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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar To answer Nalyd's question: I didn't level anyone after Session 4, so after Session 5 I decided that anyone who was around for most of either one of those sessions would level. Looking back, Session 4 wasn't really cut short by that much, it was still pretty long, so you get to level if you were at it, and Spaki was at it. -Emperor Tullegolar
  2. Awesome. I look forward to it!
  3. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Okay I've posted Session 5, so the logs are all up to date! Also added some more information to the Lore section of the web page, along with another familiar scene. I can't update the character sheets until everyone picks their new abilities, so if you guys would do that, that would be awesome. -Emperor Tullegolar Also, Kitsune, I choose you!
  4. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Great session the other day, not so much violence, but at least you got some seemingly useful information from some very important people. Hope you enjoyed meeting the Realmlords of Dream City. I posted Session 4, and I'll post Session 5 when I've updated the character sheets. As far as leveling and titles are concerned, I'll just cram the two together and give out those things now. Just about everyone leveled. People who are level 5 have unlocked a new tier of abilities and get to choose one of those. Svvtck the Samurai (Level 5): Virtue (a righteous aura to protect those around you from damage), Haiku (weaken your enemies with careful verse), Kitsune (summon a fox spirit to help you and fight at your side) Spaki the Necromancer (Level 5): Slime Mold (a slime mold which can attack with poison or be eaten for health), Raise Skeleton (summon an undead minion from the ground, no corpse necessary), Maggots (infest your foes with maggots) People who are level 4 don't get to choose a new ability, but instead get an upgrade of their starting ability. Antonius the Magician (Level 4): Ice Bolt (you continue to master the forces of magic, and can now summon a bolt of ice to freeze or damage your opponents) Sharrath the Sorcerer (Level 4): Integrate (harness the power of destruction to crush two or more things together with great force) Laban the Stratagist (Level 4): Guerrilla Warfare (you receive bonuses for ranged attacks or particularly dirty moves) Those below level 4 get to choose an ability from their first tier. Schaackss the Alchemist (Level 3): Armor Potion (makes a protection potion out of almost anything), Spirit Potion (created a powerful random potion out of almost anything) Pen Artifex the Artist (Level 3): Sculpt Rapier (use your abilities to sculpt common dirt into a fine weapon to use against your foes), Rain Dance (weaken your foes with a fearsome bird jig) Yoth the Shaman (Level 2): Dreaming Heal (make reality as harmless as a dream as wounds fade from you or an ally), Magic Dart (manifest a harmful physical projectile with nothing more than concentration), Peace Pipe (bust out that piece and make some peace, forcing a lull in any fight) The Guild Master is glad to hear you are all doing well enough in the Dream City. He wishes you luck and grants you new titles: Outer Order Apprentice, 2nd Class Guildling, Master Svvtck the Ingenius Outer Order Apprentice, Darklord Spaki Njordvald the Ingenius of the Nega Initiate of the Casting Circle, 2nd Class Guilding, Darklord Antonius the Bland Bland of the Nega Lord Laban Lugubre the Lucky Lord Yoth the Bland If your titles sound bad, don't worry, they get better. And even a bad title is better than none at all. Your neighbor would probably be jealous, oh wait, she'd dead. Ah well, it seems you guys might have some friends in high places soon enough. I'll post the last session, new character sheets, and a schedule for session 6 probably by the end of the week. If you have any questions, just ask! -Emperor Tullegolar
  5. Thanks for the accolades, though I strongly suspect that if you had seen the map before the sepia-toning, you wouldn't be complimenting it nearly as much. I do wonder though... Should I still blame an NPC? Anyway, I'm finally remembering to run my notes through a spellchecker, so if nothing else, this session will be awesome from a grammatical standpoint. Speaking of which, the big session is tomorrow! Originally Posted By: Aerat Barnes, Thane Guard Captain Last week, I caught a boom squirrel pickpocketing someone. It's a sad state of affairs when even the local wildlife is trying to rob people.
  6. Alright, we've got map! I'm not the greatest artist, but this should hold us over. Furthermore, as you explore further (or just buy better maps), I'll be updating this map to reflect it. As you can see, it's pretty blank thusfar... We're still on for Tuesday, so see you there! Originally Posted By: Yealto, Historian A lot of Skarrifissk's history has been maddeningly lost to the ravages of time. Yet, if the scattered ruins and remnants of paved road are any indication, this island was once host to a mighty kingdom. If I were to have one wish in this lifetime, it'd be to explore those ruins without risking my life and limb, but between the bandits and monsters, I doubt that'll come to pass.
  7. Man alive... is there anyway to improvise here? The last Blood Marsh session wasn't all that strong, and the one before that was a month-and-a-half ago, so it's a bit disheartening that we'll have to wait two weeks just to go again.
  8. Redirect, Redirect, Redirect to Chat!
  9. Rowen is going to kill me. I just know it.
  10. The usual redirect. Also, +1 postcount.
  11. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Reminder that the game is tomorrow, at the usual 7:00 PM Eastern Time. I decided not to update the character sheets since the last session was cut short and there was no leveling. If you are unsure about your inventory, just ask during the game, as I always have up to date inventory even if it's not on the site. I added some sections to the Lore Page on the game's website. As usual, it's really just more detailed information on stuff learned during actual sessions. In case you haven't noticed, a primary dynamic of this game is the way you learn about the World by playing, as opposed to being given all the lore from the start. I added sections on Military and Industry on Earth, and will probably add a religion section soon as well, so check back every so often for more pictures and information. Enjoy! -Emperor Tullegolar
  12. Well, after much procrastination, We have a log. Also, some quotes, too! Click to reveal.. (So, two quotes walk into a bar...) "That. Was. The. Most. Epic. Barfight. I've. Ever. Seen." - Anthony "Once more, we come so close to subtlety, and yet we fall short." - Harosh "You're looking for more taverns? How many does a single city need?" - Dragonborn Thug "I want my momma..." - Casper "Is it time to hit him yet?" - Iliau Also, everyone levels up. Alright, now to the bad news. Nalyd is grounded indefinitely, which means his character will likely be out of the campaign until he gets his privileges reinstated. For better news, there's no calendar. Rather, I'm scheduling the next session for the coming Tuesday (23rd). Let me know if this doesn't work for you and we need a calendar after all. I look forward to the next session. It ought to be fun.
  13. ...You mean that armored guy that throws an axe? The levers around the arena will deactivate one of the runes. You then have to run across that rune while it's still inactive to get down with him, and then use the lever down in that pit. Just be careful. One setting disrupts his nigh-invulnerability. The other disrupts him, and anything within a 10-square radius for 600+ unblockable damage.
  14. 58 minutes to Brigandage. 0 minutes to redirect.
  15. Nioca

