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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Nioca


    Originally Posted By: Niemand [^1]: I just want to note that I'm not happy with this sentence fragment. The parenthetical portion is supposed to be optional, such that its removal would leave a correct and meaningful sentence, so I can't put the article inside it. However, the presence of the parenthetical portion necessitates a modification of the article, specifically, making it shorter. There's no good way to specify that if the parenthetical portion is omitted, an 'n' should be appended to the preceding word. Argh! You could just remove the parentheses. Still seems odd, but it removes all the grammatical problems you just outlined.
  2. Also, Duck, you still need to level up. Do you want Alexander to be stuck as a Level 3 character forever?
  3. I've been slow doing reviews, because I'm still trying to get back into Blades. And I haven't wanted to port scenarios because I'm using a new format AND because I want to look them over again to make sure I gave them an accurate rating. I've come a long ways from my old reviews.
  4. That was... unexpected. Wow. Nice work, Diki.
  5. (triple post... wow) With 2/3s of the party reporting, the following days look good: - Sunday, March 7th (iffy) - Monday, March 8th - Tuesday, March 9th Originally Posted By: Wallo, Traveling Lacewing Healer Thane would like to think that its problems are limited to its city walls. It's not; I've been mugged on roads no less than six times in the past week, and other travelers have fared no better.
  6. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Originally Posted By: Ephesos We seem to be rather short on Spiderweb Lore as of late... a lot of the people from the original deathmatch vdon't really hang out here anymore, and not as many people have filled the gimmicky gaps. This is very true. Although it began in 2007, the Deathmatch really sprang out of a short period of vibrant cultural activity here, in the first half of 2006, when tons of old gimmicky members were still around, yet when the boards were already less spammy and more thoughtful than in the real old times. Also, get off my lawn. Dammit, now I feel old for remembering exactly what that was like. I'd like to point out though that the second half of 2006 was probably the spammiest this board ever saw, though.
  7. And last (but not least), the party thief: Click to reveal.. Name: Erika Johnson (Duck) Occupation: Reluctant Pickpocket Race: Human Alignment: Charitable Strength: 2 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 4 Health: 10 Martial (Dagger): 2 Stealth: 4 (RB) Perception: 3 (RB) Streetwise: 2 Thievery: 2 Bluff: 1 Diplomacy: 1 So, as soon as the calendar is filled in, we'll be all set! Also, still working on the website and will hopefully have that up soon. Originally Posted By: "Seven-finger" Sven, Thief I can't help but look upon the new generation of thieves with disgust as skill and talent gets replaced with thuggery and depravity. Robbing a merchant of several hundred gold without him being the wiser is an accomplishment. Mugging a blind hobo for three coppers is just sadistic.
  8. Okay, there's something alarming about that calendar. Namely, the part that says the session will be six minutes long. I'm praying for typo right about now.
  9. The carnival has arrived! And it brought with it party member #5: Click to reveal.. Name: Casper "Dirk" Willis (Jewels) Race: Elf Occupation: Carnival Sideshow Alignment: Cautious Strength - 3 Dexterity - 4 Intelligence - 4 Health - 8 Martial (Throwing Knives) - 4 Streetwise - 3 (RB) Magic (Divination) - 2 Magic (Enchantment) - 2 Perception - 1 Bluff - 1 (RB) And please remember to submit available dates to the Calendar. Originally Posted By: Aerat Barnes, Thane Guard Captain I've heard of a distant city called Sarden, composed entirely of bandits. And while I'm appalled at such an affront to the law, some small part of me wishes they'd come recruiting here. If only to make my job easier.
  10. Bad News On the last World session, some of you may recall that it ended prematurely thanks to horrendous lag. Guess what Eph and I found when he was preparing for the session just now? That's right. It's still laggy. The server just seems to glitch up. Good News We found a solution. The problem isn't with AIM per say, so much as with that particular room. We don't know why, but it's only that room that lags. So, the session will take place in spidwebRP2. The redirect has been updated accordingly.
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Also, it's Harosh. Small difference, but yeah. I had it right in my notes... Gah, fixed.
