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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph My new theory on what is going to happen in the Bloodmarsh: Click to reveal.. Originally Posted By: Lerasti, the historian "The first of Chamulsep's lieutenants was a fiendish artificer, who wrought horrible creations of flesh and metal. His machines were responsible for unspeakable atrocities, and formed the base of the Lord of Pain's power." I don't suppose this fellow, the only one of Chamulsep's minions whose end isn't mentioned in Eph's series of blurbs on the subject, might be living in the Bloodmarsh? And that his name might be Yunelias? And the Bloodmarsh party might be meeting him soon? Click to reveal.. (Blood Marsh Theorizing) I think that's almost the case. Remember, the cultists keep saying that Yunelias will "have form". Furthermore, the events of Chamulsep's reign took place so long ago that time-keeping and language has changed since, so the odds of him having lived multiple centuries, from what I can tell, is nil. So I've got three guesses here, arranged by likeliness: 1) Yunelias is the Artificer, and these cultists are trying to restore him to a new body. 2) Yunelias is the first/last/nickname of Chamulsep, and these cultists are trying to restore him to a new body. 3) Yunelias is some outside spirit/force/demon that gave the Artificer/Chamulsep power, and the cultists are trying to summon him and give him form to gain power/DESTROY MOTE/find their keys/some other reason. 3's a longshot, but I wouldn't count it out.
  2. Okay... phew... Quite possibly one of the most draining sessions of Brigandage I've done, but also one of the most awesome. Anyway, Everyone levels up, and the next session is Tuesday the 4th. I'll work on the log and preventing my brain from exploding, and will hopefully have it up soon.
  3. Session is in 2 hours 36 minutes. So why the early redirect? Because there's been minor lag in spidwebRP2. Not taking chances, I've decided to move it to spidwebRP3. So, in 2 hours and 36 minutes, make sure to use either the redirect or go to spidwebRP3. Originally Posted By: Unattributed When I was younger, I used to explore some of the abandoned ruins. Then, one time, I ran into a four-headed manticore. And I've stayed in town ever since.
  4. Sorry to hear about that. For how long?
  5. Well, in case you haven't picked it up from the new posts in this thread, Brigandage is TOMORROW. See what happens when the party is completely and utterly screwed! Originally Posted By: Ulroth, Flamekeeper Archmage of Necromancy Skarrifissk is the epitome of insanity. The island itself is a death-trap, two of their cities are battling each other, the finest city on the island is a den of thieves, Fort Tremerant brings xenophobia to an art form, and the less said about Nikorom, the better. If it wasn't for the Great Library at Ssareko Point, I'd write the whole island off as a loss. As it is, year after year, I have to send apprentices there and hope that at least a tenth of them come back.
  6. Dang... That's fast... Oh, and submitted a shopping cart. AMEND: Also, Alex was the one that found it, but I'll pick it up if no one else volunteers.
  7. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Too few people were available on such a short notice to do a session this week, my bad. Instead, we'll move it to two weeks from now, Saturday, May 8th. Hopefully with more notice, more people will be able to make it. -Emperor Tullegolar
  8. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Okay, I updated the character sheets, so everyone's inventory and such should be up to date. Let me know if you believe otherwise. Either way, do check out your inventory and make sure there isn't a bunch of awesome stuff in it you're forgetting to use! I'll see whoever can make it later tonight. -Emperor Tullegolar In related news, I won't be able to make it. I generally try to arrange things so I can ensure I'm there for the full six-or-more hours without difficulty, because real life does interfere sometimes, even for me. Problem is, on such short notice, there's no real way for me to do that, and Real Life is interfering, so... yeah. Sorry.
  9. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Alright the game will be Tomorrow, April 24th, at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Try to make it on time, as I'll probably start even if just two people are there at 7:00. -Emperor Tullegolar
  10. Er... Okay, Calamity Refuge is encountering some difficulties, which means the Redirect is down. In the meantime, try copying the following address into your address bar: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRP2
  11. Ereh ot tahc eht morf tcerider a eb dluow ti, sdrawkcab yllear saw siht fi. (setunim 62)
  12. Okay, so we have a date. Once again, it's on a Tuesday. Tuesday the 27th to be exact, at 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT). It's not the perfect fit, but what we have suggests that the next best date would the 8th of May, so... yeah.
  13. Note to calendar posters: If you submit your name twice, the calendar only shows your second response (since it thinks you're updating, not trying to differentiate between times that are perfect and times that are iffy). I bring it up because the calendar says that the closest thing we've got thusfar is the 2nd of May, but I received two e-mails about a single person. So I'm really hoping it's just an oddity of the calendar and not our actual best time thusfar.
  14. Originally Posted By: *i Dismissing that netiquette exists and apologizing to the server, an inanimate object, is rudeness. I don't think he was dismissing that netiquette existed, and either way, threatening someone with a perma-ban over such a minor issue is far more rude than cracking a snarky joke. Especially since he was not informed that it WAS a breach in the CoC until said formal warning. Heck, I didn't even know of that rule until now. I'm just saying that what you're doing here seems like massive overkill against a minor infraction with little-to-no malicious intent. He's new, mistakes happen. Just cut him some slack here.