    Jeff's New Game

    All-in-all, this is really why I'm hoping for something new and crazy. Take a look at GF1: Fresh game design, with very little of the baggage from previous games. I mean, sure, it wasn't perfect, but it just seemed like everything worked in harmony there. Once we hit the later games, it seemed like there was a bunch of extraneous stuff tacked on to the system, bogging it down. Now look at GF5: It felt very clear that everything was made to be BIGGER and BETTER. Like it was trying too hard. But there's a reason GF1 worked in the first place, and while you obviously can't have carbon copies of the same system, trying to stay true to the original games' roots would probably have served it better in the long haul. Better example: Look at the Avernum original trilogy, and look at the second trilogy. Which one is more popular? Avernums 1-3 focused on open exploration, heroes, and so forth. That's what Avernum was built on. Then we hit the second trilogy, and we got Geneforge stuff injected into it. Moral quandaries, sides, and so forth. Which is all good for Geneforge, but in Avernum, it feels like the game's having an identity crisis more than anything else. What happened to being the clear-cut heroes of Avernum?
  16. Nioca

    Jeff's New Game

    Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: cfgauss Oops I was one space too far away to cast group heal on everyone, now someone's dead. I've nothing to say here, really, except that I don't see that this is worth complaining about. It's an error on your part, after all. ...Except you don't know what the range of that spell is to begin with, and it's always centered on your caster anyway so you have to get them right in the fray of things just to have the spell take effect.
  17. Nioca

