rattling stopped. Bad news is, so did the fan. So when I found my computer powered down this morning, seemingly of its own accord, I was sure that it was going down for good and that I'd need to find a new computer. Turns out it was just a power outage. But it got me browsing on Newegg and looking at computers and parts for replacing it. And... wow. It's amazing how fast things go obsolete in the computer industry. I mean, this thing was already obsolete when I bought it, but now, it's practically a dinosaur. And it's barely two years old. I mean, wasn't it only a couple of years ago when the most RAM you could have was 4 GBs? Yet now, we have individual sticks that rival that capacity. And now we have individual drives that can hold 2 Terabytes of data each... Not to mention hex-core CPUs. Man, I remember when I had a High-end $2000 Gaming system with... 64 megabytes of RAM! Thing wouldn't even get $20 today... So, a poll. How old and obsolete are your computers?
  10. My doppelganger up there pretty much stated my reason.
  11. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Hey guys, sorry for my absence, but I had to help a certain congressman win an election. Exciting times around here. Anyway, it seems I'll only be available on one day in the coming weeks, real sorry about that. We'll slate the next session for Sunday, May 30th. Hopefully, some people can make it, but if not, it can always be pushed back a bit more. The Ancestors aren't going anywhere. Happy hunting. -Emperor Tullegolar
  12. Etris Tanner, Kurex, Erika Johnson, Amadan Rayton, Harosh, Xuan, and several others would like to have a word with you regarding that. Anyway, there's good reason to add extra cost to new skills. In order to make having a low level in a skill worth it, you have to impose a penalty on untrained checks. Problem is, by removing the skill point penalty for a new skill, you practically encourage any min-maxer worth his/her salt to invest in every skill in existence. You could effectively just plop a single point into every skill, then continue pumping combat skills while the others get artificially bloated by your ever-increasing stats. So why not remove the untrained check penalty? Because if there's someone out there that's got a character decked out in a single attribute (e.g. Eva with 8 INT), that character could effectively beat out someone with 5 points an in INT based skill. It's not fair to the person that has major skill points invested in a skill only to get outclassed by someone that simply has a higher attribute associated with that skill.
  13. Originally Posted By: Ephesos For each level, level up a main stat by 1. Then, take 5 skill points and go nuts. New skills cost 2 for the first rank. ...I dunno, we'll see. Thank you everyone for the feedback so far! I think this could work, but I'd tweak it a little further than that. Basically:Leveling a normal skill you already know costs 1 SP. Learning a new normal skill costs 2 SP. Leveling a Martial/Magic skill costs an extra skill point (e.g. leveling a Swords when you already know it costs 2, while picking up Enchantment when you don't know it costs 3) Also, something I'd like to see is being able to spend all 5 skill points to add an extra point to Speed. It'd make fragile speedster classes (e.g. Sniper/Archer (Amadan), Thief (Erika, Lietha), Dodge Tank... etc.). But that's far from necessary, and may be more trouble than it's worth.
  14. Bloodmarshites! Remember, the next session is a week from today! Let's try to make it on time this time!
  15. ...Phew. May have just set a record for LONGEST AIMHACK SESSION EVER (clocking in at 6.5 hours). Everyone levels up, and once I recover from passing out, I will have things up and dated for you guys. Originally Posted By: Reat, Disciple of Erratis Mote is enjoying a period of superstitious idiocy. There is no darkness, merely a fear of what lies in the unknown, and a lack of motivation to actually take what remains. There is greatness yet on this old world.
  16. ...Pungent puns aside, it is now 1 hour to Brigandage #8. Where are your AIM accounts this evening?
  17. Economic Left/Right: -7.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.13 Apparently, I am Nelson Mandela. Heh. (I think I would have been somewhat closer to 0 on the social line, but when I hit Religion... well, suffice it to say, there was only one answer that had a value higher than "Disagree")
  18. No, they just don't understand Common. Also, Corvette. You couldn't really drive home a caravel or junk joke anyway. Originally Posted By: Alaris, Elven Jewelry Connoisseur Thane is the last bastion of sanity on the island of Skarrifissk. Whatever it's problems, civilization and civilized people still exist here.
  19. I felt it would be pungent punishment to not grace the log with such a corny title. Originally Posted By: Adamea, Acolyte of Mariona For the record, it's Soris Peak. We've heard everything from Saris Peak to Sarin Point up here, and it boggles how the name of our small village and monastery can be so regularly mangled.
  20. Really? I thought it rocked. Originally Posted By: Adamea, Acolyte of Mariona Peace is at a premium in this world. And those few who find it will often defend it with their lives.
  21. REMINDER! The next session of Brigandage is tomorrow! However, last session's log and quotes will probably go up along with this coming session's log and quotes. This is because the update would likely come within 12 hours of the next session, and it just makes more sense to update after next session when there's actually a lot of stuff to update. Originally Posted By: Erratis, Necromancer I'm not crazy! It's everyone that thinks the world isn't ending that's crazy!
  22. Originally Posted By: SkeleTony How does what Glenn does = entertainment though? Probably the same reason people look at Timecube or tend to be fascinated by atrocities. It's not so much "entertainment" per say as much as just fascination at just how badly something can go wrong.
  23. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon funny i can play games like Rise Of Nations and Age Of Mythology and both these are graphically more advanced than G5 and i can run them perfectly but when i try to play the still inadvanced graphics of Geneforge 5 and Avernum 6 its really slow When AoM and RoN were released graphic cards and processors were much slower and disadvanced than nowadays and those games might look better than GF5/A6 but they have simplier graphic-engine. GF5/A6 require OpenGL-capable graphic card (GF5 might have DirectX-version too) . *blink* Originally Posted By: Earth Empires disadvanced *blink* Originally Posted By: Earth Empires disadvanced ARGH!!!!!!!! Anyway, now to a related and more useful note (it's "less advanced", by the way), that really doesn't hold water. Frankly, if you look at A5 and then look at A6, practically nothing's changed. The only really notable difference is that the latter runs like crap on computers that can run A5 just fine. Which is why I'm hopeful for a new engine here.
  24. I'd shop, but Eva only has 4 gold. And I somehow doubt Mayor Krilla would be willing to loan Eva cash.
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