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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Okay... I think we've got a peg on the next TWO sessions. The dates of the next sessions are: Session #7 - Sunday the 16th 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) Session #7 - Thursday the 13th 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) Session #8 - Tuesday the 18th 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) I know that's rapid-fire succession, but I want to make sure Harosh has a fitting finale, since he'll be leaving soon. Originally Posted By: Tark, Dwarven Ship Captain Ye landlubbers have it easy! Out here on the great Sea o' Mote, even the water itself is trying to kill you!
  2. Wikipedia is your friend, Sssharxx. Anyway, I'm afraid I can't help you, since I've never done D&D 3.5. However, I can tell you that this isn't the first time someone's attempted to convert Geneforge to D&D. Such attempts tend to vanish after a period of time. It's a lot of effort, and from what I can remember, reception tends to be mixed, at best.
  3. THIS. IS. REDIRECT!!! (1 hour 27 minutes out)
  4. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Reminder the game is tomorrow at the usual time, 7:00 pm Eastern Time, in the usual room. We will start with two people if only two are there by 7:00. See you all there. -Emperor Tullegolar
  5. Shopping in Niskos is picking up a bit more than just goods. Meet: Click to reveal.. Name: Darusk (Bloodmoon) Race: Dragonborn Occupation: Pardoners Pantheon : Sliros Alignment : "I don't know" Strength: 5 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 3 HP: 28 Magic (Necromancy): 4 First Aid: 2 Martial (Scythe): 7 Diplomacy: 2 Stealth: 3 Hopefully, he'll be up on the Roster soon. Next up, if there is any shopping at all that you want to do, make sure to PM me. I've only had one individual express interest in actually buying stuff thusfar. Finally, make sure to marks dates in the CALENDAR. I've only got dates from 1 party member thusfar, and I need more to schedule next session. Originally Posted By: Wik, Lacewing Alchemist Why do people still buy Elixirs of Unexpected Effects? It's basically the waste product of a potion gone wrong, and there are easier and less painful ways to have a rhinoceros land on your chest.
  6. Attack Accuracy. I just call it attack because... that's what I call it. *sniped* Originally Posted By: Wallo, Lacewing Traveling Healer You know something? For all the self-proclaimed servants of the gods around here, I seem to be doing far more good for the isle of Skarrifissk. And I'm making money doing it!
  7. Okay, so the CALENDAR is ready. Please post dates that work for you! Now, next up, the Log, which has been sitting completed on my hard disk for quite some time. Still, it allowed me to work out some kinks, and it's the biggest log yet, actually managing triple-digit size! Oh, and can't forget quotes! Click to reveal.. (Now with 50% more quotation marks!) Xuan: "No, no, this one is quite simple. All we need is a bellman's uniform and a crate of turtles." DM: Reat gives the what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-Xuan look that seems to be popular on Skarrifissk. Casper: "I get mad when I get tired. I get good when I get mad." Reat (NPC): "Yes, like I'd be idiotic enough to forget there's spellcasters in your group. You insult me." - Reat Harosh: "I am going to pound that smarmy goblin's ass so hard into the ground that he'll need Orlis's Expansive Chasm to get himself out..." Raphael (NPC): "Do you mind if I claim that I killed him? It'd make for some nice credentials in Thane. I can see it now... 'Raphael, hero of the Ricoto underworld'." Erika: "You can claim to be PART of the group that killed him." Iliau: "Dibs!" Alright, now onto character business. The Character Roster has been updated. We had some difficulties with miscalculated health last time, so take a look at your character and make sure what you've got matches up with the roster. Naturally, if you have reason to believe I'm wrong, let me know. I've checked the thing three times, but I won't rule out the possibility of still missing something. Speaking of which, you'll notice that a new Carry Capacity has been added to each inventory list. Basically, each item has a size value from 0-10, which is added to the total carry value for the person carrying it. Equipped items (e.g. primary weapons, armor, etc.) usually don't count, though there are exceptions (see Xuan). And each person can carry up to 40 SUs (Size units. Clever, ain't it?) of stuff, with exceptions (again, see