    Jeff's New Game

    Fixed Your Typo. Generally used to insert words into other peoples' mouths, though in this case he was actually giving you a better phrase. Although I'll have to try Fairly Yuppie Trousers sometime...
  18. At 7:48 AM Yesterday... Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Eh. I could take a week off with no problem. Watch. Thirteen hours and forty-five minutes later, in the "Let's Make a fanfic" thread... Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Editing to correct errors is always, always, always, always a good idea. [more stuff] Not even 24 hours, Ackrovan. For shame! Anyway, the only definitive reason I come back here is for AIMHack. Note the 'definitive'; I'm sure I'd still be bouncing around here if AIMHack didn't exist.
  19. It looks like we've got a date! Tuesday, March 16th is our next Brigandage session. It'll be in spidwebRP2 at 7:00 PM EST (6:00 CST). See you there! Originally Posted By: Erin Halvot, Tylvian Druid I've seen a few people try to ride manticores. And let me tell you, it doesn't work. Not because they can't be tamed, but because riding on one puts you right in the line of fire of their spines.
  20. Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black You never specified how many there were. Need to keep my inventory straight. I'm thinking two since I didn't search the elf and the goblin got disintegrated. Fair enough. It's been noted. Quote: (Though I fully expect you to say something like When Casper pulls out a knife, it happens to be one of the ones he picked up off a thug. Being of such poor quality, it snaps in his hand and digs into his palm giving him Tetanus. (2 damage and poisoned) The next time I roll a one on an attack.) Aw. You took all the fun out of that. Anyway, with three response in, it looks like my prediction was accurate. Tuesday (16th), Thursday (18th), and Saturday (20th) look to be our best dates thusfar. It's also starting to look like Tuesday or Thursday sessions could become a regular thing. Tuesday in particular seems to be most regularly available, if both this calendar and the previous are any indication. So keep popping dates in the Calendar. It just may become a session every Tuesday. Originally Posted By: Aerat Barnes, Thane guard captain The southeast side of town is a no-man's-land, controlled predominantly by thugs and thieves. My predecessor tried desperately to retake control of it, taking grander and grander measures to force the lawless elements out. His final effort was to try and simply raze that part of the city with fire, but he was assassinated the day prior to the plan taking effect.
  21. The first game I played was A3, and for me, that was the one in the series that really seemed to shine. Massive world, tons of stuff to do, huge quest, best engine, so forth. A1 and A2 were too open, A4 used the crappy ported geneforge engine, A5 was a miniboss grindfest, and A6... well, it seems better than 5, but I haven't really been able to get into it as much as I'd like. Also, I find it hilarious that A4 and A5 have tied in the number of people calling it their favorite, considering all the crap that gets dumped on A4. As for favorite system, definitely the A1-3 system. It felt like it actually belonged to the series. The later system felt like it was jury-rigged in (probably because it was), and has always seemed rather funky to work with. Bring back the inventory in the automap, dang it!
  22. First session was a success, if a little rough around the edges. Thankfully, you can relive the npc abuse glory through this log. But now, onto the quotes! Click to reveal.. Harosh: "We're going to get lynched, aren't we?" Crusty Dragon Bartender: "You know, I'm allowed to hear you from three feet away." Anthony: "May we please stop blatantly insulting our first possible lead?" Erika: "We're here to thwart Brigands, not steal from dwarves." Wallo: "Manners, manners... You people have atrocious manners." Casper: "Sorry if I seem rude. I am an elf after all. That's the way my momma raised me." Xuan: "My subtle strategic genius lies fallow passed out in a cart in front of a seedy inn!" Iliau: "No wonder there are bandits here. Just look at all this wealth!" Krath: "All I know about him is that he likes frequenting the taverns. 'Course, after fifteen years of hard thievery, I'd probably want a drink too." Dialogue JARGENS: "Oh, didn't see ya there! Say, you the ones going out to hunt brigands?" XUAN: "No. We are not. We were seeing Alaris as part of a confidential business deal." ILIAU: "The business deal being, of course, the fact that we're going to kill some brigands." New calendar is up, so please mark off when the next session would work for you. Right now, from the previous calendar, our best days look like: - Saturday the 13th - Tuesday the 16th - Thursday the 18th Originally Posted By: Hera, Dragonborn Weather Witch Weather manipulation is a subtle and tiring craft, requiring gentle manipulation rather than plain-sweeping alterations. It's not all about striking people with lightning, though that is a small perk.
  23. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar While no day was perfect for everyone, I've decided on Saturday, March 20th. It's a ways off, but I'll post reminders when the day draws near. Lord Quincey awaits! -Emperor Tullegolar
  24. The wait is almost over. 12 minutes to the first Brigandage session. And you know what's missing? A redirect.
  25. Nah. Best part was the total break-down of party cohesion when we met the traveling circus. Blood Marsh party: Good at rekilling things. Bad at social interaction. AMEND: Oh, and planning ahead. We have once again wandered into the wilderness completely unprepared. No food, no water, and a tattered excuse of a tent that only got replaced through Esstra's magic.
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