  12. Um... One's a Conjurer/Melee Fighter, and the other's a Conjurer/Scholar. Big difference.
  13. Two more characters! That's half the party done. Anthony, the Dwarven Magesmith. Click to reveal.. Name: Anthony Block (Nalyd) Occupation: Magesmith Race: Dwarf Deity: Liea Alignment: You'll have to ask my wife. Strength: 5 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 3 Health: 8 Skills: Martial (Hammers) - 4 Magic (Transmutation) - 3 Crafting - 2 Artifice - 2 (RB) Religion - 1 (RB) And Iliau, Druid Misanthrope extraordinaire. Click to reveal.. Name: Iliau (Dikiyoba) Race: Lacewing Gender: Other Occupation: Rogue Druid Alignment: Misanthropic Strength - 3 Dexterity - 3 Intelligence - 4 Health - 10 Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Martial (Blunt Object) - 3 Nature - 2 Artifice - 1 Thievery - 1 (RB) History - 1 (RB)
  14. Okay, we have our first two characters! First off, we have Harosh, the Druidic Lacewing. Click to reveal.. Name: Harosh (Ephesos) Occupation: Disciple of Orlis Alignment: Distant Race: Lacewing Deity: Liea Strength - 2 Dexterity - 4 Intelligence - 4 Health - 10 Magic (Transmutation) - 4 Magic (Divination) - 1 Martial (Slings) - 2 History - 3 (RB) Perception - 2 Thievery - 1 (RB) Next, Xuan, the Conjurer/Jack-of-all-trades. Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 8 Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 2 Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 1 Perception - 1 (RB) Two more characters are in the wings. Nalyd's got an almost-complete one, and Jewels has got a partially complete one. I still have to get the site up, and will hopefully have that up sometime tomorrow.
  15. No Intro: Send in a character sheet. I still say seven characters is pushing it, but I always love a challenge.
  16. That would bring the number of players up to seven, which is definitely pushing it. I might be able to do seven, but I want to actually get my bearings and find out just how efficiently I can handle six characters before getting myself in too deep. Plus, scheduling seven will no doubt be a complete and utter nightmare. That said, you're free to send in a character sheet. If someone else drops out or it turns out I can process six characters efficiently, that slot would be open for you.
  17. (double post) In the meantime, here's a calendar. Sessions will start around 5:00 to 7:00 PM EST.
  18. Okay, wow. That makes six. I await your character sheets eagerly.
  19. So, after a little bit of encouragement, I've decided to run my own AIMHack campaign. It'll be a bit of a simple start, but hopefully I can get it to the same levels of epicness as Eph at some point. For simplicity, this campaign takes place on Mote, just like the other two AIMHack campaigns running right now. This one will start on the island of Skarrifissk, which is encountering some brigand troubles. But without further ado, the intro: Quote: Thane has, for some reason, always attracted brigands and low-lifes. Despite (or perhaps because of) being a fine city of noble people, criminals seem to draw to the city like a magnet, plaguing the streets and surrounding countryside and defying the city guard's best efforts to uproot them. Indeed, more than a handful of notorious thieves have gotten their start in this humble city. However, in the past weeks, crime has experienced a flare-up. Merchants are finding their homes robbed, and caravans are getting waylaid by highwaymen with alarming frequency. Most recently, Alaris Teraon, a wealthy elven connoisseur of jewelry, was robbed by an unknown party. The city guard has thusfar been baffled by the recent upsurge in brigandage. Alaris, dissatisfied with the guard's performance, decided to take matters into his own hands, and hire mercenaries to track down his precious baubles. Seeming like brave and heroic (not to mention paying) work, you heeded the call... I still have to get my site up and going, but in the meantime, this needs characters! So send in your character sheets. Once we've got characters, I'll get a calendar posted and get this show on the road.
  20. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Hey party, Okay, first off, contrary to the above message, Stareye told me that we do not, in fact, need to start all over. Your characters and the game so far will remain intact. I will post a schedule for the next session soon, when I know my own schedule a bit better. Thank you all for your support, I'll do my best to repay it. -Emperor Tullegolar
  21. Ditto, Mystic. I have to admit, I'm a little disheartened to hear that monsters still have a lot of hitpoints... is Jeff still sticking with the "Every enemy's a miniboss" setup he used in A5?
  22. Heh. He should have gone on about using it, though.
  23. As a heads-up, don't shoot the messenger here. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar The CoC defines the boundaries of good taste? I'd say good luck arguing that, but I feel like people have already proven smart enough to make the decision on their own and will still make the same decisions regardless of warnings. I mean, this isn't the first session you've been to, Diki, you should have known by now what they contained. Was there a part that sent you over the edge in particular? Because I'd be interested to know just where those boundaries are. Or just in a bad mood today? I know I am. Session was cut short because of lag. I'm pretty sore about it, actually. Hopefully we can schedule another for sometime soon. -Emperor Tullegolar P.S. I would prefer if the warning said "Contains some mature content." The content is actually quite appropriate for all those involved and it didn't veer anywhere, it was like that from the start.
  24. This may or may not lead to the chat room. It also may or may not lead to Rick Astley singing. You won't know till you click. Anyway, we're an hour out. EDIT: What fresh hell is this?!? Apparently, UBB doesn't like long links.
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