Xuan). Finally, let's get down to some new perks. For demonstrating unbridled hatred of a certain goblin, Harosh has earned: WITH A VENGEANCE "I am going to pound that smarmy goblin's ass so hard into the ground that he'll need Orlis's Expansive Chasm to get himself out..." Reat has successfully earned the ire of Harosh. Harosh earns a +2 bonus on any check (combat or otherwise) knowingly made against Reat and/or anyone working directly with him. Next, we've got Xuan, who has successfully punned his way into earning... PUNISHING WORDPLAY "Why don't you just take a chill pill?" Xuan's punning tends to cause homicidal feelings in anyone within earshot. If an attack or a diplomacy check is made with a pun, all nearby enemies (who can understand the pun) are forced to make a will save. Failure will cause the enemy to go berserk, decreasing attack and defense. The catch is that berserk enemies do more damage AND are more likely to target Xuan. But wait! There's more! Whoever possesses the Battlestaff of Garth (Iliau, at the moment) has access to a new combat maneuver: PYROWHIRL He then starts whirling his staff high above his head. Suddenly, plumes of flame start shooting out the ends, whirling about. At the cost of 2 stamina, the wielder can spin the staff above his/her/hir head. The staff will spray fire, severely burning any enemies within his/her/hir line of sight that lack the sense to duck. The boots Harosh got have a special ability as well, but Harosh hasn't identified them well enough to work out the exact effects. ...Yep, not done yet. We have a brief interlude for the party. Click to reveal.. (Interlude) Your welcome in Niskos was not a warm one. The Periot is apparently one of Garth's personal ships, which caused quite some alarm amongst the city guard. You were effectively forced to see Lord Torres, the current commander of Niskos. Thankfully, things quickly got better. You didn't even need to tell Torres what happened; one look at Garth's old battlestaff apparently told her all she needed to know. Scrutiny turned to accolades. Raphael quickly managed work some rewards out of Torres. She agreed easily to restocking the Periot for free, and you were each rewarded with 25 gold. For once, it seems something's finally going right. Frankly, Niskos doesn't seem much different from Ricoto; it seems to be under perpetual marshal law. Thankfully, the guards here aren't as edgy or uptight. Still, it's quite obvious that the feud between the Garths and Torres' has been taking a toll on both cities. Raphael is going to take the Periot out tomorrow; as a favor, he'll take you wherever you want to go. In the meantime, it seems you're free to do what you want (within the bounds of legality). Basically, you each get an additional 25 gold, and if there's any shopping, sage-seeing, or other stuff you want to do in town, now is the time to do it. Send me a list of what you want to do via PM. Note that streetwise WILL factor in to how successful you are at finding stuff. Phew. I think that's about it... Though I think I'm forgetting something... Oh, right, quote. Originally Posted By: Yealto, Historian Skarrifissk's hilltop citadel is probably its most notable man-made landmark. A remnant of a long-lost kingdom or empire, it's said that the citadel is haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants. Having been there myself, I can confirm that there's something strange there, and it's best observed from a distance.
  8. No go. First off, it's not a tower. Second off, I've already tried it with no success. Third off, I didn't build this computer, and I've been unable to figure out how to actually tear this down enough to actually get the power supply out. My next computer? Going to be a full tower with enough room to actually tinker around in, rather than a tiny little desktop model where everything's compressed together. There is good news, though. According to my diagnostic software, the computer is not overheating. The Hard Disk and power supply is a little warmer than I'd care for, but not dangerously so. So for now, it's just annoying (And you could chill drinks on my CPU). In other news: Quote: So... yeah. I'll need to put up a calendar as soon as I finish the other stuff, which will happen... at some point in the indeterminate future. Depends on if whatever twisted forces of fate decide to screw with me again. Not two hours after I posted this, I got a call on my cell phone. I've got a job interview today. And in a small town like this, that's practically like saying, "You're hired." Not complaining, but I have to admit. Good one, forces of fate.