  15. Okay, sorry for the lateness here, but Real Life intervened harshly, and I've had a rough couple of days. Okay, so nobody leveled at the end of last session. Good news is, we get a log and quotes instead! Click to reveal.. (QUOTES!!!) Casper: "Where to then mighty leader sent by the gods named Xuan?" Xuan: "HEIL!" Iliau: "...we need to kill Xuan and get a sage in our group." Harosh: "By admitting that you are untrustworthy, you invalidate your own argument." Erika: "The customer is always right." (Yes, that is supposed to make up for not getting a level. It's just that awesome. ) Anyway, next session was supposed to be the 20th, but seeing how I'm running behind, I don't think that'll work. So, unless you want me improving most of the session (and we've all seen how well that works out for the party), you guys get to FILL IN THE CALENDAR. (Sorry if the size is obnoxious, but I wanted something attention-getting) Finally, the site has been updated as well. See the link in my signature. On a related note, it took three different attempts to just get the synopsis page working... Apparently, my copy-paste skills need work.
  16. Lolwut? No, seriously. It seemed to me like a small joke and a confirmation to Randomizer that he'd try the strategy he suggested. Where, exactly, was this so-called rudeness? Anyway, try not to branch out too much on your characters. Don't overspecialize, but try to keep characters within the same slot (fighter, mage, priest, etc).
  17. Nioca

    Thank You Diki!

    Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Dikiyoba has infinitely more influence than all the noobs on this forum, as such, she has a ton of power. This topic shouldn't be derailed, however. FYT. Anyway, congrats on getting out, Diki! Seriously, though, good job moderating. I wonder who'll fill the empty slot now, though...
  18. I want to vote, but I have a question: What exactly is the definition of Wraith as an undead creature?
  19. Yeah, that was... surprising. Honestly, it's easy to act high and mighty in such a situation. It's not at all surprising, especially if one doesn't understand just how bad anger control issues can get. I had to go through some anger management when I was younger, and thank god that I did. That said, in the situation he described, I definitely wouldn't have punched the wall in. As much as I'm ashamed to say it.
  20. I recommend trying to restrain yourself a bit and keep from lashing out like that. Failing that, try trashing your own personal property if you want to punch something, rather than punching the wall. Still does damage, but at least it won't get you kicked out of your home for it. Other than that, I'm afraid I don't have much experience with this kind of situation. But I wish you luck.
  21. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Sorry I've been gone a few days, but the time has arrived for a new session. Here is the schedule for Session 6. Weekends seem to be best, so I only included them this time. Fill the thing in and I'll update character sheets within the next few days. -Emperor Tullegolar Somehow, I suspect there'll be scheduling conflicts in there with only six days as possibilities...
  22. That's one small redirect for Brigandage... (1 hour 30 minutes out) Also, be aware that we may have to change chat rooms. I noted last Bloodmarsh session that we were starting to encounter lag, and I hit lag logging on today, so...
  23. Ah. Right. I'll do that immediately.
  24. The next Brigandage session is Tomorrow at 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 PM CDT)! And it'll be a doozy!
  25. First, yay on Temmyn's appearance! I actually had guessed it five minutes after the last session ended, but still, it was nice to see someone from Labyrinth making a reappearance. Plus, I no longer have the lowest Max HP in the party. Second, level up! My points are going into bows... I'm not trusting the RNG anymore. I want to land a hit on as low a roll as possible. Click to reveal.. (Amadan Rayton) AMADAN RAYTON Click to reveal.. (Bio) Occupation: Alchemical Hunter Alignment: Kind Pragmatic Race: Human Homeland: Ona Deity: Liea, Goddess of Fire and Stone Age: 22 Attributes Level - 6 Strength - 3 Dexterity - 6 Intelligence - 4 HP - 20/21 (+3) Speed - 5 Stamina - 4/10 Skills Martial (Bows): 7 (+2) Magic (Transmutation): 4 Crafting (Alchemy): 2 Stealth: 2 Nature: 2 Perception: 2 Artifice: 1 Traits Negative Animal Attraction (Weakness) - For whatever reason, Amadan tends to attract animals, and animals around him tend to go hostile. Free Fire Arrows (Ability) - Amadan gets 2 free casts of the Fire Arrow spell each day. Liea's Blessing (Perk) - Amadan, who has somewhat inadvertently forged a deeper connection with Liea, receives Liea's Blessing, giving him a +1 bonus to all attack rolls involving fire, as well as a small damage bonus for the same. Click to reveal.. (Inventory) Items Ricochet Bow (arrows ricochet back toward target on miss) Quiver Wooden Arrows (x13) Steel Arrows (x7) Leather Armor Satchel Empty Vials (x1) Small Knife Mortar and Pestle Healing Potion (x4) Stamina Potion Steelskin Tonic Energy Booster Potion Water Flasks (x7) Preserved Food (x9) Javelins (x3) Vials of Walker Juice (x2) Torch Click to reveal.. (Spellbook) Spellbook (New) (Active) Fire Arrow (1S) - Wreathes an arrow in flame. 2 free casts/day. Loft - Makes an object lighter. Repair - Repairs an object, assuming one has all the pieces. Detrimentum - Disrupts the molecular structure of a target, damaging it. Spinneret Arrow (?S) - Transforms an arrow into a mass of sticky webbing on impact, entangling and bogging down the target. CryoArrow (2S) - Turns an arrowhead into an icy explosive. Cleanse - Cleanses a targeted object of filth and impurities. Comestible Succor - Makes a targeted object edible Explosive Arrow (1S) - Renders an arrow volatile, causing it to explode on impact. The more stamina, the bigger the blast.
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