  9. Rowen: It's run hot, but I'm not sure if it's actually overheating or not... I'm getting a diagnostic tool now to keep an eye on it. Anyway, it's the power supply fan that's the problem... Which means that, eventually, I'm going to need to find a way into the power supply to clean it out.
  10. Allow me to summarize what's been happening since I made that last post. APRIL 30TH - "Meh, I've got a lot of stuff to do, and Blood marsh is today. I'll work on it tomorrow." MAY 1ST - "Okay, lists double-checked, everything appears in order, now to just save m- *power failure* "Aw, crap." MAY 2ND - "Okay, let's get that list fini- WHAT DO YOU MEAN, INTERNET'S DOWN?!?" MAY 3RD - "Okay, let's finally work on that list and- what's that noise?" *cue seven hours of digging through the computer trying to figure out what the [censored] is making that grinding noise and wondering if his hard disk is about to die, followed by two hours of backing up data, and another of discovering that it's a dust-clogged fan he can't reach* So... yeah. I'll need to put up a calendar as soon as I finish the other stuff, which will happen... at some point in the indeterminate future. Depends on if whatever twisted forces of fate decide to screw with me again. Oh, and Xuan and Erika have yet to level up. So maybe it's for the best that it got temporarily delayed. _________________________ *Is listening to the fan grind with agitation*
  11. Originally Posted By: Tullegolar Just a reminder, the next session is exactly one week from today. Should definitely have enough notice this time around. -Emperor Tullegolar
  12. So much for playing one of the less common races in the party.
  13. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Also, indeed kudos to Nioca for finally braving a 1-STR character... his characters' strength has steadily dropped since Labyrinth. Heh. Yes, it has, from 3 (Etris) to 2 (Amadan) and now 1 (Eva). I guess strength just isn't my strong-point... Also, wow, look at those names...
  14. Fair enough. Also, the log's complete, but I need to look over character sheets and update the inventories. So... update within 24hrs. Originally Posted By: Unattributed Fog's been gathering off the southern coast... As if ship travel wasn't dangerous enough already.
  15. YAY! *has been missing Sawbones terribly*
  16. Ah, but that's what spot checks ar- Oh wait. Dust. Damn.
  17. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Xiriatl and Eva will become squishy and very squishy respectively. Xiriatl: If Amadan has taught me one thing, it's that you never underestimate Dexterity's phys. resist bonus. It doesn't matter if you're running on 1 HP if you never get hit in the first place. Eva: That's what the Abjuration is for. Or, in the beginning, just using her glass railgun abilities to take out enemies before they close. That said, there's a reason it's still called a trade-off. It's a little pain now for a bigger reward later. And if the party starts with only 40/48 hitpoints instead of the usual 50/60, well, I'm sure we'll manage. Quote: Dikiyoba is not complaining, however. Dikiyoba wants to see a character finally die and this seems like the perfect opportunity. Go, Eva, go! So do I, actually. It seems almost unnatural how long we've gone without a character death... 3 1/2 campaigns... That said, I will be staying near the back of the group. Which is what I usually do anyway, but now it's even further back.
  18. Probably because HP can easily be recouped. For example, spending 2 HP on a level of strength will result in that expenditure paying for itself within two levels.
  19. We'll see how it goes... I actually wanted to run Amadan at 1 strength, but Eph informed me I might have to spend stamina just to pull back the bow string. Anyway, most of my Abjuration ideas won't come into play until I get some more points in Abjuration. With that class, 2 points doesn't do a whole lot.
  20. Fun fact: Every character thus far has had 1 point in religion. Go religion!
  21. More than likely, CDT (UTC-5).
  22. I'm in. I want to see how space and hi-tech combat works out. (Course, it looks like you're using automatic weapons which can typically by justified as a shot being "burst fire", which sorta side-steps around my problem. But still)
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